You’re a damn good writer. Thanks for processing the chaos for us.

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me too

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me three 😀

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Hi James:

Thank you for this powerful image of how the coup can be averted. Interesting that Putin might hold the most important cards in this game. I do believe he knows better. I think he’s holding out for Trump to take office. Putin knows that Trump will and can skillfully negotiate with him.

After I read this post I felt hopeful again. Thanks!

Elizabeth Skewis

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And that's why the blob is trying to push Putin to a point where he can't wait for Trump, but he's smart; he can still take out Kiev and end them all w/o attacking NATO.

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Hopeful here as well, Elizabeth. Thank you.

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I don't know any members of the Washington "Blob," but I am surrounded by its many deluded supporters. Some are family and (former) friends. Some common, dangerous traits they seem to share is that they can shape "reality" to their own liking, including changing their biological sex, enjoying "freestyle" interpretations of laws, logic, history, and human rights according how such things align with their "feelings" and personal "truths." Anyone outside of their ideological igloo poses an existential threat that must be stomped out of existence.

My efforts to reach out to some of them only kindled rabid exchanges, culminating in being called an ignorant "Hitler." Do they REALLY want the "Old Yeller" cure? Because that's where they're leading us.

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They used to scream how awful it was when that monster Cheney said they were creating their own reality. They have no reality now themselves to see the difference. I got out and looked inside my former party very carefully from the outside. The frogs are still clueless in their getting hotter pot on the stove. My thanksgiving divided into 2 factions in 2 towns. One that harpy Joy Reid told them to do. I was in the one that doesn’t give a rats patootie what your politics is as a family.

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They put Cheney to shame - oh the irony.

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Was it Cheney who said that, or maybe Rove? Rove had that famous election-night meltdown when his preferred reality was failing to materialize.

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It was Rove.

Although I hate Darth Cheney as much as you can hate a cyborg like that. When is he/it going to die already? Maybe an EMP would solve that problem.

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Cheney did say it also. I heard him say it and it stuck in my head. I was pretty active anti war. I contacted congress all the time, marched in DC, wrote letters to the editor, had signs in my yard showing numbers of dead, the works.

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The "works" didn't work, did they Janet? There's a lesson in there. The only thing these fuckers understand is kinetics. How long until we understand that? Time to get after it.

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At least I tried to do something instead of getting on blogs and complaining and griping and doing nothing, which most do. I went into co gressionsl offices, paid good money to fly 1000 miles. Attended meetings. Ye@h, maybe it didn’t work but I moved my backside didn’t I?

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Well, I’m not a Republican either. That bunch killed way more needlessly and drove 15 million people from their homes or country. Never noticed that? . I expect much failure will come from this new bunch, but in my mind it’s better than the soon to be old bunch. Im not going to defend or explain any fucking thing I did or do to you about my actions, Sonny.

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When you are perfect, let me know. I’m old. Stuff it.

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"The only thing these fuckers understand is kinetics."

Having grown up in a family where every single male, apart from my brother, worked for defense contractors, I totally get this.

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Way to welcome me into your fold, Ronny boy.

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Cheney did say it. I heard him and it stuck. I was an active anti war democrat then.

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“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

― Karl Rove

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You don't care if family members are traitors? That's a very extreme attitude also.

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Come on. I’m old. I’m over this shit. If that’s your attitude about family, no, I wouldn’t want you in my house.

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Lay off the bottle, lady.

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So traitors are fine, but not family members who object to traitors - they can't come in.

You just contradicted your own position. A little philosophy is a dangerous thing. You see, the answer to bad philosophy is not no philosophy, but good philosophy.

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Know one thing. This is how the regulars who are women on here cancel other women on here. Specially new women. They accuse you of drinking. handles of vodka in my case. Just ignore those comments because though they may be catty bitches they are pretty intelligent but they are women.

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My gawd your response pisses me the fuck off. You are one of the most intelligent people on here why do you resort to such garbage.

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Sat down to a nice meal with my dyed-in-the-wool Democratic ex-husband yesterday, and decided to drop The Bomb at the table.

