Maybe there is no pick for the FBI because one of the great cost cutting measures is the elimination of the Eff-Bee-Eye and it's 40,000 brownshirts. We don't need 17 "intelligence agencies" spread across the country to harass everyone that went to a rally on J6. Shut it down and proclaim the day Ashli Babbet day.

We can only hope at this point.

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It's an valid idea. How to you throw out the bath water but save the baby? An institution that was virtually founded on the principles of black mail by Mr "Dirty Pics" himself (J Edgar Hoover) has a many decades institutional culture that's nearly impossible to clear with anything less than a clean burn and rebuild. Is that even possible? LOTS of good and talented people in the organization and LOTS of necessary capability it would suck to discard. But how does one root out and cleans the culture of mutual blackmail?

I always think about Whitney Webb's "One Nation Under Blackmail" books. The title says it all. Everyone has dirt on everyone else and the FBI is the face of that paradigm starting with J Edgar. When a president can't fire a director without bracing for impeachment you know you have a problem

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Once again a comment is cut off in mid sentence.

Happening a lot lately.

Also various links to videos, etc not working.

One even disappeared after clicking on.

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Are you viewing it in the app on your phone. I use the app on my iPhone and for the last 2-3 days, when I attempt to click on a link, it ends up collapsing the entire comment and I have also notice comments that appear to be cut off

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My solution to clicking on links has been to place my finger on the link and hold it there, keep on pressing. A pop up windows will appear that gives you the option to go to the link. Try it.

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Yes, using the Substack app on my iPhone

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I have found it good to compose in Word, then copy & paste to my comment. No typos & hard to ‘disappear’ depending on what cookiebots are active on my browser…

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Speaking of cut off


10:31 AM

I have found it good to compose in Word, then copy & paste to my comment. No typos & hard to 'disappear' depending on what cookiebots are active on my.

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Glad to hear it’s not just me. Thought I was doing something wrong

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Did you say doing “something wrong?”’cause that disappeared on my phone … 😬

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Phone? Yep, lost your last word too.

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Clean burn.

No rebuild.

Lengthy prison sentences for treason.

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Except for the fact that BOTH impeachments were FAKE...false pretences. The first one was for Trump getting rid of their cover-up man...the second for a FAKE FED-surrection that porklosi herself planned with several of her DEMONIC, REPTILIAN friends/SOCIOPATHS!

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Lawfare in the pursuit of lawlessness pressed forward by lawless thugs funded by our extorted taxes.

Staged show trials based on specious charges with predetermined outcomes were a fav of the Bolshevik Stalinist commies. Murder and suppression by "rule of law". That gavel would swing then off to an appointment with a pistol and that's that. Or if you were "lucky" you might be sent to the Gulag with a near certainty of death but of course in the service of "the greater good" which in that case was to move Russia from the peasant agrarian era to the industrial era in an insanely short time all while thinning the herd of the bad people. Such synergy.

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Here's how Mr. Trump should handle the EFF-BEE-EYE. The day after inauguration he needs to send a notice to the 40,000 brownshirts and tell them they have one year notice. He'll give them one year of severance pay. Plenty of time for these thugs to go find employment in their states and local cities. Then, shut it down. Gone. Make it like a fart in the wind. Poof. The stink vanishes.

Ah, the dreams. If only.

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Skip the severance and hope they don't infest local law enforcement.

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The severance would give him the "mercy" points. That's all.

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What's wrong with unemployment the rest of us have to be happy with?

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"tell them they have one year notice"

One year? ONE YEAR??? That's one year too many to destroy docs and otherwise subvert any investigation into their shenanigans.

Pink-slip them on the spot, effective immediately.

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Why? Is Federal Law Enforcement clearly mandated in the Constitution? If it is then great. If it not, or if it is authorized by some vacuous claim to the oft used "commerce clause" then law enforcement should be left to the individual states as required by the 10th Amendment.

We either abide by the law of this land or we don't. If it is not specifically in the Constitution then it belongs to the states. Pissing around with federal authority is what got us into this mess in the first place.

