Sea Change

I graduated from high school in 1968 – the most polarized time in this nation’s history, until today. I studied politics in college and have always had strongly-held political views, but when my daughter was a child I did not try to inculcate her with my own political philosophy. Instead, I pointed out that human beings are not intelligent enough to ever get things “right” for any length of time. On any given subject our species will inevitably swing between one stupid extreme and its opposite. If, as a society, we seem to have something figured out, it’s just at the optimal point in the pendulum swing at the present moment, having left one excess and on the way to its obverse.

Given this immutable law of human nature, it’s hardly to be expected that either of our political parties can be right for very long before going off the rails in one stupid direction or another. History confirms this fact, regardless of where you think “right” lies. The Republicans gave us Union martyr Lincoln, and Teapot Dome grifter Harding; the Democrats, National Bank nemesis Jackson, and bank whore Obama.

If you have always felt that you had your political compass fixed, but are increasingly feeling lost at sea, that’s because we are in the midst of a fundamental reorientation of our political landscape – a sea change.

If someone had predicted eight years ago, or even four, that Dick Cheney would ever back a Democratic presidential candidate and, in the same year, RFK Jr. would side with the Republican, they would have been laughed off the stage.

Aren’t Republicans supposed to be the authoritarians? Then why are the Democrats putting the foundation for totalitarian control of our lives in place? Aren’t Democrats supposed to defend our civil liberties? Then why are their leaders intent upon revoking our inalienable right to Free Speech?

Sea Change? Change is often unwelcome and seldom easy. Blame Bill Clinton, who tap-danced circles around the Republicans and stole the center (actually, well right of center) from them. With the heart of their ideological territory lost, the Party of Lincoln were pushed ever further to the right, until they risked falling off the edge of the earth. Equally significant, Clinton abandoned the working classes for the deeper pockets of a growing “professional class,” creating a new donor base that has since embraced the deepest pockets of all: Silicon Valley. (It’s the donors, stupid.)

To this day party dinosaurs like Mitch McConnell are by-God not going to be out-conservatived. What has changed is a younger generation of Republicans like J.D. Vance and Josh Hawley, who are increasingly independent of the fossils, and embarked upon reinventing the party. Vance is not alone in actually caring about working people, and trying to readdress their increasingly dire needs. Not incidentally, that’s where the votes are going to be.

Will they prevail, as the Old Guard dies off? Too soon to tell, but an intriguing possibility, and plausible cause for hope for the future.

Perhaps more significant than migrating politicians is the wave of formerly liberal commentators. Our own James Howard Kunstler professes to being a life-long registered Democrat. Others, including Max Blumenthal, Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges, Aaron Mate, Matt Taibbi, and Bret Weinstein are all now resolute critics of the Democratic Party. Clayton Morris and Tucker Carlson both left Fox News to attack the Official Narrative from their own perspective. And, of course, two powerful voices of opposition, Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr., former contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, are now both

Democrat persona non grata.

When lost at sea you can never know where the ship is going to come ashore, or if it will founder on the rocks, but the landscape will certainly soon be different – and just possibly much improved.

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I too, graduated high school in 1968, was a conscientious objector to the war and studied theology, and I completely agree with you. I just think there's a paradox in politics that is that people who are moral enough not to succumb to the heady liquor of wealth and power are not interested in being a politician so we get people who are not morally strong enough and thus eventually get corrupted and agree to play the puppeteers' game in order to end up with a mansion in Martha's Vineyard and enter the history books as "somebody." I'm hoping Trump is one of the rare ones who already has what they offer and so cannot come under their sway, and as Hillary complained the other day, they are losing total control, and that's why they're scared of Trump, who plans to take that away from them. DJT may not be the total answer but he seems to be a beginning of a new course for us, so I guess we'll find out soon. It's been a long time comin'

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I hope your optimism is warranted, the Left media is doing a bang up job of hiding the truth of who is ahead. My hope is based on the You Tube poll averaging sites which are forecasting a Trump victory with over 300 electoral votes. I think their methods help cancel out the Left bias of the MSM polls.

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Well, as Stalin put it, it's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes, so we'll see who wins that game this time. I doubt the Left can repeat.