"So, Mike, do you suppose Biden voted for Trump this year?"

He burst out laughing. He just isn't bent out of shape by Trump, this time.

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Lol! I see some of that, too. But I'm still disheartened by the off-the-wall reactions of far too many people who were once close to me, including scientists and engineers (I used to test products). These are extremely competent professionals and experts in their respective fields. And yet, when it comes to politics and related topics, they morph into an amalgam of Joy Behar, Ibram X. Kendi, and Rob Reiner.

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It's their masochistic religion, a secular version of Christianity. Unlike Christianity, it's a religion without redemption but only of sin. The upside is being able to hate all non-"Christians", especially real Christians and of course, Whites in general.

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I don't even bother with my dyed-in-the-wool Democratic future-ex wife. She's hopeless. And has no sense of humor, really. But, come to think of it, do any radical Democrats have a true sense of humor? (same as asking do sociopaths have a sense of humor?)

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Nobody fucks with the Bidens. I loved Dr Jill's flaming red pants suit. One of the few good things she's ever done I imagine.

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"Nobody fucks with the Bidens."....the sheer arrogance of these cretins. They are willing to blow up the world to prevent their secrets in Ukraine from leaking out.

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Well, Jill did wear that bright red dress on Election Day🙂

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MAGA red. Rumor has it she did vote for Trump.

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As a farmer, I recognize that cure. ‘Let them eat cake’ has consequences…

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Yeah, I've seen a couple of postings by people I know who swear that the world will end on Jan. 20, when Trump is "official." It's mind blowing; I am hopeful when I read that Elon wants to dump NPR, as that's where most of these people get their info (and CNN and MSNBC, which are self destructing)

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Wouldn't that be a blessing!

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Many of them deserve that cure,

After a "fair trial" just as fair as they gave Trump, Bannon, Giulani, Stone. And all of the January 6th political prisoners. As far as their lawfare. When their minions file, the names of individuals & firms become public. The fact is the second civil war has been going on since 2020 in the court system. This only has served in postponing the inevetable.

Only one side will win.

What kind of future do you want for future generstions?

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I believe they all share a common trait that is their go to reaction: anger.

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Unsuspectingly, I ran into a rabid never Trumper in my neighborhood. Brainwashed lady is locked into her own self made safe unable to reason and support her position! Sad!

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“Old Yeller”? Uhhh haven’t read it in decades but isn’t that a little harsh? Though— same exact thing has been happening to me—SAME! I wonder how long this frozen mentality can go on?

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I'll consider whatever you think is appropriate for handling a vicious, foaming-at-the-mouth creature attacking your property actively seeking to bring about your demise.

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I found this:

The Article 5 wording is vague. It states that an attack against one member “shall be considered an attack against them all.” What is quoted less often is that each member state only has an obligation to take “such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.” In other words, Article 5 does not commit member states to deploy military assets if an ally is attacked. It only commits them to some form of response.

We are NOT committed to wage nuclear war against Russia.

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In 52 days and one hour, Trump will return to office and all that aggression and one-world government nonsense that the idiot Biden has been hoping for will go off the rails and the USA will, once again, become a force for good.

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I hope we have that much time left.

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"again, a force for good"? Besides the hopium belief that DT is different, the cold war PR got you good- the US has toppled, invaded and or assassinated elected leaders 40 times since wwii. ( or ask the ghosts of a million slaughtered Native North Americans) All in the name of "freedom, democracy, etc.".. and ppl still swallow the narrative..

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I was referring to World War I and World War 2, when the USA saved the world.

Obviously, I was not referring to any of the assassinations committed by the CIA or the wars instigated by the USA.

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school books in USA concoct some purposeful history to shape our minds. Two points to illustrate: To show the Russians our viciousness we nuked Jaapan After they agreed to a surrender date. Two- The Soviets did 80% of the work against the Germans. The US got in late to claim victory and control the spoils w MI5 and the Zionist bankers. Grand Theft World (dot com) has a great library of real books.