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This is the point that should be made over and over again until it hurts. DJT needs to explain his every move by starting with a reminder that the Constitution grants the federal government limited and proscribed powers. Everything else is unconstitutional and that will justify elimination. Choosing the Education Dept. as the first target is brilliant. It's a good start. FBI would make a great second.

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Not defending the f.b.i. but one of the reasons for the f.b.i. was rob a bank or some other crime in one state, flee to another and be home free. Although the Pinkerton's were kind of an f.b.I. and did well from what I have read. There's also crimes that states can't deal very well with. I don't know the answer except that the f.b.i. and the other three letter agencies have grown into untouchable unaccountable principalities all of their own and something has to be done to rein them in.

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When presidents tremble at the prospect of firing a clearly rogue FBI director you know it is far past time for them to get re-calibrated

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Flat bed trucks loaded with cement barriers statically located at EFF BEE EYE headquarters, use the barriers to deny access, you're all fired! You might be rehired after a through review. No subversives allowed.

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What Federal Law enforcement? Other than invading homes without warrants and avoiding doing anything about sociopathic kids, what do they do? They are the basis of Lawfare and for that reason alone should be disbanded.

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Take down the websites of prominent thinkers and writers like James Howard Kunstler. That's what they do.

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They tried.

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Lots of stuff _they enable sex trafficking, drug trafficking, cover for Commies, stage Insurrection, lots of stuff.

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BB. Kash is too smart to take that bait.

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And declassify JFK's assassination file (if there is one).

BTW, JFK was the last US President to be independent of Israel, and skeptical of Israel, and concerned about the prospect of Israel acquiring nuclear weapons (with France's help). Perhaps that is why his term was cut short? Maybe it was not the mob, or Cuba.

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JFK was an immoral pig, but, I believe he was the last President who actually tried to be President. He tried to eliminate the CIA. He tried to keep us on the gold standard for our money. He tried to keep us out of Vietnam. And yes, he wasn't controlled by the Israeli mafia. As a human being he was a pathetic wretch. As a President, at least he tried to do best by America and for that they shot him through the head.

God I hope this doesn't happen to Mr. Trump.

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Nixon was taken out for not playing ball and threatening to expose the dirtbags who run Washington; he "rehabilitated" himself by kissing their asses once he was out of office. They feared Reagan would do the same as Kennedy, so he was shot. Later, they reminded him of who was in charge with the Iran-Contra dog and pony show.

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Canker. Trump is challenging the SAME deep state JFK did. Likely with the same results. Bullets last time, slow motion lawsuits this time. Either way a neutered Executive Branch.

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If every Republican congressman has an AI-PAC buddy who tells them how to vote on Israeli questions (and where exactly does that stop?), shouldn't we get to know their names, since they are the real congressmen we need to talk to, not the wooden dummies.

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The assassination attempt was a hoax, and Mr Trump has the support of the deep state to make him look like a hero. Here’s the proof:

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Thank you for calling attention to this website (www.unz.com). I've bookmarked it. Others should too.

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Incredible website

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Unz publishes idiotic Jew Hate crapola, and he has never published his first worthwhile article.

Much of what he posts is totally false, and it's all twisted from reity.

The most spaced out Biden voting cat lady isn't as shamefully ignorant aa a typical Jew Hater, and Fakestinian. Supporters are too gullible to be real, their mere existence defies credibility

But the lather won't end until Armegeddon, when they will burn with the rest of the trash.

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Mr Unz is a true Jewish American patriot, with a spirit of liberty like unto the Fathers. A true liberal, conservative, patriot, and lover of truth. For this reason, he publishes the work of other patriots, including White Nationalists needless to say.

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"Unz publishes idiotic Jew Hate crapola"

Ummm...Ron Unz IS jewish.

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great website. let's just say my eyes have been opened the last many years and this was part of the process.

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France built the Dimona reactor, but "Israel" got it's heavy water from Norway which was a byproduct of Norway's production of ammonia for fertilizer. The process requires copious electricity of which Norway had/has abundant supply from never-ending hydro sources.



The waters of Dimon shall be full of blood... Isaiah 15:9

The word Dimon is from the two letter root DM which means "blood" and "silent" because when blood is shed the bleeder becomes dead, thus silent.