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Never, ever, underestimate the chicanery of democrats .. LBJ started it in 1948 and the present gang of ‘sharpies’ have taken it to new levels.. They fucked America in 2020 and they will do it again.

(And I am soooo tired of the dismissal of the facts of that stolen election)

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There is an upwelling in the Congress occurring right now and it is blatant. There is also a release of charges and data from the judge of the election interference case. Both jive claimed to be the October surprise.

The one in the Congress is being led by Jamie Raskin. He is trying to gat a majority of the House to refuse to certify the election if Trump wins. Hmmm, does that sound familiar? What a humongous bunch of assholes congressmen are. Hypocrites, flip flappers, whatever name you want to call it.

Question: If this hypocrisy is allowed to happen, the illicit hijacking of the election process, what does that do to the validity of the Trump interference case?

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And I see they're going to investigate the J6 Committee; that's a start!

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Other Texas Democrats fucked LBJ out of previous elections, so when he fucked other candidates out of the Senate seat, he was just returning the favor.

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And then he fucked JFK out his Oval Office seat as well.

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And, what, they arrested a couple of flunkies in Michigan and Georgia. Disgusting!

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Bingo...it's who counts the votes. Does anyone else remember when Biden was 'President Elect' and he and Kam were on Fox and they were watching fireworks spelling out their names? Right before that...Biden jogged out to a microphone and Said " Thank You To The People That Counted The Votes! I Owe You! I Owe You! I Owe You!" That simple statement he made confirmed what most of us already knew. If it was a semblance of a ligit count...he would've said "Thank You for Voting for Me". I'll never forget that he thanked the COUNTERS & THAT HE OWES THEM! Sickening...what a goofball. 🥴

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Thank you, Christine. I’ve never heard that about Biden. It’s quite damning, I’d agree. The fact that that clip was not circulated widely is just another piece of evidence that we’re being gaslighted mightily. Here’s another clip showing what the J6 Comm. did to Trump:


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Excellent. I didn’t watch any of those proceedings then. I knew it was all manipulated.

I know good people who were in DC on J6 & they saw only upbeat patriots standing up for fair & free elections.

They heard his speech - every word.

And knew zero about any violence or chaos until receiving phone calls & texts from those at home concerned for their safety.

Some saw the Capitol doors opened & thought that very strange. No one had contemplated entering at all.

One man in the group did approach more closely only to feel something wasn’t right so turned around. He was later contacted by the FBI. He merely got closer to the Capitol… on the outside steps.

These attendees I know noticed those near the Capitol wearing black attire, acting differently that the rest of the crowd. Meaning jumping up in statue bases, retaining walls, etc. where no one else did. They even commented to each other about the strangeness of them …. not “one of us.”

I’d attended a Nov. 14, 2020 Mega MAGA Rally in DC where 1000’s were - friendly, peaceable, upbeat. All ages, races, ethic groups…. orderly, polite, carrying great signs, flags etc.

Only discord that day were thugs attacking young families who strayed onto the downtown street designated BLM Street by the major (found out about this on the news later).

Oh, & the Proud Boys were there; calm, peaceful like the rest of us.

Btw, noticed the complete lack of trash/garbage strewn on the grounds & streets.

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Yes Joe- whether in his cognitive decline or in his arrogance told the American people how he got in office several times. It’s what makes me most fearful for this election. We see what happens when the media decides to present a lie instead of the truth. They have gotten quite good at it!

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I reckon Jim has covered three of the possibles pretty good.

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I hope you’re correct

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You may think canceling an election would be nuts, but California Democrats have given up on being the underdog. They will win or go down fighting as dirtily as possible.

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There is NFW Kammie will let herself be removed by an election. If she ever becomes convinced that she will lose, the election will be canceled in favor of a Constitution-free “transitional government” during a period of “national emergency”.

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Well said. The Donald is not the "total answer", not by a long chalk, but he may be the "beginner" - and to harken back to Mr. Skillington, he did have the political sense to recognize JD for what he is. I'd almost say he was the better angel part of JFK reincarnated. Same youth, eloquence, charisma, and most impt. some gosh-darned Principles.