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@bob browning. You are way ahead of a lot of people. WW1--the US entered because Wall St much more invested in London/Britain, than Germany. US entry clinched the outcome of WW1 (an outcome that guaranteed WW2). WW2--ditto. Big capital wanted the US to fight GERMANY. US public 75% opposed. "Solution": make and LET Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. Public opinion "fixed"

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They didn't slaughter the Indians for democracy. They did it out of Manifest Destiny.

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yep destiny, etc., etc., your health and safety, etc.

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99% of indiginous died of various disease before ever seeing a euro.

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surprised to see a troll here.. most comments are well captured by the fake 2 party horse race saga.

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Most of them starved to death or died of disease and were not shot or stabbed to death.

This narrative of the noble savage is amusing at best and flat out wrong.

The American Indian did one or all of the following warred upon, murdered, enslaved and ate each other.

The reservation life was put upon them and broke their collective spirit alcohol and substance abuse all but finished many of them off.

The Marxist revisionist narrative on display is flat out wrong.

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Aparently you have'nt read 1498.

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What about the Holodomor in Gaza?

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Whadda crock.

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That's OK--they are only Palestinians. JHK doesn't mind. Friday's good essay covers ONE potential escalation the PTB might exploit to keep Trump out. Middle East is another. Israeli aggression metastasizing to a big war that DOES impact Americans is only a matter of time. If it happens before Jan 20, PTB could try using that "crisis" to keep DJT out.

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PDJT is showing his ability and intent to make necessary changes before official inauguration -ie; DOGE, Tariffs, appointments. Regarding Ukraine, IMOH/fwiw, a directive stating that the war was initiated under false pretense and abuses by political and NATO leadership, and that future acts by persons or Administrations that cause escalation will be subject to Military Tribunal prosecution, ( past actions also to be investigated) Threats or use of of false flag actions must be prevented.

Peace thru strength -

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PDJT needs to nuke Nuttyahoo from orbit, too, and stop all that shit.

Waiting for incoming from "Jim Harmon" in 3...2...1...

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Hi, cunt.

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Yeah but these traitors in charge would choose the most terrible route given a choice It fits in with their disastrous plan for dismantling democracy.

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Stop watching MSNBC, Dena. You will go through withdrawal when it is removed from cable television. Try tapering off. Just watch it 15 hours a day and reduce it by one hour every week. You will be amazed at what you can learn when you stop believing liars.

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The traitors I mention belong to the Biden administration. I’m maga, always & forever. I’ve never watched the liars on cable or anywhere. Not sure where you get that idea. Enlighten me.

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True. The US Mil also are not allowed to commit act of war without Congressional authorization. Yet, here they are in violation of the Constitution and NATO Articles.

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Didn’t stop G Bush.

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Start small - big pharma can no longer advertise, just like big tobacco can not. That will change much of the narrative as news outlets (sic) will no longer receive 75% of their income pushing unnecessary drugs. Maybe they will do some actual reporting.

Next up - you can no longer work for any outfit you've "regulated". No more retiring from the government service just to jump over to the MIC. That has to stop. While we're there, any government employee who works from home is instantly fired - let them try to sue for their pension.

Finally, term limits and election reform. You can not donate money to anyone that you can't vote for—period. This would be followed by term limits in the Senate and House, and that would remove a fair chunk of the problems.

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Big Pharma controls much of the media through its heavy advertising. I'm not sure exactly how the game works, but for starters, networks are not allowed to speak ill of the Covid vaccine.

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You. I’ve posted the idea of no donations from those who can’t vote fur you, as well as outlawing any & all group donations - corporation or union, etc. The problem with each idea is that it requires amending the Constitution as office eligibility and free speech (campaign donations) are being altered. I’m also not sure I’d prefer term limits to a mandatory retirement age, but that’s another discussion…

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Register AIPAC as a foreign lobby.

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I’d prefer people ReElect Nobody. No exceptions. Everybody gets one term. All Lame Ducks. All facing the laws they enacted, or failed to dismantle. No Retirement annuity for four years of Public Service. KISS

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Make them take Ozempic. Dr Oz is going to be part of Trump's team. Cleaning haus?