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Speaking of nukes, since President-elect Trump advised Israel to hit Iran’s nuclear sites, they have since gone to the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and requested inspections of all its nuclear sites.

While the IAEA is in Iran, they should also send a team to Israel to do inspections of ALL its nuclear sites, including their 400-700 nuclear weapons. The same sites Israel refused JFK to inspect.

By now the entire world knows Israel has nukes on land and in submarines, especially Congress. They all want to giggle and wink and act like it’s a “secret”. It’s not.

Once that nuclear cat is out of the bag, Congress will be forced to debate our current law prohibiting the U.S. from selling/giving military equipment/funds etc. to any state with nuclear weapons that does not allow inspections.

Mr. Trump may have a dandy team for domestic clean-up, but his foreign policy team of Rubio, Stefanik, Huckabee, Hegseth etc. may cause him (and the rest of the planet) some major headaches and lost sleep.

What argument will Congress, Trump and Co. have to oppose inspections of Israel’s nuclear “facilities”? I hope and pray this day comes.

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The more I learn the less I know. People I consider credible, whose exact names I cannot recall (I think Col. McGregor, former Marine Scott Ritter, maybe Prof. John Mearsheimer, some Greek analysts) have generally said that "much of Iran's nuclear program is buried deeply underground, and is extremely difficult to impossible to be taken out". Maybe they all "piggyback" off each other. But they make sense to me, in the same context that the book "The Long Emergency" made sense. Some one posited that Israel could use nukes and then blame the radioactivity on the "destroyed nuclear facilities". I would not be surprised.

Trump (and ALL his predecessors) and Congress are all beholden to AIPAC. That is your reason why they look the other way at Israel's nuclear program and allow Israel to flout US "non-proliferation" laws.

And Trump adeptly took out the ONE INDEPENDENT THINKING Congressman, Thomas Massie, R-KY, by proposing he be Secretary of Agriculture. The only Congressman not under AIPAC's spell (BTW, his wife died unexpectedly early this year). Since AIPAC couldn't get him voted out, they had him "promoted" out.

The thing is, if/when the US/Israel attacks Iran's nuclear program, we do not know how Russia and China may react, but I don't think they can just sit and watch and shrug their shoulders.

This is a very fraught time. Unlike WW1, when bi-planes dropped the equivalent of grenades and the Germans' Big Bertha cannon had a 50-mile range, both the destructive power and the speed of events move much faster now. And warfare itself is evolving rapidly, as AI and microprocessors are enabling inexpensive, effective drones. I just read a fascinating book about the war between Azerbaijan (winner) an Armenia (loser) in 2020. THAT war presaged techniques used by Israel (no surprise since Israel, with Turkey, armed Azerbaijan) against the Palestinians and Hezbollah, by Hezbollah and Iran against Israel, and by Russia and Ukraine against each other. Warfare has evolved--and the US may find it is not ready for the war it is going to unleash in the Middle East, using million-dollar missiles to defend against thousand-dollar drones or missiles (hitting a cheap Iranian bullet with a very expensive US/Israeli bullet). At the same time, the West in general, and the US in particular, as technologically advanced societies, have many soft points at home... electricity, plastic money, running water, potentially violent alien populations, just-in-time inventory control. I'm sure several CFNers here can add to my list of soft spots or weak points. Lots could happen....

And no matter how one packages the facts, at the end of the day, the reality is the Israelis have abused the Palestinians for decades, are trying to eliminate them now, in the process committing numerous crimes, and having failed to remove them from Gaza, are escalating in the hope of dominating the Middle East together with the US, and also to take the spotlight off of Gaza and the West Bank.

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War is attrition, of weapons and more, soldiers. The side that runs out of either loses. The world changes to the mode of the winner. That is the Fourth Turning and the history of Man.

What happens when AI, drones and robots do the fighting?

Maybe perpetual war? Like Afghanistan, Middle East and Ukraine?

Story today says that Germany is talking to Russia directly, halting the impasse.

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"The less you know"?

Massie's wife died from cancer

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2. Can you provide a source, even an internet source, stating Rhonda Massie died of cancer? I do not recall her dying of cancer, and the two-three links that came up on Google stated that "Rep Massie did not give her cause of death".

