"The migrant crisis has been the first issue to truly evocatively make obvious that something extremely dark and sinister is happening to the country." — Simplicius on Substack
A fine piece of work Jim. Too bad at the end you settle for keeping their extra constitutional fiefdoms intact. No! They have to go. DHS is a nightmare to freedom. CIA, FBI, NSA, etc., completely out of control and acting as defacto executive branch of US. They assassinate world leaders, (including our own), destabilize and destroy other countries and prosecute never ending wars to support their “defense” contractor benefactors, just for starters.
Let’s go back to founders vision of our Constitution.
Hanging is neither cruel nor unusual. It is very quick and makes a fine spectacle. For the condemned, it is far more merciful than the grotesque electric chair or lethal injection.
Also very merciful, though I would insist on it being done with an axe or sword. The guillotine is associated with the Left and it thus to be shunned for historical reasons.
Indeed. Thats why capital punishment has always been a spectacle. Causing pause to societal wannabe Walzes and Hillys, O’Bribems and other such Husseins doing High Treason.
The Department of Education is overreach by the Federal Government. In the Constitution, education is the responsibility of the states. The D of E should be disbanded and abolished, and all of its previous shenanigans cancelled.
I have to add a correction. Jim did not advocate keeping extra constitutional agencies. He just stated that that is a likely deal that Trump would make.
Neutralizing or eliminating most of the USA's European population appears to be a necessary condition to abolish a monstrous abomination, one now almost ¼ of a millenium old. It needn't be this way, but too many Ameriguys are too pigheaded to be turned away from their troughs and pig stys.
Sufficient conditions of abolition likely include teaching the replacements and new opportunists about the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, and the Declaration of Independence as they are, not as Europigs like to pretend that they are. The RANO's have little ancestral or racial reason to revere the founding fiction writers and imperialists. So teaching them truth about the founding may well motivate numerous RANO's to take a step forward from passive contempt to active defiance against the flag, the Con, and the rest of it. Then disintegrates the body of Columbia, possibly named for a Sefardic supremacist.
European Americans are being shoved aside, pushed down, and eliminated. The evidence is overwhelming, and what follows isn't very difficult to anticipate. Seems to be a good thing, given Columbia's habits and the reluctance of EA to grow up.
The psychotropic meds that would allow you to be a functioning member of society instead of yet another Jew-hating, America-hating burden on society, living in his mommy's cellar, smoking low-quality marijuana and gaming 18 hours a day.
Will Elon do to the agencies what he did to X/Twitter, which is to downsize them seriously? Yes Michael, there is no settling for the pain caused. Accountability MUST be front and center.
Accountability is everything. That’s the “missing link.” And while we’re at it, somebody look into the Hillary files. I think weeding out corruption is paramount bc the dems (short for demons? Just joking) are getting away with more than we know.
And how about the murderer of Corey Comperatore? The blob knows who killed him and they are protecting the shooter. I've got a little list, and he's on it, as is the murderer of Ashli Babbitt.
No deals for Brennan, Fauci or the rest of them. I happen to believe that the guilty are too arrogant to worry. I hope they are not as protected as they appear to be. I just wrote a book about it.
Yes. The FBI scrubbed the scene. The bullets fired at Trump (and/or the crowd) were not found. Why not? It is SOP to find the bullet and match it to the weapon. This was not done. Why? Crooks (from the evidence I've seen) did not fire a weapon. If he had fired a weapon, the bullets would have been found and matched to the weapon. So an unnamed shooter murdered Comperatore and wounded others in the crowd. There is more evidence of that, but bullet to weapon to shooter was never produced. Whether or not one thinks that Trump was hit, the missing bullets remain the giveaway that Crooks was not the shooter.
You are a good reminder of the old truth that the truth advances one funeral at a time. As it turns out, your precious "CONSTITUTION" has numerous defects. An egregious one is in Article VII, which pretends to tell you all about "Ratification" and "Establishment " before either of these. The signers were intelligent enough to understand the problem with that fraud, which tells us just about everything we need to know about their low character.
Another problem with the unholy scripture is the preamble. "We the People...do ordain and establish..." contradicts known facts of history. Ordaining and establishing are acts of living, willing beings, but fewer than ½ of the people had any direct involvement with your Con. Notice also its unstated assumption that every child, alcoholic, striver, and retard is authorized to rule. There we have an example of muddled thinking called Enlightenment being instituted as a terrorist menace, now virtually worldwide.
Two problems for you here is that I'm 100% correct, and you know it. So you reacted like a little punk who's just been informed that his father is a swindler.
"Marxist" is as imaginative a denunciation as plagiarizing another writer's comment for an insult. Is English your second language?
Feel free to help Curt to understand my comments about the Con of no legitimacy. You can post a rebuttal together, assuming that you have the vocabulary to think of one.
What seems to be missing is that the Blob will not relent in its quest to take Trump down after he is elected. We witnessed four years of political warfare against the man followed by three and half years and continuing lawfare. I do not see them relenting.
On day one, Trump should demand the resignation of every US Attorney and rebuild from scratch. Another idea would be impeaching federal judges who have acted outside or on the margins of the law - like the FISA debacle.