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I am told that Ivermectin is a powerful anti- parasite drug. Maybe Trump is political Ivermectin.

Thanks for the post Jim

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Ivermectin also destroys cancer cells. It works, trust me!

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So does NAC (N-acetyl L-Cysteine). I found it very effective , at least for hard tumors. It took care of a highly personal and rapidly increasing problem in a location I didn't want to lose to a surgeon's knife. I noticed distinct improvement within a couple of days, and while the problem is gone, I still take it on a daily basis as a preventative. I understand it is ineffective against cancers that don't involve tumors.

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Very glad for you, Susan! What dosage are you taking?

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Trump is a morphine suppository—lethal dosage—bureaucracy dies.

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Yeah, that's why he appointed a Soros man to a high position. We're going to run government as a business! Private not public! No one hunts in the King's forest but the King and his friends.

Americans are slaves mentally and soon will be physically. Libertarianism is just a different kind of opium.

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I like to think of Trump more as a political Black Hole than anything else.

The Blob crosses the Event Horizon and ceases to exist in this space-time continuum.

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That is an excellent assessment.

JHK, while being a good writer who expounds on many of the aspects of our corrupt federal bureaucrazy, could boil this entire essay down to one point. And that is....

Nuke DC from orbit.

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I'm not an extremist.

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i am lol ☺️

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On most issues....

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Pot to kettle.

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It's the only way to be sure.

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Maybe a rod from god? 1500 pound tungsten bars in orbit, a hundred miles up. Released they hit with the force of a nuclear explosion.

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I'm down with the "Rods from God" idea, but AFAIK, it's only our own Fed.Gov that owns these. I could be wrong.

I keep praying that Pakistan will just do it. Please, Pakis, you have nothing to lose.

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The missile Russia demonstrated last week looks like a close approximation, though.

First we ventilate oligarch bunker, then we warm up. Is good, da?

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Now hold on! The company has a substantial investment in this facility.

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No more police! Then accounts can be settled kinetically. The strongest Warlord shall rule. True freedom for him, his family, and his bravos. Private not public! No gubmint!

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Well yeah, that's what I'm always getting at. Said it before, and I'll say it again....there is lawfare, there is law, and then there is...JUSTICE. Preferably of the vigilante sort, speaking for SWIM of course.

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Yeah, imagine some scumbag capitalist sold guns to the Indians and those Indians wiped out your family in a raid. No police. What do you do? You enact justice on the scumbag capitalist.

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One of the most fascinating parts of the GAE’s war on Ukraine is that no one is discussing demographics. Ukraine’s Total Fertility Rate, pre-invasion, was 1.3. They now rank 224 out of 227 countries. (Below it: Taiwan and S Korea; two other countries it is absolutely pointless to defend…)

The Ukraine government has killed or driven off the entire childbearing generation.

No matter what happens at any peace conference, Ukraine is over; it has no future. In “defending” itself so it can join the European market for the Complex, it has committed suicide.

The continued destruction of its future rests entirely with the blob and American voters stupid enough to keep fighting the last, “Cold” war…

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"The Ukraine government has killed or driven off the entire childbearing generation". Well Alex, maybe this was the whole Davos idea. The W.E.F. cabalistic complex has many ways to kill off the world's population. Remember their stated goal, Club of Rome-style. 500 million humans not 8 billion.

Most folks simply do not exist on or think in a sufficiently long time-line. The Davos criminals do and have done. They're not sitting around eating bon-bons, but they also are patient. Very patient.

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Yup. All of a piece. The climate hoax. Destroying food production facilities, buying farmland and keeping it fallow, the jab, Ukraine….

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At the hands of a man who isn't Ukrainian. That's why he was filling the place up with 3rd Worlders. The poor Azov patriots aren't very smart. The forgot about the enemy within in their hatred of Russia.

