Wow... A really nice piece...Thanks. Not for nothing, I don't like the silence...strikes me that the Beast is hungry and He's mad. Stay frosty folks. Pax
Agreed; however, some deep state entities have been making noise. Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell has said he refuses to leave office, he says he "can't be fired.: Here's an article on that:
He is probably part of Senior Executive Services (SES) and they can't be fired. Not ever. We can thank Jimmy Carter for that. But if he thinks Trump can't or won't fire him, he has another thing coming. I've watched Trump for decades; when he takes on a task he always gets it done and always wins.
Then there's the Pentagon. They are saying they will find a way to take Trump out of office and he won't be president. This is out and out, in your face treason. Military law, says penalty for treason is execution.
So, yes, stay frosty, more to come IMO. My money is on Trump/RFK Jr. They both have many reasons to go after deep state and this is a fight to the death, literally.
The federal reserve is supposed to be independent of the government. The president can ask for a chairman's resignation, and sometimes they oblige, but otherwise they serve out their terms without interference from the political class.
Agreed. I think I just figured out why Trump can fire him: Biden reappointed Powell as chairman in 2022 but Biden's term as president was illegitimate, he wasn't the rightful president. Trump was rightfully elected president but Dems cheated to get Biden in office. If his term was illegitimate, and it was, then Trump can fire Powell, as the appt wasn't legitimate. IMO, Trump may be getting ready to bring out the Loy Brunson decision by U.S. Supreme Court, proving that 2020 election was stolen. If that happens, Trump may become president before Jan. 2020. If you don't know about Loy Brunson case, you might want to look it up, it's an important case.
I just saw this short video on Black Rock owning Federal Reserve basically, extremely important video, everyone should see this, it explains a lot about our economy:
BlackRock: The Most Shocking Conspiracy You’ve Never Heard Of
The President can no more "do away with the Fed" than he can fire the Fed chairman. Andrew Jackson correctly labeled the Fed of his day, the Bank of the United States, a corrupt entity and killed it by refusing to sign the bill to re-charter it- whereupon the BUS triggered a Depression intended to ruin his election chances- but when Jackson sadly informed veterans of the War of 1812 who regarded him as a great hero, that the BUS actions made it impossible to pay their veterans benefits, they correctly blamed the BUS and not Jackson, who was handily re-elected- and left the nation $0.00 in debt, after 8 consecutive balanced budgets and a strong gold-backed dollar, which read "Payable on demand for gold." Compare that to the incredibly complex language and description of the cryptocurrency industry( who stuffed wads of money down Trump's throat (he, who, incidentally hung Jackson's portrait in the Oval Office) that not one man in a thousand can make any sense of. Amazingly, a return to the gold standard- or some standard(!) could be accomplished by making the so-called security strip not out of Mylar(!), but honest-to-God hologrammed gold (or silver.) But that would not be simple enough for the tangled web-weavers who H.L. Mencken branded as "The great practical jokers of the race."
Crypto is more terrifying to me than the worthless paper Federal Reserve notes. Nothing more than digits on a computer somewhere, wiped out with a single power outage or EMP. No, precious metals is where we need to go. Back to silver and gold.
A return to the gold standard could be as simple as making the so-called security strip in what passes for money today not out of Mylar(!) but real gold (or silver)- in other words, putting the gold literally back in the hands of the people. No longer wondering if it was really in Fort Knox. The Fed, working 24/7 to ram CBDC's down everyone's throat(See Jon Forrest Little's writing) wants nothing to do with that- they want to eliminate cash entirely and put everyone under surveillance with each and every transaction. One of the saddest events in history was when Hitler's goons literally put a gun to the head of the Czech finance minister and ordered him to call the Bank of England, where their gold was stored, and border to transferred to Germany's of the vaults. The BOE knew exactly what was going on but they did it- and Chamberlain had held up a piece of paper declaring he had obtained "Peace in our time." But if Czechoslovakia had put its gold in the hands of its own people instead of shuffling it to England for security, this never would have happened.
I think because he sees the handwriting on the wall and has heard the cries from everyone calling for Trump to end the Fed. He knows Trump wants his own people and he's not one of them even though Trump is the one who put him there in the first place. Go figure.
Trump put a lot of people in office so he can have them arrested later for crimes they commit. Powell was reappointed by Biden in 2022 and his term expires in 2028; however Biden is illegitimate president and Trump actually won 2020. This is probably going to come out soon, and Trump should now be the president. Powell's appt was illegitimate and that's why Trump can fire him. Just my 2 cents.
Ridiculous even if you are right, which you aren't. Qanon type stuff. Trump isn't going to abolish the Federal Reserve system although it is completely illegal as per the Constitution.
