Bait and Switch
Clusterfuck Nation
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Anybody else notice Joe Biden styling himself as Abe Lincoln this week? Uh, bad career move, pal. Someone ought to notify the Democratic Party leader that a) Mr. Lincoln was a Republican, and b) he was a racist through and through (BLM certified). The presidential frontrunner is unlikely to win more “woke” hearts-and-minds with this latest stunt. Maybe if they put him in a wheelchair the voters might think he was the second coming of Franklin Roosevelt (though he actually looks more like post-stroke Woodrow Wilson, a racist to the bone, they say).
Notice, too, that Uncle Joe appeared in Honest Abe drag to announce that US coronavirus deaths had reached “a hundred and twenty million.” Say, what? That would be roughly one-third of the US population! Excuse me for wondering if the candidate is being a little less than perfectly frank with us. And the costume didn’t really put that gag over, either. Anyway, the Democratic Party must be lovin’ it, despite the crocodile tears about the virus shed by The New York Times, because a new wave means that even more American businesses will be destroyed, more jobs lost, more careers extinguished, the battered economy will get brutally smacked down again, and it will all make President Trump look even more unelectable.
Suspicious minds may be prompted to wonder whether years of fake news from Wokesterdom’s media allies have finally produced the ultimate hoax: a completely fake candidate for president. Mr. Biden has gone-to-ground for three months since sweeping the Super Tuesday primaries by some strange coup of polling station magic. No campaign glad-handing, baby-kissing, and maiden-sniffing among those virus-saturated crowds for Uncle Joe this time around! And Gawd forbid any press conferences or spontaneous remarks — poor Mr. Biden tends to flub even his scripted statements. It’s a bit hard to imagine how his acceptance speech will go… and… Lordy… the debates! In the immortal words of rap impresario Jay-Z, “Nigga, Please!” (available on Amazon Music, by the way— thank you, Jeff Bezos, humanitarian).
This Joe Biden thang is being set up as some kind of bait-and-switch, but the scheme is a little too obvious, dontcha think? Mr. Biden has obliged himself to choose a “woman-of-color” as his running mate, of course, and so it is assumed that about twenty minutes after the swearing-in on January 20, 2021, Stacey Abrams (or Val Demings, or Kamala Harris, or Tawana Brawley) will become de facto president, and we’ll be off to the races, so to speak. It’s a cute gambit, but I don’t see it playing out. You may be unaware of this but the Democratic Party is actually owned, lock-stock-and-barrel, by the Clinton Foundation. It has something else in mind. Due to the unfortunate last minute discovery of Joe Biden’s incapacity to serve, She Whose Turn Was Thwarted in 2016 will perforce be the party’s nominee for an epic rematch with the Golden Golem of Greatness. Let’s face it: everybody wants to see that contest. And an election with mail-in ballots will cinch her victory.
In the meantime, she remains concealed deep in her Chappaqua, New York, Fortress of Solitude, mirthfully free of having to offer her views on the current goings-on across America. Speaking of which, you’d think that her place-holder, Mr. Biden, would grudge up a comment or two about all the mayhem loosed upon the land these recent fevered weeks, a few soothing words requesting that the Resistance youth corps of America desist from looting, arson, and pulling down statues of every dead white person ever mistakenly placed on a pedestal to beam waves of racist hatred at the oppressed multitudes. But he remains enigmatically silent about it. Perhaps no one has informed him of all the action in the streets since the tragic killing of George Floyd.
What’s quite a bit stranger, though, is the silence of Joe Biden’s mentor and spirit-guide, former president Barack Obama. Surely Mr. Obama has witnessed the mayhem from Seattle’s Capitol Hill to Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, from Midtown Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue to Lafayette Square just across the way from the place he called home for eight years. Surely he would be The One to call for an end to the violent destruction. Has something got him distracted? What could it be…?
Note: I am posting on Parler now as jhkunstler.
Published this Spring ! ! !

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