I would add the links said that Rep Massie did not see "conspiracy" behind her "sudden death". I simply note the correlation between one of the few Congressmen not to vote in favor of Israeli aid 100% (that is not the same as 0%, mind you), and his wife's sudden passing.

1. Some times, the more I learn, the more I see there is more to the story, that I do not know.

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"7 Seconds to Die" by John Antal. Good read, interesting analysis of the interesting "analysis of the second Nagorno-Karabakh War". Some commenter on some blog (maybe here?) mentioned it, I scratched it on a post it note and read it.

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Yes, the Deal seems to be clean up America domestically, but the grift goes on in terms of foreign policy. Now they're talking about annexing the entire West Bank. Will Iran have to compromise its principles and strike Israeli communities there in order to stop this?

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You left out, Israel got its enriched uranium for Dimona (at least in part) from NUMEC. Right here in the good'ol USA.

Look it up.

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I didn't say anything about enriched uranium. My comment was about heavy water (which is necessary to enrich uranium).

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Very well, just explaining that Israel happened to (also) get already-enriched uranium from NUMEC (see "Apollo project"), from a corrupt jewish-zionist-American.

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Anyone who doubts Israel is in dire need of finding out what they are on about.

There is zero validity whatsoever to the Satanic UN Fakestinian scam and there is no excuse for being so utterly ignorant and gullible to think there might be a vestige of reality to the actual Genocidal Entity as publicly proclaimed by the 'Slimes for 76 years and more!

And that ignores the fundamental realuty that their own fake Bible tells them clearly that Israel belongs to the Jews because God gave it to them.

Kennedys stance was ignorant and foolish and could well be why God did not protect him.

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JFK ticked off the CIA. That was his fatal mistake.

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Rumor mill has it that the deals made between Joe Kennedy and the mafioso in Chicago and New York to get JFK elected (Giordino and Costello, I believe) involved Allan Dulles' CIA. Not only did he promise "hands off" the Mob but the retaking of Havana Cuba for the Mob. Kennedy tried and failed on the latter promise and when 1. he did not stop Bobby from going after the Mob and 2. he wanted to withdraw troops from the Vietnam "advisory role", his goose was cooked. They got away with it. Watch out Trump, RFK,Jr., Tulsi, etc., these Deep State aholes are capable of anything.

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Whose fake Bible? If you believe in the Bible the Christian church follows, then you accept the Old Testament because it's part of the book. If you're talking about the Koran, that's different, though the Koran is a mirror of the Bible told from the perspective of people who worship a different God, despite what its followers state (no doubt because it teaches that lying is perfectly fine when the audience is an infidel).

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I read a report stating that the FBI is a target for DOGE. It will be another worthless agency to be relegated to the states, along with education.

How many shootings would have been avoided with a “real” FBI?

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You want to keep stuff like the statistical portions and Behavioral Sciences Unit, but you can also move that to other agencies. But most of the agents and the Agency itself needs to be totally disbanded. Many of the individual agents need to be investigated for civil rights crimes. Probably many need to go to prison.

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explanation I read was Wray's appoint has 2 more years to run, or until Jan 21 and PDJT can fire him and nominate a new director, edging towards Kash Patel by the looks of it

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Wouldn’t that be amazing and wonderful

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Sounds good. How might those orgs be rearranged?

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Lined up in mass grave 3 layers deep…?

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Thats what they would do to folks like us if they could get away with it

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Ukraine & Lithuania are good at doing that….

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What is 100 FBI agents on the bottom of the ocean?

You know!

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Well for a realistic idea, you could place them within Federal Marshalls. The Marshalls mostly handle prisoners now, but this was not always the case. You could place stats, labs and Behavioral Science within the Marshalls.

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I agree, and have proposed for almost two years now that J6 be declared a national holiday to honor the election fraud protestors so unfairly imprisoned due to the Pelosi/FBI entrapment scheme:


They are true national heroes. The FBI must be eliminated as it is now obviously nothing but a criminal organization. Pelosi herself must serve time for arranging the entrapment operation, and all of the FBI agents planted in the crowd to smash things up must also be prosecuted.