This is an utterly absurd supposition. Trump didn't put people into office just so he can fire them later on. Come on, man.
Can you imagine the Constitutional shit storm that would befall us if Biden's Presidency was deemed illegitimate? There's no way that will happen. The damage is done. The only thing we can do now is move forward and try to repair the damage Biden did and try to push off the coming financial Armagheddon.
I DO know that and always have, I'm 70 y.o. I just wasn't thinking of that when I wrote my comment. At my age, my brain doesn't work as fast as it used to, especially after CO2 poisoning for 9 months. No need to assume I'm ignorant or to talk down to me.
The readers here may, but Joe Six Pack certainly does not- and I would suspect that may here do not appreciate that the very Too-Big-to-Fail Banks are the actual owners of the Fed and therefore hold all of us hostage to bailing them out if their own bets go wrong. This is exactly what Andrew Jackson charged when he refused to sign the bill to re-charter the BUS. He said:“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin!"
Powell's constituency is very, very small, and Powell is the Mother of American Inflation, printing/counterfeiting $5 Trillion during the Covid Scam on top of the Yellen/Bernanke $3 Trillion Too Big/Jigged To Fail robbery.
"Powell is the Mother of American Inflation" No, the "Mother" is the US Congress - they passed the legislation allowing the money to be conjured into existence & spent. Congress has not passed a budget in I don't know how long.
Biden was the executive who directed the authorized spending. Powell is like a midwife, an assistant in the birth of a monster. Contact your congresscritters about this.
Without the Fed as buyer of U.S. bonds, and always the implied Backstop if the Primary Dealers can't directly fill their Obligations, and always read to lend money to the Primary Dealers and Foreign Banks to keep the churn machine running, without the Fed at the ready to click new (counterfeited) dollars into existence, then the U.S. Government would have to live within their means.
But, you are correct about 1 important thing. The U.S. Government created the Federal Reserve Monster, for the Private New York Banks, in 1913, and now the Fed heavily feeds these Private Banks, Foreign Policy and Military Adventures.
Though the FED is a private organization, just as the USPS. Being that the case, it would seem logical to assume that the President would be able to exercise considerable control over it.
Has the President, or Congress ever vetoed a proposed hike in the cost of a first class stamp? It was a nickel, in my lifetime. But it is certainly true that the Fed is the enabler of the creation of trillions of new debt- Bernanke and others before stated publicly that the Fed did not monetize the debt, but that is a bald-faced lie. Do they suggest that China, or Japan, or Britain, much less Russia are the ones buying all those bonds? It sure isn't the American people either.
The Federal Reserve is a consortium of banks, not all American, which effectively own the United States. Our own Elite sold us out at Jekyll island. Unasked and unknowing, we joined the "international community".
Yep, and also for overthrowing State's Rights by turning the Senate into nothing more than a glorified House of Representatives. By giving the Senate to the people States lost all rights and interest in the Federal Government. They became nothing more than administrative districts. Woodrow Wilson upended an all important balance of power between the States, the people and the Federalists. He finished off what old Abe Lincoln started in his war of northern agression against the southern states. I hope both of them are rotting in hell for their crimes against humanity.
The Fed is a Private money counterfeiting Monopoly, that stole the credit of small Americans, along with a corrupt Congress, to finance the Too Big (JIgged) to Fail scam.
Powell has completely outed himself as the Political Tool that he really is.
Remember all that Covid money that was used to offset the effects of the government caused pandemic. $1200 each for nothing? No efforts. Sorta sounds like UBI? That is what caused inflation, goods production decreased and more money supply. Classic inflation!
JAZ - the handout was simply a beta test for UBI. Trying to dial down the minimum $$$ amount to keep people on their couches, watching TeeVee and eating snacks. When the natives get restless, that's when the problems start.
If memory serves me right, I believe when the Fed was passed, congress retained the right to buy out the fed if it went south. The price was a few million I think. I'd say the fed went south about 10 minutes after it was made.
Look at all the wars and the millions of Americans killed since the advent of the Fed. It is a Satanic institution. Evil to its core. It has brought nothing but death, destruction, debt and chaos to our society and our people.
Agreed!! If Milley is successfully court-martialled then this will be the clarion call that the fight is on….as the Leviathan in Washington DC collapses (which ever way that proves to be, with a constant, ever-expected twist), we should expect civil war to inherently fill the political vacuum, since politics abhors a vacuum (no matter what the trolls on here and on every other social media platform claim to the contrary), which will force American government at the state level on down to either assume the responsibility vacated by the feds, or the local govts mirror the feds, with riots morphing into civil war💀
The arrest of those who peacefully assembled on J6 2021 in protest of the lack of election integrity in the 2020 election are still being arrested. My husband and I are currently serving 90 day house arrest for “entering and remaining” in a restricted area. My probation officer told me not to expect any early release and that any requests for pardon will go through normal channels at the DOJ. These people who criminally conspired to topple President Trump by targeting him and his supporters will not quit so easily just because they lost an election. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, but feel optimistic that the good guys will ultimately win. The unity coalition has some smart, strong people working for America.