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The only answer is Jesus Christ and His Word, the answers are all there. Donald John Trump is the one leading us toward this, the other side is the culture of death and destruction, steal, kill, and destroy…led by the devil himself, Joe Biden and Kamala are doing his bidding of evil.

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"Donald John Trump is the one leading us toward this...". Uh, no I don't think so. The Donald does not have any history of being a pious Christian. Rather, I would say he is not standing in the way. Which is fine. Politics is no place for religion. Now morality, that is different. Morality does belong in politics, as the Founders knew.

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DJT is not perfect, but he is not part of the establishment. The elites used to adore him, until he ran with as a republican. God picks imperfect people for his mission. Moses, David, Solomon, etc. Let's hope the country and the world changes course.

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Only Trump has the balls to stand up to the right wing echo chamber and do things like promote the Covid vaccine and surrender to the Taliban. Vance and DeSantis are pussies that will end up being like George W Bush and going with the flow of the right wing echo chamber.

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Bullshit. I think perhaps you’ve had ‘one too many’ before typing.

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+1 Ignore the fucker and VOTE!

10 years ago, at least 67% of internet activity was estimated as due to bots. It's even more now, and even more unrecognizable, intended to subtly "NUDGE" conservatives into doubt and discouragement.

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Ignore them

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In February 2020 Trump finally grew a pair of balls and stood up to the Military Industrial Complex and surrendered to the Taliban…everyone knows what happened in March.

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It's rare that I find someone who is 1000% wrong. Congrats! You win.

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proof positive of my reply. Try 1 vodka THEN 1 glass of water... Your thoughts will appear more cogent. buon apetito..

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~ Menage A... Trois? ~

But FGB3's comment is directly under Pangolin Chow Mein's, yes? So who has/needs the vodka? You? Me? FGB3? I've got some in the freezer, along with some 'superpremium' coffee ice cream... PARTY! ...Or a nice Saturday wake-me-up at the very least.

In any case, it seems like Trump, who may be quite malleable, is already president, walking around and shaking apparently-military hands, and Harris is being thrown under the bus in slow motion, if glanced-at reports are any indication.

I figured JHK (along with Putin) might have a thing for her... but ya, ok, nice smile and infectious laugh...

Now if she can only slip out the back door, unscathed/unnoticed...

Remember that interview with Trump and that TV psychologist? Dr. Phil? (The guy who may have had a thing for Shelley Duvall [RIP] of The Shining fame? Granted, she was a doll with some brilliant acting in that film.)

He was very clear that Trump should not seek revenge. So maybe the Deep-Dish-Pizza State managed to strike some sort of compromise with Trump...

In that vein, Trump also seems kind of gung-ho about India's Modi. Maybe it's a thing. Did you see the video of him holding Modi's hand and, at one point, patting it with the other? (Shades of the Trump-Macron 'bromance'.) Maybe it's just AI.

Have you seen all those immigrants from India in your necks of the woods? I have over here. It almost looks like Halifax, NS is half Indian now, overnight.

But India is part of BRICS+ of course, and then there's that other/similar alt organization US et al may have been trying. I forget the acronym. Maybe it's just as well.

What's Vivek Ramaswamy up to these daze?

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Charisma? 🤔

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I'd say so. Not like Trump's of course. No one is like The Donald.

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Yes, Don is a start. He is representative of MAGA, a populist organization. It is up to patriotic people to change this country. What would happen if Trump was killed? Would MAGA just die?

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No…. There are too many people that are awake. It will go on until freedom is achieved or MAGA is physically and mentally destroyed.

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I've also wondered about that. Certainly his enemies believe so. But maybe there is more there. Certainly any political movement can use a martyr to advantage, esp. if there is someone who can pick up the mantle.

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If MAGA dies, ???????

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Nice ending, Aelred. Was that intended? I can hear the echoes of Crosby and Stills in harmony now. Thanks for the memory.

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And A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall.

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You used to be so amused by Napoleon in rags and the language that he used

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Peter Saarsted. 1969 I believe

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"Where Do You Go To My Lovely?" She had a carefully designed topless swimsuit that let her get an even sun tan on her back and on her legs"

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Any relation to Bear?