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I just wanted to say that you, Mr. Kunstler, produce in text, a great combination of insight to reality mixed with optimism. Monday and Friday mornings are always more enjoyable when I hit this space. We had a very brief exchange years ago when I lived in Winnipeg but I now live in an environment closer to your own both physically and in spirit in Clementsvale, Nova Scotia where my wife and I tend to our 180 year old house and outbuildings (an old store, church and graveyard) with ample raised bed gardens and fruit trees. We also have a beautiful chicken coop that is so far empty but possibly in the spring we'll try that out as well. It gives me a stronger connection to your writing. Thanks for that and Happy Thanksgiving.

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Nova Scotia has a thriving Black community. They show it in tourist ads. The what White Americans want to see after all.

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What this country needs is an American Nuremberg. 5 minute tribunals and immediate executions. None shall live. And if that seems a tad, well, extreme, then pause for a moment to reflect upon what this treasonous, murderous blob had had in mind for us.

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Hoping for something closer to what you propose than what we might end up getting.

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Hung from lamp posts without a drop. Ickk the stool out from under them. It takes a strong man about 15 minutes (more or less) to strangle at the end of a rope. That's plenty of time to contemplate the errors of their ways before they fling off their mortal coil.

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👍hung from lamp posts on BLM blvd in DC. Wonder how long it would take Pelosi. I’d walk all the way to see her swing.

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Well Ward, "what this country needs'es" are like the proverbial "wishes". If they were horses all of us could ride.

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""This version of Trump knows what buttons to press, he knows where the bodies are buried, he’s absorbed their worst and now he is about to throw it right back at them." — Jeff Childers"

JHK, with all due respect, you are wrong.

First, Donald Trump is a lame duck president. Both times. Trump is never going to save the republic in one term of office. Just how many times was Trump betrayed while he was president? Because I lost track.

It would have been better if Trump had placed Bobby Kennedy, Jr. as head of the CIA, or the FBI, or both. Then a boy could have found out who killed his daddy, and his uncle. But that will never happen. Worse, is that would have been American Taxpayer money well spent.

Creating another government department is just one more government office, that will never go away. Just one more encroachment upon Liberty and Freedom. The Department of DOGE might as well be called the Department of Dodge Can, because the Department of Kicking the Can is taken -- or the Department of Lying, Cheating, Two-Timing, Cold-Hearted, Mean-Spirited, Cynical, Home-Wrecking, Loser-dom. Because I just don't get it.

I just don't understand this obsession with the idea that Elon Musk is going to save the republic. Musk is a government man. As David Collum says: "Musk is protected." Elon Musk wouldn't exist without all those lucrative government contracts, that primarily just continue hawking 70-year-old technology. Anybody who has ever gone up against Elon Musk (from a big three automaker to another government) has either gone away or been made to disappear -- and right quick.

And now the fully owned, fully controlled, fully manipulated, fully propagandized mainstream media is talking about Musk being "our" next president.  That's like electing the government to be the government. Didn't we just leave this party. Yes, but by your idea of what "mandated" means. More LaLaLand sh*t. Either TPTB have to stop, or you do. I am inclined to raise an eyebrow and point to TPTB who are going to stick around for a while.

Justice doesn't have to happen just because you say so. Just because you say so doesn't make it so. Regardless of how many times you say so. For the same reason Bill Barr was never going to save the republic from Mueller. Because Bill Barr was part of the problem, not the solution. And for the same reason Big Pharma is going to pay for phony vaccines. Or those responsible for making a biological weapon on their own front doorstep and then letting it get loose, when they knew it would turn on the species and attempt to kill us, would see the consequences of their actions. The list, your list, is endless. And justice ain't never going to get done. Ever.

Please stop being so naive.

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Matthew 8:26

In this story, Jesus and his disciples are in a boat during a storm when Jesus is asleep. The disciples wake him up, pleading for his help, and Jesus responds, "Why are you afraid, O ye of little faith?"

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Is Donald Trump your Messiah? I have never understood cultish behavior .....

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He's putting both pro and anti Vax people in the cabinet. Wily as a fox. Let them fight and cancel each other out. It will help people forget what he did.

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Maybe that is the explanation for nominating both Nesheiwat and Bhattacharya.

Otherwise it's very confusing.

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Trump has also placed more neocons and war hawks in his administration than Joe Biden ever dreamed of.

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Excellent observations ....

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