I agree with getting rid of judges who have shredded the Constitution, but its never going to be accomplished through the justice system they have destroyed. Impeaching them won't work. Just take them into custody and deal with them as needed.
Youve im sure seen that meme with DJT pointing that says they are after you, im just in the way, thats part of whats going on, just look at the censorship etc, the trying to marginalize trad Americans and trad Families and Christians or other of the like. This is real
In 2016 Trump actually lopped the appointed fuckers in the deeply evil State and got rid of Nuland, etc. breaking her 20+ year streak of US subjugation. This time should end all contracts and make everyone re-apply for any job they think they should do. Make the pitch and beg. Absolute Faustian fuckers.
+1 President Trump also fired Henry Kissinger, who
attended every Bilderberg meeting since their inception, who manipulated the monsoon during the Vietnam War via top-secret Operation Popeye, who used his "Kissinger Report" to set the stage for U.S. population control policy in the name of security, who had caused Gerald Ford to NOT invite Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to the White House, whom Hillary Clinton and Klaus Schwab (the "dildo with ears") called their mentor,
and who, in other words, was probably THE primary architect of everything that sucks today.
The one thing Trump won't be able to do is to restore competence to government. The long dismal failure of our public educational system combined with wokeism is now ensuring that competence is not only rare but punished. Several ideas deeply ingrained in our culture have to go if we are to turn around. 1. Framed pieces of paper on our walls prove our competence. 2. Skin color is more important than competence. 3. People who get their hands dirty are incompetent peons. We need to turn around, and to misquote an old quote, hold that "competence isn't everything, it is the only thing". Rome failed to turn those things around, and beholding the deeply corrupted state of our whole country, I don't see us doing it either. Which means the end of freedom and plenty, and the increasing amounts of censorship, control, and scarcity.
Well, get rid of the NEA and undercut the teacher's union, move money to charter schools--there are ways to abolish that beast. There are tons of competent teachers who have left the system, myself included, that might be willing to pitch in just for the chance to improve.
You need to look for new work because the Tesla robot is the new teacher. For less than what it costs to send a child to school for one year, your child can have a private instructor, companion and protector. Our public education system is entirely worthless with 2/3rds of our 4th graders now functionally illiterate. Time to bulldoze the entire edifice down and punish everyone involved with it.
Tesla robot teachers don't exist -- just one more fantasy from the religion of progress. For education of the near future, homeschool. Buy books, teach 'em to read, and get out of their way.
I like the idea of studying the world’s best medical, educational, infrastructure systems etc. and replicating them.
How do the Chinese manage to be number one in STEM? Who has the best health care system with the best outcomes and patient satisfaction? How have the Chinese and Japanese managed to build their superior rail systems connecting all major cities? Etc.
We used to have a wonderful rail network, until the Great Depression limited the extravagance of travel. Then, WW2 caused people to be inconvenienced so travel wasn't easy (imagine that!). After the War, railroads invested heavily in new equipment. For awhile, that worked, until people bought into the idea of travel by car or airplanes. The combination of faster travel that took you where you wanted to go, via a route you wanted to take, was very appealing, especially after Eisenhower came out with the Interstate defense highway system. At the same time, the St. Lawrence Sea way opened, taking away vast amounts of freight traffic that kept railroads solvent (passenger service rarely paid its own way). Finally, the government pulled mail from rail and put it onto planes and trucks, so railroads dumped passenger trains if the feds allowed them to; companies with commuter service were screwed because they were forced to maintain service that cost them millions of dollars a year. The feds stepped in with Amtrak in 1971, but their service has few routes and is expensive compared to simply driving. All this is a long way of saying that we -- or should I say progressives who saw railroads as humanity-hating profiteers -- destroyed our passenger rail system, and damn near killed freight traffic too.
very unsatisfied nurses who have ditched the profession to work at Costco etc. - Abbybwood
At 47 years old my son Thom completed a nursing degree and landed a job at a hospital in So. Philly. He works 3 twelve hr days per week but says the difficulty of keeping up with documentation causes him to put in an extra 2 hrs a day. He says he has never worked harder in his life.
Yup! Me,too, a retired RN working on telemetry for 17 years. I worked through the change brought on by Obama with the hospital Medicare changes and Obamacare. That was the source of it. Over three years, the complexion of nursing changed from being the stalwarts of tertiary health care to the blame targets that Obama insisted upon. Nursing works well if staffed properly, IMO, 3:1. Those days are gone, Not only that , no recognition of patient differences, a 1:1 patient causing the other three patients to want for care. Hospitals were clobbered by the Feds causing them to form up into large corporate entities. When the corporate bean counters came in, they needed a target to blame the negative impression the hospitals had earned with their cost cutting. So who else? I retired four years later, thank goodness , and I really feel for the nurses today because it has gotten much worse and was greatly accelerated by the unnecessary stupidity of Covid. I worked nights and 10 years later still do not sleep right.
You do remember DJTs last term dont you? With these entrenched bureaucrats bucking him at every turn, it will be that on steroids this time, IF we even get past the next change of power, my money is on it doesnt and thus will begin a reckoning.
