There are those who have committed crimes against humanity and their enablers. Nothing less than an American Nuremberg with 5 minute tribunals and immediate executions will do. Remember, these monsters had all of that and more planned for innocent humanity - a brutal and sadistic reduced population techno-feudalism.

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Scenario: one or more of the 51 “intelligence officials” get prosecuted for election interference for their phony public letter about “the hallmarks of Russian influence”. Necessarily a key witness in their trial is Hunter Biden, who now because of the pardon cannot refuse to testify by invoking the Fifth Amendment. If he spills the beans the truth is revealed for all to see and if he lies he commits perjury which can then be prosecuted because it falls outside the timeline of the pardon. Perhaps Joe just checkmated all his sleazy family members.

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Oooh! Bet they didn't think about that when "Joe Biden" issued the pardon. Hunter is truly toast now. Bet he doesn't make it long enough to testify. Still, there's all the computer data....

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Geez, elysianfield! Why did you do that?! Now I'm all in tears over here and with the sniffles n stuff. Ruined my evening. Glad I don't wear mascara or eye-liner at least. Kindly DO NOT pull at my heartstrings like that! Thank you!

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Easy Peasy is the Hillary option to wit: "I don't recall" you see I've wrecked my memory with that devil cocaine.

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No, probably Adrenochrome is the preferred 'Demon Drug' and he only turns to Cocaine when no 'Little Brown Children' without parents is available for torture/rape/murder before being ate.

THAT is what these Uniparty Nazi Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires and Ritual Torturing Adrenochrome Addicts adore.

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ALL the “51 intelligence officials” are mysteriously found hanging one by one on random street lights around DC

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I meant to ask; how many people can the president pardon? Is there some kind of upper limit? Also, who can't the president pardon? Any particular kinds of individuals or crimes that are immune to pardons?

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Ward Dorrity, your comment represents my dreams. Unfortunately, you and I both know this will never happen. I don't expect the Trump Administration will do much of anything to punish the evil fuckers that infest the Federal level. We'll get lots of lip service but like all Republican administrations in the past when they held both the Executive and Legislative powers, nothing truly reformative will be done.

I've become too black pilled. Been disappointed way to many time but the Republican filth. They are paid opposition and lip service, nothing more.

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Time for a ride to the train station....

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I'm afraid that you are correct. Evil gets a wink and a nod. And warm applause from academe.

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Respectfully, I have to disagree. This is not the Republican party of old, this is a new populist party, and you can't dismantel the deep state without enforcing some degree of accountability for the crimes that have been committed. I would also argue that if the perpetrators of those crimes were not convinced that retribution was comming after January 20th, then they would not be so engaged to slander and oppose those (Kash Patel etc.) who are going to expose their crimes. We are in a period of rapid seismic change that is going to drastically reshape this Country's politics and culture. Mistakes will be made and criticisms will be valid but there also won't be any censoring of those critics. It's going to be a wild ride, stay engaged.

Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com

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Dick Minnis, I really appreciate your optimism though I don't share it. Like I said, I have seen the Republicans stab their people in the back too many times to have such optimism. I appreciate your comment, though, and I truly hope you are right. I want to see every last penny of these fucker's wealth confiscated and returned to the people from whom they stole it and I want to see these fuckers swinging from lamp posts. I don't want them rotting in a cushy prison on taxpayer's dime. True justice needs to happen and I do not have the faith that it will.

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Cankerpuss what you are not taking into account is the assassination attempt. Trump knows he's lucky to be alive, and even a man with a slow moral compass feels the need to right that kind of wrong...

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They wont do schitt, only thing that will happen is another schittshow like the last time

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"Been disappointed way to many time but the Republican filth".

Proof-read! Proof-read. Toujours la "proof-read".

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Dude, cum on, men. I thaowt me coment was reely good.

Thancs for telin me to pruf reed. I needed that. Reeely, I deed.

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Brighten up Kanky, and have a nice day.

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Gee, thanks, tom clark. :)

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Hanging is entirely appropriate for the worst crimes against humanity ever: Pfauci's creation of the virus in Wuhan, and the Pfizer-benefitting mandates to inject the dangerous and worse-than-ineffective mRNA experiment:


The important thing is to _never let them move on_ until REAL justice is served.