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Like any Federal agency, the FBI should be limited to interstate crime and stay the hell out of local and state law enforcement. It has always been a great forensics support for the police of the country, and that should continue. Anything else, keep its nose out of it.

Also, no secrets, no “I can’t talk about ongoing cases”, the classic excuse for hiding political aims.

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No it hasn't always been a great forensic support for local and state law enforcement. The problems with the crime lab were massive and resulted in the dismissal of hundreds or thousands of local cases.


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there was the f.b.i. lab that was caught falsifying evidence to get convictions. People believed the results because they were the f.b.i.

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Jim, I am hopeful you are correct in what you believe will happen according to the last couple of paragraphs. I want to see these power hungry swindlers hang from light posts. That’s how pissed off I am.

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Me too Cheryl! We the citizenry have been deeply abused & traumatized by our “betters” in every damn aspect of our lives for the past 4 years

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And robbed by the silent tax, inflation.

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Im not traumatized, more like frackin pissed off and sharpening knives

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Count me in

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Actually, for decades that just became more and more outrageous

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Cheryl I am with you. I don't want these fuckers soaking up tax payer dollars in posh federal prisons in quiet Indiana. I want real justice to come down upon the heads of these pathetic wretches. Why? The damage they have inflicted upon Americans both emotionally and financially is without estimation and will last for generations. First, their enormous fortunes pilfered from the American taxpayer needs to be confiscated and returned. All of it. All of their foreign holdings. All of their properties. All of the investments. This must be done in front of them. They must see it happen. Then, once they are destitute and the taxpayers are restored, there needs to be a public execution where these creatures are hoisted up on tall gallows or lampposts where they swing until they are dead. Not dropped. Let em swing and suffocate a little. Then, they should be left there so the crows and the starlings can nibble at their filthy remains as a witness to what happens to people who behave in such a manner and spread so much chaos, mental stress and financial theft on the people they should have been working for.

But alas, I dream. Will never happen.

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I agree their fortunes should be taken, they are all millionaires after just a couple years of accepting their positions that annually pay around $200,000. Ask Martha Stewart the penalties for insider trading.

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Worse things are coming to them. Unimaginable things.

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Nah, Supermax in Canon City, CO.

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All of them? Or you know, just the "Christian" ones? Trump's backers aren't going to stand for any justice against their people.

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Every one of them.

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Just the Christian ones. The small hats get a pass.

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I am paying attention to the anti-Jew slurs in these comments, and I'm gonna commence kicking people off.

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Get rid of them, Jim. Please.

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I am tired of them. Let them get their own stack and stfu here. They hijack this comment section constantly and Im new here but I see what they are doing. I’m not openly, on here taking a side because it isn’t the place. I wish they would understand that.

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Truth is truth, Cher.

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Good, JHK, the bias was destroying the blog.

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"Good, JHK, the bias was destroying the blog."

Now, the endless religious bickering is.

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It took awhile for X (Musk) to figure out how to keep garbage off the X feed. The Leftist AI was just deleting anything sounding conservative, Musk solved that, he fired them all. JHK is running into the same problem, how to keep garbage entries off the blog. He is using direct intervention, good for him, and will, I assume, keep the repetitious unfounded junk off the blog. Talking your opinion is one thing, but over and over and over and over —————-? If you cannot keep it civil, go the hell away.

Try just stating your opinion, I too have problems I have discussed about the Jewish leadership, and then go on to important subjects.

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Send Comey, Strzok & Co. to service the prisoners at federal prisons for a bit to thank them for servicing American taxpayers the way they have.

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And the public and lawful response must happen QUICKLY, Before 2028, if we are to get any good of it. This can't drag on for 60+ years, like the assassinations of the '60's.

Speaking of which, I'm hoping to get a real answer to those events now.

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I suspect in keeping with the transition of uniparty to full scale globocap there will be little if any criminal cases brought forward by the new administration. The crimes of the past are rarely accounted for by national kabuki political theatre. As long as no one gets convicted and serves real time….the system rolls on where justice is realistically just-us.