By who? The unions could re-write this country if they got together to offset the Woke and DEI folks in the cities. Trouble is, they are in bed with them. Trump is just the vanguard with a movement that needs control for 40 years to put politics back at mid-range where it belongs. He will not be able to make deals, as his persona is hated in DC. The early stages will only work with brute force.
Think of the brute force that the Lib drive started with, the last Turning. The Great Depression and WW2 put us on the Lib track interrupted only by Eisenhower, middle of the road, Nixon, middle of the road and Reagan, Right of center. No one really put up a Red Wall against the Left for almost a hundred years now. Hopefully this next Turning will flip things back into sanity.
I would suggest there never was "competence in government", and the idea was that "government" should always be small, limited and kept, like a dog on a leash, not as its current form, a roving pack of wolves artificially enraged on the steroids of power and enormous wealth.
The founding Fathers considered government to be a necessary evil and tried to design a structure to balance the power base to stop autocratic tendency of the power mongers. Nearly forty years of Deep State rule, since Reagan, has continued to whittle down the balance of power by making the Congress inept. Next step is making the SCOTUS feckless. Trump can slow down the encroachment I hope, but his real legacy is proving to enough of the US populace that socialism is NOT the way to go. Grooming the next president and grooming the Congress has to be high on his list.
That implies a moral people, one that tithes to their Church and takes care of their own sick and crazy. Not a bunch of greed heads, whores, and whore mongers.
Agree, but you must be prepared for the consequences of Blacks going back to their true level as a race of manual laborers, not good ones either, mind you. Do we have the moral strength to admit that the opposition and the Old South were right and that the moral crusaders and the Union were wrong?
James, sometimes the ship of state is so filled with rancid bilge that the pumps cannot empty the hold before the ship capsizes and sinks. A perspective most Americans cannot afford to consider as they desperately hold on to the last tiny bit of sanity still hiding somewhere in their propaganda riddled brains.
TDS is not the only derangement that Americans are suffering from. Like COVID, masks, the unvaxxed, etc. These folks cannot get over this without professional help, help that is never coming. And they are basically useless in the efforts required to right the ship of state into a functioning nation, because they can be triggered into another illogical fear at any moment.
Living outside the USA for 15 years gives me a perspective that is untainted by any need to justify why I remain in the failed morass called the USA. A perspective, I might add, that is invisible to those inside the country. There are those monetizing the end of the empire who see parts of the picture, but if the whole were to become visible, one simply cannot get out of the country fast enough.
In another perspective, if I were to meet you face to face, and I excitedly told you I was expatriating to a country and described it with the conditions existing in the USA, you could not get out of my presence fast enough.
Folks love to say that it’s the same everywhere, but that’s a lie. Ecuador may have its problems, but a government consisting of Ivy League educated psychopaths with unlimited resources, trying to kill me, is not one of them. There are more than a million American residing outside the USA, and we are doing just fine, with the biggest problems caused by the USA interference in one way or another.
Civilization ends when bad things do not happen to bad people—EcuadorExpat
Its pretty clear that half of North America has gone crazy in the form of deluded/deranged Marxists. Their whole raison d’etre is to justify their deviation from reality. Ideally, reality is your friend, and you go through the jungle (life) brachiating from one crisis (test of survival) to the next, with a knowing smile on your face, content that you are succeeding in learning from your errors. Further, you respect your neighbours, engage that cute member of the opposite sex, procreate and enjoy Life Everlasting in our heaven on earth. Not so the mentally ill.
There (insanity), reality is a scolding parent, a hateful nanny; YOU know, and they don’t, and if only your magic was not thwarted by a stern God you could smite your enemies and manifest your destiny. With enough deviance, you can literally watch a different movie on your internal projection screen (consciousness) from the rest of benighted “useless eaters”. Plus, you can engage in delusion and even hallucination to make others wrong so that you can be right. There is no person more “right” than a dangerous schizophrenic.
Thus, it has always been, and in the past such deviation from what works was eventually taken care of by the Law of the Jungle. Unfortunately, feminist notions of civil conduct forbids capital or even corporal punishment. Since the “stick” is bad (a defect of the patriarchy), the “carrot” of animal motivation must be good: and modernity is all about drowning in a sea of carrots. With such a severe deviation from God’s plan, we set off in the wrong direction and repentance is just a quaint notion from a bygone era.
That, to my mind, is a thumbnail sketch of our evil current reality. Add the automaton of Artificial Intelligence to mendacious political power, and good men doing the Lord’s work start to question their reward. The message from our ancestors is that “virtue is it’s own reward”. Therefore reap what you sow, and ignore the tempests of adversity, except insofar as they hone your craft and build your character; you will be a more contented agent of good. In other words, do what works; don’t do what doesn’t work.
Think of what God did at the Tower of Babel when man started thinking he was equal to God. Isn’t AI, and genetic engineering getting to that point again.
Four years is a very short time. It's too bad that Trump can't get 20+, like Vlad Putin, then real change would be possible. Turning around the ship of state is nigh impossible in the Hegemon. It would be like the captain of the Titanic trying to avoid the iceberg and failing.