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Patrick, if you're talking pole-hanging viz drop-hanging, I concur. Personally, I say bring back the blade (which is still too humane for these monsters). And while you're at it, bring back the Boston rag. Tell all yer buddies that it ain't no drag.

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I don't care how the vaxx criminals are hanged, but it is essential that we all keep publicly calling for those hangings. Without some real fear on the part of psychopaths like Pfauci, we are all in high danger of a repeat performance.

Never heard of the Boston rag. What is it?

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How will anyone be held accountable when the jurors in DC are as malignant as the blob itself?

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BREAKING—Per Anne Vandersteele: Trump just signed transition paperwork with Biden with the huge exception that his team will not be using government funding, nor tax payers’ money. It is entirely private funding and he owes no one anything. The transition team has gone dark. Way to go.

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Private funding means greased palms, Miriamne.

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No one will, even Hunter. But it's fun imagining there is justice in our "representative" Republic. We peons will take what they give us and be glad we're not denizens in Bangaladesh.

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DOJ can apply to change venue. Many of these crimes were also committed in other federal court districts as well as DC.

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And who is it they apply to? Until we address the fact that, if you are on trial for anything related in any to politics in DC, the jury you get will have voted 90% for, or against, your political party. Look at what happened to “special prosecutions”.

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The plan is to have a few federal cases originate out of the state of Florida

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I'm pretty sure Congress can change the boundaries of federal court districts. But you probably couldn't do it in this session with the ridiculously small margin the GOP has in the House. Then of course you have some GOP Senators who are really Democrats (or Uniparty Corruptocrats) like Senator Murkowski.

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Is there a way for these court cases to be military tribunals? I have zero faith in the civilian courts to get anything meaningful done.

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Far better to bring back RENDITIONS to off-shore water-boarding facilities, no?

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Sadly, I am compelled to agree. It's nice to fantasize about the restoration of "justice, for all" but I suspect that will remain merely a phrase in the Pledge of Allegiance.

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I've watched Trump for 45 yrs; if he says he will do something, he does it. Always. He never wanted to be president but knew that if no one else came forward he would probably have to do it to get America straightened out and crooks rounded up. He said that 40 yrs ago. And then he became president - he did what he said he would do. He has also said he would round up every deep state person. He has been doing that as well. While we have some deep state folks in military there are also military members who want America restored to goodness and they are working with Trump to do that. Trump put U.S. under martial law on Jan. 6, 2021, just before Biden took office, because America had been taken over by criminals and because Biden was an illegitimate president - meaning we were under occupation. Being under martial law means he could also prosecute deep state criminals under military law and give them tribunals. This has been happening since Jan. 6, 2021. Gitmo got so full they had to use other military prisons around the world but they also got so full they are now doing tribunals on military ships at sea. This has been confirmed by military officers, I've seen videos of all this and this was also confirmed by Monkey Werx, a military veteran on you Toob. This has also been confirmed by Derek Johnson, another military veteran, who explains all this here:


Look up Law of War because that is what we are under right now, it is what the military operates under and what we are now under. Trump didn't make public announcement because he didn't want public to panic and also because he didn't want to alert deep state - it was best if they thought they really were in control, all while criminals were being quietly rounded up. If this all sounds crazy and unbelievable, just look at how insane deep state is and know that it takes extraordinary measures to beat them at their own game. Trump does EVERYTHING legally, always has. He has set up traps to entrap deep state criminals quietly. I've researched govt for 30 yrs, every single day for several hours at least and have watched Trump for 45 yrs - he is the real deal. My dad was an admiral who taught me how military works and he also was a top advisor to a past president. I saw what happened to him, deep state tried to ruin him but couldn't because he was a very honest man. I have an idea how deep state works. Most of the criminals have now been rounded up, only minions are left. They have been replaced by actors wearing masks created by CIA, so deep state doesn't panic.

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He didn't "lock her up."

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She went to Gitmo in 2017.

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What?! You'd better quit those mushrooms and ayahuasca.

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Sure, Jan.

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This is because there was zero evidence for her to be "locked up " in the first place .

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Her illegal email server containing classified documents wasn't a crime?

