Guest Post — The Rise of the Dream-State: Trans Agendas, Gender Confusion, Identity & Desire (Three Parts) — by Jasun Horsley
A trenchant, brave, and important essay by Auticulture blogger, Jasun Horsley on the cultural mystifications of the popular transgender meme, and its role in the pernicious identity politics of our time.
Click link below for Part 1 in full (Parts 2 and 3 to follow):
The Rise of the Dream-State: Trans Agendas, Gender Confusion, Identity & Desire (Part 1 of 3)
Part 2: Transhumanism, Postgenderism, Brain-Centricism, Psychic Fragmentation
Part 3: Trans-Culture, Paraphilias, Non-Duality, & Corporate Cures for Alienation
The transgender question spans the whole spectrum of human interest, from psychological to biological, social to cultural, religious to technological, political to spiritual. It would be hard to conceive of a hotter topic — or button — than the question of when — or if — a man becomes a woman, and vice versa. Wrapped up inside this question is a still deeper one of what makes a human being a human being, what constitutes personal identity, and how much identity is or can be made subject to our desire, and vice versa. Among the countless lesser questions which the subject raises, here are a sample few, some (though probably not all) of which I will address in the following exploration.
1) The question of biological sex and social gender roles
2) The question of possible causes for transgenderism or gender confusion
3) The question of what possible outside interests the “trans agenda” may be serving, whether corporate, military, governmental, ideological, or otherwise
4) The question of how transgenderism affects women and their position in society
5) The question of how it affects men and their position in society
6) The question of how transgenderism overlaps with/is compatible with transhumanism
7) The question of how children are being affected and possibly endangered by transgenderism as a social trend
8) The question of how transgender individuals are being discriminated against and abused in society
9) The question of class and privilege, and how transgender individuals may be themselves practicing discrimination and abuse
10) The question of whether ideology can be seen as a counter-measure or corrective to biology and psychology
11) The question of whether identity has any actual validity outside of group think and social constructs designed to control us and suppress our life force
12) The question of social and possibly biological anomalies within a community or species
13) The question of group identity and scapegoating