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So how does it feel?

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Like a rolling stone of course.

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I knew I got that from somewhere! "It's a long, long, long time before the dawn" (quoting from memory)

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Funny how it seeps into your bones; gone but not forgotten. 'Speak out , you got to speak out against the madness .... speak your mind if you dare ... but don't, no don't, no, try to get yourself elected. If you do you had better cut your hair.' Thanks to all my brothers & sisters here for speaking out (and/or not cutting their hair. Ahem). Sometimes it's been left, sometimes it's been right, but it's always been about hubris; the depredations of another's dignity. Do. Not. Tread. On. Me.

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And Crosby included another of his songs on that album titled “Almost Cut My Hair” Maybe he thought briefly of running for office. LOL

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It's always darkest before the dawn.

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New course? More wars for Israel but in new places.

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Israel can't do squat without our support, and we will soon have lost the capacity of supporting them.

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I look forward to the day when the State Dept says, like FEMA did, "sorry, we're all out of funds. Have a nice day."

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Thats because you’re a stupid anti-zionist. One day you’ll learn of how the incredible cash of Ukraine aid is winding its way back to Biden and the DNC. Naivete cripples logic.

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They’ll never say that. Wars are a wonderful reason to print more money and devalue our dollar which is what the goal is after all

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Go jag off to yer giant-nose cartoons.

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Fuck you.

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Back atcha.

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Guys are you kids or adults-come on!

I'm sure you can discuss your opposing points of view in a civilized manner ...

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The IDF already wear patches on their uniforms of “Greater Israel”:


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And their flag!

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The fact that so many profess to hate President Trump- whether it’s the mainstream media, the politicians that have been in office too long or the Hollywood elites- proves to me that he is on the right path and will be the right man for the job. We have already seen him in action and our country was beginning to flourish despite all the monkey shines from the left and right. God bless America and it’s people 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Democrats were the biggest slave owners, that says it all, not that the North didnt have em too, but the most ardent for slavery were democrats and they still are today

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And Kamala's family was the biggest slaveholder om Jamaica.

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Such a long post. I can see why you missed the Typo.

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What are the sources of your statement that Harris family was the biggest slaveholder? Never read or heard this anywhere else.

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The sources are legion, mostly based on these and genealogy researchers.

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I agree but let me tell you a story that orally given to my great-great grandfather form his father.

In 1854 my great-great-great grandfather came to the US from Ireland. He got a job building railroads out in the US West.

Well when thy came where they had to blast rock for the train track tunnels it was a tricky job back then so many workers got killed or maimed in the blastings.

There were three principal ethnic groups that worked on the railroad-Irish, Chinese Coolies and black slaves.

When there was blasting the boss would send only Irish or Chinese-because if they died they didn't get paid on Friday-if the black slave died it was a loss property around $2k.

So there are many nuances.

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I live in this country because my great grandfather's brother died in a dynamite accident, working in a stone quarry in England. My great grandfather then came to the US to work in another quarry, cutting stone for the Erie Canal.

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The problem is that the narrative has it that 'blacks had it bad' and 'whites had it good'-and, on the average correct-but the stories like mine and yours illustrate that the Woke narrative is much too simple and Manichean like all their values.

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No, that's not correct about whites having it good. Most whites did NOT own slaves and had an extremely hard existence just staying alive. Blacks were well cared-for by their owners because they were valuable property. The vast majority of whites throughout the budding United States lived a "hand to mouth" existence and struggled to survive!

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You are generalizing.

In my humble opinion, in the main, it was better to not be a slave than to be a slave-yet there are exceptions as I have offered above.

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Have you seen what a “steel driving” man like John Henry had to do to bore the holes for dynamite charges. One holding the spike and one banging on it with a sledge hammer. No thanks.

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That's horrible, but some elites tend to feel entitled to treat people in abusive ways.

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Darlin, The northerners shipped slaves from Africa to the Carribean for years after the civil war.

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Yep, the War of Northern Aggression was only to force a one government rule, just like they are trying to do now to the world.

