May 2010 | Eyesore
Architectural Abortions from the USA and Around the World (And Sometimes Other Miscellany Infecting the Landscape)
This abortion, called the The ArcelorMittal Orbit [WTF???], will be the central ornament for the London Olympics scheduled for 2012 -- if the United Kingdom still exists as an intact political entity then. The architect is Anish Kapoor. The HuffPo reports: "The tower, named after steel magnate and the richest man in London, Lakshmi Mittal, consists of almost 1,000 tonnes of steel which visitors will be able to climb." Calling all British liability lawyers.... To me the structure looks like the unearthed skeleton of an architect who had died as a result of flying up his own bung-hole.
Personally, I doubt that there will be an Olympiad in 2012. Whatever remains of Old Blighty will be bankrupt many times over (along with many other nations -- or former nations).