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Don’t forget. Trump got elected with record votes. We voted for a conservative house and senate. Make no mistake. The Republican Party has changed. Conservatives have the power and they are now in control because we put them there. One reason we put them there is that we want scorched earth. We want theses megalomaniacs who’ve gotten wealthy off of our hard work to pay and pay bigly. It remains to see if they hear us

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Let’s hope they all hear us!!! I do think term limits need to be put in place. One of the reasons against TL is it takes years to know the ropes, seriously slow learners need not apply! Once in office the “public servants” end up spending time & money amassing fortunes for their pockets and election campaigns. We certainly are not getting enough bang for our bucks!

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Once again, James Kunstler - Our 21st century Mark Twain - nails it! Bravo to James!

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exactly, Cfk and C&C are daily requirements in the 5g landscape

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A few days ago even Haaretz got in on the action listing all the war crimes Bibi and the IDF have committed, including genocide. No reporting of this in the U.S.

Many in the IDF are wounded and committing suicide. And the desertion rate is going up. Israel’s last attack on Iran was a dud thanks to Iran’s superior defensive capabilities. Of course Western media declared it a huge success.

I see a coup coming against Bibi very soon with his trial and that of his wife on the horizon. Wouldn’t be surprised to see them escape to Miami to be with their son. Zelensky will be next to escape to sunny Florida.

Check out “Damo Rants” out of GB on YouTube.

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Truth is the first casualty of war. Iran admitted much damage was done and began to plot a counter-strike, perhaps delayed because of our election. Similarly, Israel and the Western media its owns claimed the Iranian strike was a dud, when it fact it was a huge success.

The IDF soldiers film themselves shooting random people. Utterly shameless.

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Yeah, Lugh, you and your civilized war. Now that Israel has struck, it is Iran’s turn? Then Israel’s? What would have happened in WW2 if the USA had just waited for the Japanese to retaliate after Midway, or Saipan, or Okinawa?

Israel and Russia just need to end it now! Maybe Trump will send that message.

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Another one can't see reality. Israel went in with 100 aircraft shot up missile launchers and bombed weapons plants and 100 aircraft returned without a scratch. Iran had zero answer to America tech being used....Zero.

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Abby wood

These brushfire wars are doing the same thing That the USA has done since WW2.

Going to war without a distinct objective, then dragging on the war year after year.

War is to be won. War is to be fought to the nth degree. Until one side destroys the other. How many times are the Muslims going to attack Israel before heads finally say, WTF? When will the Arab idiots that want to go to Paradise finally figure out that they are running short of virgins up there. Like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Taiwan, Afghanistan, when will the Arab world figure out how they are being held hostage by the Ayatollah and his henchmen? Just like the American people with the MIC? When will the Palestinians listen to their brothers in Israel and elevate themselves into Israeli citizenship? Like Europe with the Popes, and the USA with Freedom of Religion, when will the Arabs leave the idiocracy of the Muslim dictators behind and get real.

Another question that begs an answer here is what will happen when the Ayatollah runs out of proxies to do his dirty work? That IS the goal of Bibi, attrition to 0 effectively of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis. What suckers are the Iranian dictator going to drum up next?

Israel, for its part, needs a Freedom of Religion clause in its Constitution. It is a nation of abused Jews from four generations ago. It needs to cool it and join the rest of the world. Again, the Chosen folks led by their own holier than thou Jewish leadership, refusing to acknowledge they live in the 21st century and not the first. Today, 2000 year old religious differences have no credence. Either side.

Israel, if pushed, is going to whack all three proxies and Iran. Just as Russia is going to whack Ukraine in an all out war. War is NOT civil, it is not nice. It is blood and guts to the death of the losers.

And how many losers do we hear from in history.

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In other words, there is no such thing as a war crime. The United States and Israel now have a lot of explaining to do as to their treatment of Germany and Germans after the outbreak of peace.

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Trump is nominating people who have been victimized to be in charge of the organizations that victimized them.

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Tulsi can now discover who put her on the terrorist watchlist recently.

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Hmmm, HRC?

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Obama: “We tortured some folks”.

Guess we do need massive “Truth and Reconciliation Commissions”.

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And, Mike Flynn has agreed to come in and be Tulsi's Deputy and THAT is not a rumor. He said it on the record albeit Trump has not of now announced that!

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