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One thing often overlooked re: the civil war was the demographics at the time. The antebellum, agrarian south did not have a lot of folks, whereas the North full of cities, had many more people and thus votes. In our country, the South never stood a chance politically and it was the end of the compromise era that drove the South to try to exit. The real battle here was between the manufacturing North, and ENGLAND. The South was a “colony” of both, providing resources to both on-coming manufacturing giants. The South was backed by England throughout the war, Surprise!!!! The demographic advantage, ie, the number of available soldiers, was what did in the South. Grant just threw troops at Lee until Lee had no one left.

The victory of the North is what spurred on the Gilded Age which drove the USA way past England in economic power.

BTW, look at today. The power of the cities politically (Blue) contesting the power of the agrarian sector (Red). Politically, the cities will win, just like 1865, but today a strike by teamsters could undo any power the cities have. Cities today are much more dependent than in the 1860s.

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Being from Massholechusetts I was never taught that there may have been other valid viewpoints about the Civil War 1 (given our probable future and the real possibility of future uncivil wars, I'm numbering them).

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And take away states rights

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The Arabs were the biggest slave traders and they preferred white meat.

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They as just do good at lies and deception. Gaslighting and projection. Foolery and coersion.

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"They are just so good at lies and deception..." like my spell checker

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1968 was the year I blew my chance at a comfy academic position at a second-rate Cali State College by getting involved in the Fresno Resistance and, at one rally, publicly eating my draft card with catsup on it. "Destruction of United States Gubmit Property", a Five-and-Dime. So I absquatulated, became a political exile, ending up in dour Vancouver-by-the-Void.

The fevered emotions ran high. The shit-kicking San Joaquin Valley cowboys who made up the majority of the student body were not amused. George Murphy and S.I. Hayakawa were for a crackdown. Bobby Kennedy intersected a fast-moving projectile in L.A.

One of the Vietnamese students I had been assigned to shepherd (they were, by the way, the ones that radicalized me against the US intervention) was Nguyen Thai Binh, first showcased by Jane Fonda and other antiwar stars before being discarded. He became famous for trying to hijack a 747 at Tan Son Nhut Airport (eggs wrapped in tinfoil). An American shot him and they dumped his body onto the runway. He is now a national martyr in Vietnam; schools and roads are named after him.

Exciting times. Another realm of reality.

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The Vietnam war was the first expansion attempt by the MIC and its leader , the Deep State. Look where we are today and realize that it is the Deep State that has expanded for 70 years against the people, regardless of party affiliation. The Vietnam protestors who were trying to curtail the expansion of the MIC, would be MAGA today, an ironic state of affairs.

Ready? RFK, Jr is a reflection of his dad and uncle, who were both terminated by Deep State forces for countering the MIC trying to control the war.. IMHO, both would be MAGA today.

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If you recall, President Eisenhower reminded/warned us about the MIC as he left Office. Nope. Vietnam was a continuing action, of constant "actions" that spread far and wide. What irks the h**l out of me is how it was all couched in "democracy". And, being good, decent, honest, and innocent/ignorant of how degenerate that government was, we cheered for democracy.

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JFK was all over the place, once saying that we should disarm in favor of the United Nations. Very, very philosophically immature.

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JFK and his dad promised the Mafia that if he was elected he would get Havana back from the Castroites. He tried and failed. The military and CIA failed miserably. The he made a huge mistake, he told the Military that he was going to withdraw the “advisors” from Vietnam, as Bobby was announcing a crack down on the Mafia. The CIA and the Mafia held a meeting. The Capos got their revenge and the CIA got its war.

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Nope, sorry, no cigar Johnny. It was the CIA's boss who got his revenge.

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He was one, Allan Dulles. But so did Sam Giancana and his counter part in NYC. I don’t smoke anyway, but yes I get a cigar on this one. Also, LBJ got his war also. JFK was in everyone’s sights it seems.

Sam and his brother wrote a book together claiming that the Mafia was hired by the CIA to do the job. Another Mafia type from the time that worked for the capo in NYC is on You Tube giving details on the hit, including the second shooter was in a storm drain in front of the caravan and was responsible for the head shot no one can explain.

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Jack Kennedy was as you say, that is, until his "come to Jesus moment" at American University. His statement that we are all mortal still sends shivers down my spine.