Many are suggesting sending Trump's tormenters to prison. But that's probably not gonna happen and would cost the taxpayers millions to try it. IMHO, Trump would have a successful 2nd term if he: 1) Ends the US aggression against Russia before all the Ukrainian men are dead. 2) Clamps down tightly on the border and starts deporting as many illegals as possible. 3) Against all odds, talks some sense into Netanyahu before he brings down the entire Jewish state.
When the Mexican embassy thing happened with Jorge Glas, I watched a YouTube that featured an appearance by former President Mahuad Witt. The most interesting feature was the comments. I see why he had to flee the country.
Old Testament justice must be part of President Trump's agenda. Otherwise, those who have worked so assiduously to destroy this nation will believe that his reelection is just a temporary setback, and reinforce the infrastructure for continuing to do so as soon as possible.
The problem, of course, is that going after these bastards is extremely dangerous, as JFK illustrated. I doubt that Mr. Trump has a martyr complex, and would not like to see him sacrificed but, to be unsparingly realistic, a successful assassination would be more likely than not. In that unwanted event, a President Vance might be about the best scenario that the US could hope for: a highly intelligent, capable leader who recognizes Class War as the eternal issue for America and might actually strive to restore the working classes.
Fuck the so-called "Secret Service." They're a bunch of traitors and incompetents. Trump can afford a virtual fucking ARMY of private security. He's probably doing it now, and keeping his cards close to his chest about it.
So long as The Federal Reserve is allowed to exist, nothing much will change. Our govt is owned/controlled by The Fed. Reckless & destructive monetary policy is at the root of every single problem facing this country. The Fed's enforcement arm is the MIC. As very wise man likes to say, "when all else fails, they take us to war".
Always enjoy your posts and angst as you write. But I disagree that we need to get down to business and leave the political criminals of woke alone or bring them into the camp. They have committed treason against the people. We are the targets of their death agenda. There is no justice if we do not see it swiftly.
Justice that is not coming, I might add. Because the justice Americans want requires an investigator, an arresting officer, a prosecutor, a judge, and a warden or executioner. All with impeccable integrity. If one of these levels is corrupted, there is no justice. A chain which simply no longer exists in the USA.
Corrupt people cannot eliminate corruption, the best they can do is replace it with their own version of corruption.
The USA is going to violence before this is over. As soon as Trump shuts off the money to these illegals all hell will break loose. These folks did not make the effort to get here just to have their d*cks stuck back in the dirt of the poverty they were escaping from.
Amen. But these are not merely people escaping poverty. These are minions, soldiers for the “private army” O spoke of. Paid voters, being armed by someone when you and I must go through checks to buy a gun. Aurora is only one city. Ready to kill us and take our property. Amen to ‘all hell will break.’
A fine piece of work Jim. Too bad at the end you settle for keeping their extra constitutional fiefdoms intact. No! They have to go. DHS is a nightmare to freedom. CIA, FBI, NSA, etc., completely out of control and acting as defacto executive branch of US. They assassinate world leaders, (including our own), destabilize and destroy other countries and prosecute never ending wars to support their “defense” contractor benefactors, just for starters.
Let’s go back to founders vision of our Constitution.
Concur. No deals - raise the Black Flag of “No Quarter”.
One does not secure victory over evil by negotiating with it & allowing it to coagulate & come roaring back, you cut it out/crush it completely.
While crushing it, you have to make it a spectacle, as well. A warning to others.
Hanging is neither cruel nor unusual. It is very quick and makes a fine spectacle. For the condemned, it is far more merciful than the grotesque electric chair or lethal injection.
I would prefer decapitation.
Also very merciful, though I would insist on it being done with an axe or sword. The guillotine is associated with the Left and it thus to be shunned for historical reasons.
Indeed. Thats why capital punishment has always been a spectacle. Causing pause to societal wannabe Walzes and Hillys, O’Bribems and other such Husseins doing High Treason.
Exactly Mike, they have to go. Burn it/them down and start anew.
"We can’t pretend that nothing happened." ~ JHK
Amen, Jim. This is their intention - to keep pretending like nothing happened.
Ain't gonna happen.
I used to call myself a "burn-it-all-to-the-ground" anarchist, (meaning the government), but then Antifa ruined it for me. Fucking faggots.
We have much work to do, "Silly faggots" works here. <3
Hey Ron; you are not from Freeport NY are you?
Yes. When they come for me, send them to Freeport, NY. ;-)
The Department of Education is overreach by the Federal Government. In the Constitution, education is the responsibility of the states. The D of E should be disbanded and abolished, and all of its previous shenanigans cancelled.
I have to add a correction. Jim did not advocate keeping extra constitutional agencies. He just stated that that is a likely deal that Trump would make.
You're correct, Michael.
Neutralizing or eliminating most of the USA's European population appears to be a necessary condition to abolish a monstrous abomination, one now almost ¼ of a millenium old. It needn't be this way, but too many Ameriguys are too pigheaded to be turned away from their troughs and pig stys.
Sufficient conditions of abolition likely include teaching the replacements and new opportunists about the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, and the Declaration of Independence as they are, not as Europigs like to pretend that they are. The RANO's have little ancestral or racial reason to revere the founding fiction writers and imperialists. So teaching them truth about the founding may well motivate numerous RANO's to take a step forward from passive contempt to active defiance against the flag, the Con, and the rest of it. Then disintegrates the body of Columbia, possibly named for a Sefardic supremacist.