Her failure to disclose the fact that she authorized her campaign to fund, create and disemenate the Steele dossier to the Federal Election Commission wasn't a crime?

The whole Clinton Foundation pay-for-pay scheme wasn't a crime?

And those are just off the top of my head. I'm sure that I can dig up many others where anyone else committing the exact same acts would be in a federal prison......

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Thank you. I would also add Clinton Foundation being used for child sex trafficking as well. If you're reading this and doubt it, look it up. They have a HUGE operation in Haiti.

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Don't forget taking a hammer to federally owned blackberry phones while in the middle of being investigated.

If we had done any of this we would have been thrown in jail but not hildabeast of the huge cankles clinton.

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Woke Jacobin alert!

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He promised to sue Hillary. He didn't. You made an absolute claim which even one example disproves - although I'm sure there are many more.

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He DID sue Hillary, here's proof and you can find the case here:


Also, even mainstream news said he sued Hillary:


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No he promised to JAIL her.

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Thank you. I never heard, then again, why would they tell us? How did it turn out?

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"I've watched Trump for 45 yrs; if he says he will do something, he does it." Like balance the budget, which he swore to do first time he ran? Yes, he hung the portrait of Andrew Jackson, a man who did balance 8 straight and left the U.S. $0.0 in debt in the Oval Office- and then proceeded to sign off on- not once veto- 4 straight TRILLION dollar deficits. When he left office, he had nothing good to say about any of his cabinet appointees, some of whom were indeed Deep State, except for poor Rudy Giuliani, who was left broke an all but lifeless thanks to DJT. But the first 100 days will tell the story this time- let's see.

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Monkey Werx? He's been disproved and outed as an agent of dis-info for ages now. All the stuff before you got around to MW, is a lot of hooey. Trump the master 4D chessplayer. Why not declare martial law and keep Biden's gang out of the White House to begin with, instead of all this complicated secretive, Byzantine mumbo-jumbo?

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Erdogan: Democracy is a bus. You get off at your stop.

This is our stop.

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The jurors are protected by the blob and vice versa. What happens if they lose their protection? Just askin'.

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It's not DC jurors. It's nominations like that asshole sheriff in Florida for Sec'y DEA. What was Trump doing while he absent-mindedly approved this guy? Thinking of his golf handicap?

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12/02/24: What is the common denominator shared by 1) The OJ Simpson "not guilty" verdict and 2) the Hunter Biden "pardon"? You must guess/define it exactly (no hints or help on this one).

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Only one of them had Kato Kaelin as a catamite?

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12/02/24: Nope, but an excellent contribution to the James Howard Kunstler Comedy Compendium!

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Thomas Sowell summed up the thought that it is nearly impossible to debate with democrats when he said, “It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”

Democrats are the moral busybodies that C.S. Lewis referred to: https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/democratic-governors-vow-to-fight?r=76q58

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I heard a quote once and I don't know who to attribute it do but it goes something like this:

"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down and beat you with experience."

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Another good one:

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”

-Mark Twain

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Mark Twain.

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12/02/24: I've seen the quote attributed to Mark Twain.

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Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's frustrating and it annoys the pig.

Similarly, never try and teach the average person to think. Even if you briefly succeed, they will hate you all the more for it. So? Therefore? Don't stop. The road of thought doesn't come to an end - unless you are an average person. What does the above say about "Democracy"?

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Mine is: “ never wrestle with pigs, you get dirty and they like it”

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12/02/24: Thirty-forty years of the losers (Democrats) calling the winners (Trump et al) "losers." What a splendid deal! Finish last each year, and yet they continue to raise the price of the seat tickets (and get paid). I think they've plagiarized the NY Jets.

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12/02/24: And by this, Hillary blew a billion running and failing, then Kamala needed a 50% increased 1.5 billion to do pretty much the same thing... say... what if they've been lying all summer, spent that amount of money but failed to collect it before spending it? What if the mainstream media (running ads) had secretly extended them CREDIT, figuring that the election was in the bag and they'd get paid after January 20, 2025?

