Danny Libeskind is becoming the all-time champeen of EOTM with this brooch attached to the Hyundai Development Corporation Headquarters, Seoul, Korea. Apparently Danny didn't design the box behind the brooch. His own metaphysical explication of this recondite symbol is the best part of the whole thing:
The Tangent is a project that is about the relationship between the ever changing circle of nature and the straight line of technology. In the contact between the circle and the line, one can see the meeting between the wheel and its path. Through their mutual engagement, nature gives reality to machines and machines extend nature to new and unknown horizons.
I designed this unusual image for Hyundai to show that the straight line of technology and ecological sustainable future can become a positive vector in space and in travel. The wheel and the line relate to the tension and sensitivity of one to the other.
Ain't that some shit?