Hey dude, get back on your psycho meds, fast.
What "psycho meds"?
European Americans are being shoved aside, pushed down, and eliminated. The evidence is overwhelming, and what follows isn't very difficult to anticipate. Seems to be a good thing, given Columbia's habits and the reluctance of EA to grow up.
The psychotropic meds that would allow you to be a functioning member of society instead of yet another Jew-hating, America-hating burden on society, living in his mommy's cellar, smoking low-quality marijuana and gaming 18 hours a day.
Will Elon do to the agencies what he did to X/Twitter, which is to downsize them seriously? Yes Michael, there is no settling for the pain caused. Accountability MUST be front and center.
They have to pay. Their crimes are many and they are severe.
If they don’t pay with their liberty, fortunes and lives it merely gives them the go ahead to continue with their treasonous schemes.
Accountability is everything. That’s the “missing link.” And while we’re at it, somebody look into the Hillary files. I think weeding out corruption is paramount bc the dems (short for demons? Just joking) are getting away with more than we know.
The unfortunate reality is that Trump may struggle to return to office unless he agrees to a few, if not several, undesirable deals.
The tone of his 2024 campaign, in contrast to the America First-Centric 2016 campaign, already suggests that deals have been made.
I’m afraid you’re right.
And how about the murderer of Corey Comperatore? The blob knows who killed him and they are protecting the shooter. I've got a little list, and he's on it, as is the murderer of Ashli Babbitt.
No deals for Brennan, Fauci or the rest of them. I happen to believe that the guilty are too arrogant to worry. I hope they are not as protected as they appear to be. I just wrote a book about it.
Jim...so you;re saying there was a second shooter at the Butler event and the guy the SS took out DIDN'T shoot at the crowd? Please, elaborate.
Yes. The FBI scrubbed the scene. The bullets fired at Trump (and/or the crowd) were not found. Why not? It is SOP to find the bullet and match it to the weapon. This was not done. Why? Crooks (from the evidence I've seen) did not fire a weapon. If he had fired a weapon, the bullets would have been found and matched to the weapon. So an unnamed shooter murdered Comperatore and wounded others in the crowd. There is more evidence of that, but bullet to weapon to shooter was never produced. Whether or not one thinks that Trump was hit, the missing bullets remain the giveaway that Crooks was not the shooter.
Trump can’t let them get away with their attempts to destroy America!
A huge YES to this. This blog has me thinking these things are POSSIBLE. Such a relief
Which founders? Some supported that imperialist hoax. Some decided that they'd rather not participate.
*Some decided that they'd rather not participate.*
They're called "losers."
Succinct and Accurate! Yes Sir! Back to the CONSTITUTION..!
You are a good reminder of the old truth that the truth advances one funeral at a time. As it turns out, your precious "CONSTITUTION" has numerous defects. An egregious one is in Article VII, which pretends to tell you all about "Ratification" and "Establishment " before either of these. The signers were intelligent enough to understand the problem with that fraud, which tells us just about everything we need to know about their low character.
Another problem with the unholy scripture is the preamble. "We the People...do ordain and establish..." contradicts known facts of history. Ordaining and establishing are acts of living, willing beings, but fewer than ½ of the people had any direct involvement with your Con. Notice also its unstated assumption that every child, alcoholic, striver, and retard is authorized to rule. There we have an example of muddled thinking called Enlightenment being instituted as a terrorist menace, now virtually worldwide.
Thank you Allan the TROLL…
Two problems for you here is that I'm 100% correct, and you know it. So you reacted like a little punk who's just been informed that his father is a swindler.
No, you are the little punk that turned into a swindler like your father.
Get the fuck out of here you bastard Marxist piece of shit.
"Marxist" is as imaginative a denunciation as plagiarizing another writer's comment for an insult. Is English your second language?
Feel free to help Curt to understand my comments about the Con of no legitimacy. You can post a rebuttal together, assuming that you have the vocabulary to think of one.
What seems to be missing is that the Blob will not relent in its quest to take Trump down after he is elected. We witnessed four years of political warfare against the man followed by three and half years and continuing lawfare. I do not see them relenting.
On day one, Trump should demand the resignation of every US Attorney and rebuild from scratch. Another idea would be impeaching federal judges who have acted outside or on the margins of the law - like the FISA debacle.
There needs to be an accounting.
I agree with getting rid of judges who have shredded the Constitution, but its never going to be accomplished through the justice system they have destroyed. Impeaching them won't work. Just take them into custody and deal with them as needed.
Youve im sure seen that meme with DJT pointing that says they are after you, im just in the way, thats part of whats going on, just look at the censorship etc, the trying to marginalize trad Americans and trad Families and Christians or other of the like. This is real
That would be a start, anyway, albeit just a start.
Like, What do you call a hundred federal bureaucrats on the bottom of the ocean?
Should have said toxic waste.
Yeah, I was working off Disinfected’s input: “Just a start.”
I'm not certain what to call them, but it makes me smile to think of them lying several layers beneath all that whale shit.