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I just sincerely want to see some justice in our country. As a nation, we will never heal until people are held to account. Most people don’t begin to understand the travesty that the democrat party has visited on our people and our nation. These are lying, satanic, reptilian creatures and just as you would do if you stumbled upon a snake pit in your backyard, they must be burned to cinders and laws passed to prevent this from ever happening again. Until then Trump as President means nothing but a short reprieve from the anarchy and treason.

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Wanda, I agree totally. Unless real punishments are extended, the next group of nasties will pick up where Biden other nefarious left off--or worse, still operating. If we cannot imprison the guilty because of pardons, we can investigate and then dox the heck out of them and their deeds so the world can be forever reminded about who these people were.

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If Joe Biden wanted to help America he would now pardon all J6 participants except the provocateurs.

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There is no need for any more laws.these cretins broke the constitutional laws they swore to uphold. Treason is a bitch. I want to see it brought. Vindman for starters. He’s such a whiney fake girlieman, it will take only a little concern of his to start bringing down the cabal. You get one to flip, and it’s like dominos.

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Check out Stew Peters new documentary. He starts out with Gaza but it is about us. The same group occupies our nation. Justice? Only after we have freed ourselves from them.

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I agree wholeheartedly, and as a retired " man of the cloth " ( humorous play - retired LEO ), justice - in a legal manner - is my professional desire .....but the cowboy in me screams " train station "! Tho torching the snakepit warms my heart also!

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I find it odd that the Democrats that I know are celebrating this pardon as if it is some kind of victory. My Yahoo newsfeed proudly proclaimed that the pardon was to "protect" Hunter from Trump and portrayed Hunter as the victim who was saved by his father's great sacrifice.

You can't make this stuff up and if the news (sic) still feels empowered to carry water for these criminals, they are far from defeated.

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Please don't misunderstand, the Yahoo newsfeed is part of the problem. I don't know how many people subscribe to it, however, let's use it as an example. It likely isn't a lot of people, and they likely are older (like some Boomers, some GenXers).

The idea being floated is to change the makeup of the occupants/invitees of the small room (holds about 4 dozen seats) for press conferences.

The idea would be to arrange for podcasters to be in the mix, and possibly exclude dying organizations with low viewer #'s such as CNN and MSNBC.

My point being the 'news' you refer to is dying off, with low ratings and sparse viewership except in a shrinking demographic.

I think it's safe to say more people watch Joe Rogan than CNN. Is it news? Sometimes. Does it ask tough questions, mostly yes.

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Why not keep the lying MSM in the room for the obvious contrast?

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I reckon this is implied in Kenn's suggestion Will's son.

He suggested only CNN and MSNBC. Perhaps he himself implied more?

Why not ABC, CBS, NBC, and say PBS?

Then go to the real news (once known as the Alt-News)

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"and possibly exclude dying organizations with low viewer #'s such as CNN and MSNBC.'

Possibly exclude and such as, is what I responded to.

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The mix would be interesting. Possible label: 'The Return of Real Reporters'

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Great point. I haven’t read any Lib stuff yet this morning. I’d like to let my breakfast settle in first. 🤢🤮

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Advertising revenue is way down for these "news" agencies because few there be that watch this trip anymore. So who's keeping them afloat? Soros? Bezos? Someone is still giving these poor saps money so they can continue to air their worthless drivel.

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The pharmaceutical industry controls the media. They don't make a profit on their MSM ad spend, but they control what can and cannot be said. Considered money well spent. Probably working in cahoots with Dominion and Smartmatic, since discussion of election theft is strictly prohibited.

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Good, Ez. Banking, Media, Pharma, Food - same people.

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Yes. They ‘sued’ FOX News and Fox folded.

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No Rupert Murdoch chose not to fight it.

There is a difference and guess who Rupert hates with a purple passion...If you guessed orangeman bad you would be correct.

Willing to loose a billion to hurt Trump who would assess that as being worth it?

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12/02/24: My guess is the Pentagon/Defense Department/CIA/FBI/DHS/"Seventeen" intelligence agencies. And why not? They are never honestly financially audited, so why not spend the money wherever they happened to feel like it on any given day? And the quotes around "seventeen" means that there could easily be another 17 agencies in existence, so secretive that they have no public names.

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Their friends in banking create money out of nothing. Same group controls both industries. So don't you worry about them. They can get interest free "loans" which never have to be paid back.