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Is your daughter Woke or is she following your sage advice?

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Of course not, Drew. My daughter is woke as hell, and her father is an idiot.

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Sigh, if its any consolation you are certainly not alone in this category-my older son and I watched "Am I a Racist" last week-he's not Woke-but he hides it.

But when we went back to his place after the movie when he parked the car, he looked me in the eyes so solemnly I thought he was going to tell me he has 'cancer' but he demanded, that I tell Liz , his wife-high school teacher'- we saw 'Saturday Night" -as she is very, very Woke.

My young son, he's not Woke at all , but he is a laze about still at home at 27 drinking beer, smoking weed and eating on Dad and Mom's tab-I don't know what is worse...

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Sounds like my nephew. "His dad ruined him" my sister says. So at 30, he's allowed to sponge off them both, not have a job, etc. Sure. How was he "ruined"? Well, his dad was emotionally unavailable. The horror! Yet, millions like him are able to work and run their own lives. He's even blessed with a high IQ. The problem there is that my sister is a toxic codependent who thinks that her family would die on the spot if she's not there catering to them. Something is very wrong in our society. She's not an outlier, IOW, she is typical.

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You both have described the Nanny State that the government is trying to create, both kids finding easy touch parentage afraid to tell them “No”. The entire country is being threatened by 50% of folks being exactly the same as these two, and a Deep State kow-towing to them to get votes, unwilling to say “No”.

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My most sincere condolences on the state of family affairs outlined above. Not to brag, but I have two very unwoke daughters-one married a LEO and the other is divorced but happily so. They had three sons between them, one of whom is making bank as an RN and the other doing likewise financially handling automated production at a large local food processing facility. The other one, well, he's not living at home, nor is he "woke," but he has "issues" involving drugs and the usual assortment of problems which accompany that. But hey, 2 out of 3 ain't bad, like Meat Loaf told us. Somehow I have to think our strict Christian upbringing had something to do with it. YMMV.

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Part of it is a youth thing; when I was 20 or so, my roommate said that food, energy, and housing should all be free (he may have been right about energy, anyway); many people don't make it to adulthood (despite not dying) and learn to stand on their own two feet in every way.

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Well, they want to create dependence and this socialist thing then sounds wonderful- until it isnt.

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"Ditto" on not alone.

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What's worse? Having parents who allow him to do that.

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It's just a matter of time for the older. Hopefully sooner, or he'll squander his whole life being cucked by her.

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We really lucked out. All six of our kids (ages 50-23) are conservatives. A few of them had brief moments of “teenage liberalism”...but they grew out of it LOL!!

I think it was Winston Churchill that said, “If you’re not a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re old, you have no brain.”

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He admitted in his memoirs that the real reason for WW2 was that Germany wouldn't renounce its sovereignty in favor of the nascent New World Order.

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How did you manage that????? Even though it’s too late for me I’d still like to know. Maybe I can practice on my grandchildren.

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I don’t know that we did anything in particular, but we always made it a point to expose the differences (liberal vs conservative) whenever the opportunities arose. They are all very much “awake” (not woke)!

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It is this dichotomy that drives the Turnings. Do not trust anyone over 30, right?

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That's pretty poignant!

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Haha!!! Same here. You didn’t steer your daughter in a political direction. But, I did.

I was an active conservative and enlisted my kids in campaigns . I figured it backfired which accounts for at least one of my kids becoming radically liberal.

No matter the approach, we probably have little influence on our children because our society has much more.

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Homeschool. Peer pressure is the surrounding family. 🤷

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Research suggests that by age ten our kids are more influenced by their peers than they will ever be by adults again,

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Close the schools. The people will benefit a hundred-fold - Lao Tzu

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I've said for decades, I'd rather have my kids raised by wolves than be victims of the public schools.

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Howard. By age six, parental “programming” is over, most of personality is in place. All the stuff that is blamed on schools is in place before school starts. Parents!!!!!!

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Thre is no solver bullet in this paradigm

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Peer pressure/Tribal Unity is SO powerful. I was a Democrat until 2019. I don’t brag about that, or my change.

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