In 2016 Trump actually lopped the appointed fuckers in the deeply evil State and got rid of Nuland, etc. breaking her 20+ year streak of US subjugation. This time should end all contracts and make everyone re-apply for any job they think they should do. Make the pitch and beg. Absolute Faustian fuckers.
+1 President Trump also fired Henry Kissinger, who
attended every Bilderberg meeting since their inception, who manipulated the monsoon during the Vietnam War via top-secret Operation Popeye, who used his "Kissinger Report" to set the stage for U.S. population control policy in the name of security, who had caused Gerald Ford to NOT invite Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to the White House, whom Hillary Clinton and Klaus Schwab (the "dildo with ears") called their mentor,
and who, in other words, was probably THE primary architect of everything that sucks today.
From whom?
Hah Hah Hah
The one thing Trump won't be able to do is to restore competence to government. The long dismal failure of our public educational system combined with wokeism is now ensuring that competence is not only rare but punished. Several ideas deeply ingrained in our culture have to go if we are to turn around. 1. Framed pieces of paper on our walls prove our competence. 2. Skin color is more important than competence. 3. People who get their hands dirty are incompetent peons. We need to turn around, and to misquote an old quote, hold that "competence isn't everything, it is the only thing". Rome failed to turn those things around, and beholding the deeply corrupted state of our whole country, I don't see us doing it either. Which means the end of freedom and plenty, and the increasing amounts of censorship, control, and scarcity.
Well, get rid of the NEA and undercut the teacher's union, move money to charter schools--there are ways to abolish that beast. There are tons of competent teachers who have left the system, myself included, that might be willing to pitch in just for the chance to improve.
You need to look for new work because the Tesla robot is the new teacher. For less than what it costs to send a child to school for one year, your child can have a private instructor, companion and protector. Our public education system is entirely worthless with 2/3rds of our 4th graders now functionally illiterate. Time to bulldoze the entire edifice down and punish everyone involved with it.
Tesla robot teachers don't exist -- just one more fantasy from the religion of progress. For education of the near future, homeschool. Buy books, teach 'em to read, and get out of their way.
Robotic teachers have existed for years now, widely use in Korea so Philippine teachers can teach Korean kids through them.
I like the idea of studying the world’s best medical, educational, infrastructure systems etc. and replicating them.
How do the Chinese manage to be number one in STEM? Who has the best health care system with the best outcomes and patient satisfaction? How have the Chinese and Japanese managed to build their superior rail systems connecting all major cities? Etc.
We used to have a wonderful rail network, until the Great Depression limited the extravagance of travel. Then, WW2 caused people to be inconvenienced so travel wasn't easy (imagine that!). After the War, railroads invested heavily in new equipment. For awhile, that worked, until people bought into the idea of travel by car or airplanes. The combination of faster travel that took you where you wanted to go, via a route you wanted to take, was very appealing, especially after Eisenhower came out with the Interstate defense highway system. At the same time, the St. Lawrence Sea way opened, taking away vast amounts of freight traffic that kept railroads solvent (passenger service rarely paid its own way). Finally, the government pulled mail from rail and put it onto planes and trucks, so railroads dumped passenger trains if the feds allowed them to; companies with commuter service were screwed because they were forced to maintain service that cost them millions of dollars a year. The feds stepped in with Amtrak in 1971, but their service has few routes and is expensive compared to simply driving. All this is a long way of saying that we -- or should I say progressives who saw railroads as humanity-hating profiteers -- destroyed our passenger rail system, and damn near killed freight traffic too.
Odd how homogenous so ieties have the best public transportation. Maybe it's not the transportation, maybe it's the public.
While we are at it the entire medical system needs to be cleaned up.
When nurses are leaving the bedside by the thousands due to insufficient pay and abuse in staffing etc. something has to be re-wired.
Doctors are now nothing but so many drone bees following corporate edicts that their corporate masters computers tell them is “acceptable”.
I am a retired nurse and there are hundreds of YouTubes posted by very unsatisfied nurses who have ditched the profession to work at Costco etc.
very unsatisfied nurses who have ditched the profession to work at Costco etc. - Abbybwood
At 47 years old my son Thom completed a nursing degree and landed a job at a hospital in So. Philly. He works 3 twelve hr days per week but says the difficulty of keeping up with documentation causes him to put in an extra 2 hrs a day. He says he has never worked harder in his life.
Abby wood
Yup! Me,too, a retired RN working on telemetry for 17 years. I worked through the change brought on by Obama with the hospital Medicare changes and Obamacare. That was the source of it. Over three years, the complexion of nursing changed from being the stalwarts of tertiary health care to the blame targets that Obama insisted upon. Nursing works well if staffed properly, IMO, 3:1. Those days are gone, Not only that , no recognition of patient differences, a 1:1 patient causing the other three patients to want for care. Hospitals were clobbered by the Feds causing them to form up into large corporate entities. When the corporate bean counters came in, they needed a target to blame the negative impression the hospitals had earned with their cost cutting. So who else? I retired four years later, thank goodness , and I really feel for the nurses today because it has gotten much worse and was greatly accelerated by the unnecessary stupidity of Covid. I worked nights and 10 years later still do not sleep right.