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So true. What a system eh?

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Agree, how long do they continue watching their $ circle the drain before disabling the toilet.

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If there are no hangings there will be no change. Mayorkas & Milley - at minimum - committed treason. Brennan, Clapper, FauXi, Birx, The 51…. all must be prosecuted and severely punished .. or the swamp wins and our kids - the American future - lose.

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Our children have already lost. They are the ones on the hook for the $36 trillion debt that has bee foisted on them. There's no way the Boomers or Gen X pay this shit off.

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12/02/24: Given their overall complete lack of concern about the debt, WOW are they going to be hoppin' mad when they finally realize what's what.

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I have four children coming of age. I tell them often that they are going to be the ones who will fix this mess. They just roll their eyes at me. I don't think they comprehend any of this.

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12/02/24: They will soon enough. Tragic and understandable.

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My guess is not a single person you mentioned in this article will be convicted or serve any time in prison. And in the off chance one or two of them are actually prosecuted, it will end up going nowhere. This is the way of Washington DC.

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Agree. Too bad the US isn't the kind of country where they'll have to be looking over their shoulders nervously for the rest of their lives.

Since I believe in God - and that they will stand before his judgment someday - I take solace in the reality that God can make Hell hotter - for a whole lot longer - than any human court of "justice".

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I'm glad you believe Hell is not forever - the most evil idea ever thought. Hell is just a long and hard sentence in Purgatory.

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Better brush up on theology

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Ken Burns, PBS—Propaganda Broadcasting in Stalinism—did a bleeding heart mushy docu years ago about the immigrants at Ellis Island. With the Statue of Liberty as backdrop, fiddles whining, a woman built like a brick shit haus was interviewed. ‘Refugees’ from an eastern bloc nation longing to be free…she was the caretaker (handler) of two small boys who were photographed with her. They were the Vindman brothers. Credit to Amazing Polly for digging that up. They were groomed to be deep state ops.

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Loved Ken Burn's "The Civil War" back in the 80s but then his work began backsliding into cultural Marxism. Have you ever watched an interview with the little prick? He's insufferable!

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Slavs, eh? Damn them!

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Hey now. I represent that remark.

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Pardoning Hunter Biden was a clear admission of guilt on both parties. Keep in mind, payback is a bitch.

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I doubt if Hunter has abandoned his degenerate, feckless ways. He won't last long.

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Indeed it is. Will be interesting to see the reaction when/if the new pres pardons himself.

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What would he have to pardon from himself? He’s committed no crimes.

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That is an outright LIE of course Hunter has committed crimes from little right on up to felonies that would have seen people like you behind bars for a long time.

Just the illegal gun charge was years in lock up.

You know the gun he illegally owned as a drug addict and which he disposed of in a dumpster yet another crime.

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Mayorkas was not treasonously negligent at the border. He ran an effective operation, the purpose of which was to bring tens of millions of future Democrat voters and criminals into the country as quickly as possible. Let's give credit where credit is due.

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exactly. It's amusing when people ascribe incompetence to actual malice. How can they not see that?

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" doing stuff outside the law because they feel like it." Operative phrase, JHK.

But, their law is not law it is lawfare.

Kash is the Exterminator. He is back!

I digested his Tucker Carlson Network interview this past weekend. The right stuff, he is!

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You must be friends with Sundance at The Last Refuge...(G-d, I hope so). Mary McCord is at the heart of most of the chicanery; Bill Barr grew the surveillance state in the 90s.

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Yes, a very dangerous man. He has a wonderful face, no doubt a fine husband, brother, father, etc. Wonderful to his friends and terrible to his enemies - that's us. He is the embodiment of Sir Arthur Keith's dual morality, the Law of Amity and Enmity. Imagine him being grilled by a prosecutor. Unflappable. A stone come to life.

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Hell hath no fury but a Biden Scorned! Guess FJB burning the party down on the way out the door.

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Without consequences evil flourishes.

And many in the Legacy media are as culpable as those in government for aiding and abetting crimes.

They need to feel the scorching heat just as much as those in government, and wrecked for their complicity.

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Can they lose their broadcast licenses perhaps?

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