You do remember DJTs last term dont you? With these entrenched bureaucrats bucking him at every turn, it will be that on steroids this time, IF we even get past the next change of power, my money is on it doesnt and thus will begin a reckoning.
I like that idea, kinda like an Atlas Shrugged moment.
Personally, thats what i plan on doing, just walking away, no more taxes
By who? The unions could re-write this country if they got together to offset the Woke and DEI folks in the cities. Trouble is, they are in bed with them. Trump is just the vanguard with a movement that needs control for 40 years to put politics back at mid-range where it belongs. He will not be able to make deals, as his persona is hated in DC. The early stages will only work with brute force.
The unions represent less than 10%.
But they control some critical bottlenecks in the economy.
Actually a small percentage. Those whose wages and salaries are paid with tax revenue are encouraged to work.
The citizens who pay taxes strike.
The working class.
You go home and stay there. Park the cars.
Keep 1 phone with internet, per household. 1 car with liability insurance per household. Homeschool the children.
Pay only utilities.
This is an alternative to civil war. Easier. Just go home, and stay there.
Small businesses will grind to a halt. Capital gains tax revenue will evaporate.
Only a small percentage actually are paying taxes.
It is a house of cards.
Think of the brute force that the Lib drive started with, the last Turning. The Great Depression and WW2 put us on the Lib track interrupted only by Eisenhower, middle of the road, Nixon, middle of the road and Reagan, Right of center. No one really put up a Red Wall against the Left for almost a hundred years now. Hopefully this next Turning will flip things back into sanity.
I would suggest there never was "competence in government", and the idea was that "government" should always be small, limited and kept, like a dog on a leash, not as its current form, a roving pack of wolves artificially enraged on the steroids of power and enormous wealth.
The founding Fathers considered government to be a necessary evil and tried to design a structure to balance the power base to stop autocratic tendency of the power mongers. Nearly forty years of Deep State rule, since Reagan, has continued to whittle down the balance of power by making the Congress inept. Next step is making the SCOTUS feckless. Trump can slow down the encroachment I hope, but his real legacy is proving to enough of the US populace that socialism is NOT the way to go. Grooming the next president and grooming the Congress has to be high on his list.
The government that is best, governs least, said Thoreau. .
That implies a moral people, one that tithes to their Church and takes care of their own sick and crazy. Not a bunch of greed heads, whores, and whore mongers.
Yup. “takes care of their own sick, crazy And kids.”
Amen, Janos.
Yes. Wealth gained from blackmail and bribery from our enemies, I might add.
Agree, but you must be prepared for the consequences of Blacks going back to their true level as a race of manual laborers, not good ones either, mind you. Do we have the moral strength to admit that the opposition and the Old South were right and that the moral crusaders and the Union were wrong?
What in Gods name are you saying?
Hey Jarek, do you know what the acronym "OFE" means?
I'll wait.
James, sometimes the ship of state is so filled with rancid bilge that the pumps cannot empty the hold before the ship capsizes and sinks. A perspective most Americans cannot afford to consider as they desperately hold on to the last tiny bit of sanity still hiding somewhere in their propaganda riddled brains.
TDS is not the only derangement that Americans are suffering from. Like COVID, masks, the unvaxxed, etc. These folks cannot get over this without professional help, help that is never coming. And they are basically useless in the efforts required to right the ship of state into a functioning nation, because they can be triggered into another illogical fear at any moment.
Living outside the USA for 15 years gives me a perspective that is untainted by any need to justify why I remain in the failed morass called the USA. A perspective, I might add, that is invisible to those inside the country. There are those monetizing the end of the empire who see parts of the picture, but if the whole were to become visible, one simply cannot get out of the country fast enough.
In another perspective, if I were to meet you face to face, and I excitedly told you I was expatriating to a country and described it with the conditions existing in the USA, you could not get out of my presence fast enough.
Folks love to say that it’s the same everywhere, but that’s a lie. Ecuador may have its problems, but a government consisting of Ivy League educated psychopaths with unlimited resources, trying to kill me, is not one of them. There are more than a million American residing outside the USA, and we are doing just fine, with the biggest problems caused by the USA interference in one way or another.
Civilization ends when bad things do not happen to bad people—EcuadorExpat
Its pretty clear that half of North America has gone crazy in the form of deluded/deranged Marxists. Their whole raison d’etre is to justify their deviation from reality. Ideally, reality is your friend, and you go through the jungle (life) brachiating from one crisis (test of survival) to the next, with a knowing smile on your face, content that you are succeeding in learning from your errors. Further, you respect your neighbours, engage that cute member of the opposite sex, procreate and enjoy Life Everlasting in our heaven on earth. Not so the mentally ill.
There (insanity), reality is a scolding parent, a hateful nanny; YOU know, and they don’t, and if only your magic was not thwarted by a stern God you could smite your enemies and manifest your destiny. With enough deviance, you can literally watch a different movie on your internal projection screen (consciousness) from the rest of benighted “useless eaters”. Plus, you can engage in delusion and even hallucination to make others wrong so that you can be right. There is no person more “right” than a dangerous schizophrenic.
Thus, it has always been, and in the past such deviation from what works was eventually taken care of by the Law of the Jungle. Unfortunately, feminist notions of civil conduct forbids capital or even corporal punishment. Since the “stick” is bad (a defect of the patriarchy), the “carrot” of animal motivation must be good: and modernity is all about drowning in a sea of carrots. With such a severe deviation from God’s plan, we set off in the wrong direction and repentance is just a quaint notion from a bygone era.
That, to my mind, is a thumbnail sketch of our evil current reality. Add the automaton of Artificial Intelligence to mendacious political power, and good men doing the Lord’s work start to question their reward. The message from our ancestors is that “virtue is it’s own reward”. Therefore reap what you sow, and ignore the tempests of adversity, except insofar as they hone your craft and build your character; you will be a more contented agent of good. In other words, do what works; don’t do what doesn’t work.
Think of what God did at the Tower of Babel when man started thinking he was equal to God. Isn’t AI, and genetic engineering getting to that point again.
We live in a commercial and political Babel. That’s America.
Don’t leave out language. It has been hijacked to the point of chaos [ babel ].
I am liking this post purely on the merit of your creative thinking
When Justin Bieber moves back to Canada, I'll think about doing the same.
Maybe The Kamal will also move back?
Four years is a very short time. It's too bad that Trump can't get 20+, like Vlad Putin, then real change would be possible. Turning around the ship of state is nigh impossible in the Hegemon. It would be like the captain of the Titanic trying to avoid the iceberg and failing.
Many are suggesting sending Trump's tormenters to prison. But that's probably not gonna happen and would cost the taxpayers millions to try it. IMHO, Trump would have a successful 2nd term if he: 1) Ends the US aggression against Russia before all the Ukrainian men are dead. 2) Clamps down tightly on the border and starts deporting as many illegals as possible. 3) Against all odds, talks some sense into Netanyahu before he brings down the entire Jewish state.
How are things day to day in Ecuador?
When the Mexican embassy thing happened with Jorge Glas, I watched a YouTube that featured an appearance by former President Mahuad Witt. The most interesting feature was the comments. I see why he had to flee the country.
"Ecuador may have its problems,"
Don't the commie Chinks control Ecuador's supply of electricity?
"Civilization ends when bad things do not happen to bad people"
By this, am I to understand that civilization ended millennia ago and we've been cruising along on momentum?
Old Testament justice must be part of President Trump's agenda. Otherwise, those who have worked so assiduously to destroy this nation will believe that his reelection is just a temporary setback, and reinforce the infrastructure for continuing to do so as soon as possible.
The problem, of course, is that going after these bastards is extremely dangerous, as JFK illustrated. I doubt that Mr. Trump has a martyr complex, and would not like to see him sacrificed but, to be unsparingly realistic, a successful assassination would be more likely than not. In that unwanted event, a President Vance might be about the best scenario that the US could hope for: a highly intelligent, capable leader who recognizes Class War as the eternal issue for America and might actually strive to restore the working classes.
Yes, Vance cares about the White working class. That's why he went native and wants to import millions of his adopted people to replace us.
Hmmm, do I think we will get less immigrants, including Indians, if we elect Kamala? Nope. Many many more.
Yes, she'll take us over at ninety and Trump will take us over the cliff at the speed limit. Legally! But o'er the cliff is o'er the cliff, you see.
LOFL!!! Right on, Jarek!
"Excellent," why? Because his post isn't a novel this time, and relatively on-topic?
Howard, the panel investigating the attempted assassination has told the USSS that Trump is still a target and needs thorough coverage.
Fuck the so-called "Secret Service." They're a bunch of traitors and incompetents. Trump can afford a virtual fucking ARMY of private security. He's probably doing it now, and keeping his cards close to his chest about it.
I hope so, anything the government tries to do seems to turn to shit.
So long as The Federal Reserve is allowed to exist, nothing much will change. Our govt is owned/controlled by The Fed. Reckless & destructive monetary policy is at the root of every single problem facing this country. The Fed's enforcement arm is the MIC. As very wise man likes to say, "when all else fails, they take us to war".
That’s changing as we speak. Not going into details here. Count on it. A new system is coming.
Would that be CBDC? or BRICS+?
Always enjoy your posts and angst as you write. But I disagree that we need to get down to business and leave the political criminals of woke alone or bring them into the camp. They have committed treason against the people. We are the targets of their death agenda. There is no justice if we do not see it swiftly.
Justice that is not coming, I might add. Because the justice Americans want requires an investigator, an arresting officer, a prosecutor, a judge, and a warden or executioner. All with impeccable integrity. If one of these levels is corrupted, there is no justice. A chain which simply no longer exists in the USA.
Corrupt people cannot eliminate corruption, the best they can do is replace it with their own version of corruption.
The USA is going to violence before this is over. As soon as Trump shuts off the money to these illegals all hell will break loose. These folks did not make the effort to get here just to have their d*cks stuck back in the dirt of the poverty they were escaping from.
Amen. But these are not merely people escaping poverty. These are minions, soldiers for the “private army” O spoke of. Paid voters, being armed by someone when you and I must go through checks to buy a gun. Aurora is only one city. Ready to kill us and take our property. Amen to ‘all hell will break.’