The Jan 6 entrapment is beyond outrageous. I want full exposure of that domestic operation. It ruined a lot of people but didn’t even achieve its objective of intimidating maga. Another sad tale of destructive incompetence. This type of thing must end.
But but tekapo told us it was an attack! Majella told us there was no election fraud! These lefties from New Zealand and Australia pretend to know the US better than we the people. Who live here and work here. The arrogance of these Socialist boot lickers is amazing. Yes still stuck off the coast of some third world country dem Hoofies been getting pummeled.
Remember these folks are products of a socialist monarchial system, the UK. The idea that hey would have to do things on their own volition is an anathema to them.
What me Worry? If I pay enough taxes, the government will take care of me.
Sound familiar? Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Pelosi, et al.
I see a night and day difference between the organization for the Trump 2016, and 2024, administration. It wouldn't surprise me that Trump has every base covered.
I completely agree. Trump is relying on a brain trust unlike anything I’ve seen in my lifetime. The closest second was Reagan’s ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ and they were mostly politicos and eggheads, but smart. The last time Trump entered the Executive Suite he was a lamb surrounded by wolves. This is a man who learns from his mistakes.
Look at Jan.6 for what is was, a revolt by the people against the Federal government. Trump and his group had a problem with questionable results from an election. He lawyered up and started to investigate what happened and how they did it. He was absolute stifled by the Deep State judiciary of the country, state by state. 100%! His group did not accept the total repudiation and had a rally in DC, much like the pussy hat women’s marches four years prior. Pelosi stopped Trump’s effort to have national Guard supervision of the rally which inflamed itself into a riot. Because the cowardly Dems and RINOS hid in the basement instead of confronting the crowd, it was termed an insurrection by the Deep State, actually Pelosi and two RINOs. What was their goal, to make Pence decide to allow the investigation to continue instead of certifying the election at that moment. That was used by the damnable Deep State to make equivalent the actions against Civil War insurrectionists with these people trying to stop a Deep State abomination.
IMHO, the real insurrectionists were and are the Leftist Deep State that continue today to have total control over this country and destroy the Constitution in their path to totalitarianism. Just listen to them, that is enough to realize who the traitors to the country are.
Armstrong has gone into a lot more detail, but I don't find it at this time.
"All the evidence shows that January 6th was a Deep State coup to shut down the challenge to any state’s count. The Deep State, with their Neocons, had to get rid of Trump just like JFK because both were anti-war. Pelosi refused to call in the National Guard because they feared that they were Trump supporters. That is why there was a 3-hour delay in asking for the National Guard – the Deep States (FBI/NSA/CIA) were in control. Pelosi used the event to impose emergency rules to block any challenge to the count involving seven states. The Constitution required any challenge to be debated on the full floor. Pelosi imposed a COVID rules restricting the number of people on the floor to just 53. They then imprison anyone who was there except FBI and their operatives while trying to use the 14th Amendment against Trump for what they very cleverly pulled off."
For Outlander fans, the Insurrectionist Battle of Alamance, where the Crown destroyed the rebellion of Regulators. It is considered the first battle of the Revolutionary War. A rebellion of “homeless” at the time against taxation that had destroyed their livelihoods. Jan.6 was actually more serious as these “rebels” considered the repudiation of their votes by a conspiracy of the Deep State judiciary raised them up to a fever pitch, enough to call out the Deep State. These people are heroes as much as the Regulators or the participants of the Boston Tea Party.
Why? Do you really believe the R-team is going to do anything? What did the R-team do during the first two years of the Trump's first term? Oh yeah, nothing but obstruct him. Name one thing the R-team has done to limit government, reign in spending, abide the Constitution? God I am so sick of this back and forth between the two major political parties while purposefully ignoring the fact that BOTH parties don't do anything but grow the size of government, grow the debt, fund the wars, and let the illegals continue to pilfer the American taxpayer wealth.
Are we shifting to a point of progress? Maybe. As the older Boomer generation starts to die off in multitudes it will behoove the younger generations to come in and solve the problem. Doesn't bode well for my General X.
I would love to see Americans cast off the fucking two party mentality. Hell, I wish they would read George Washington's farewell address (if they could understand it, he uses strange words and is hard to understand) and cast off all allegiance to any political party. Political parties become a person's tribe and tribalism is almost impossible to cure. Evidence is "oustider's" comment above. Even after all these years of being stabbed in the back by the Republican filth there are still many millions that think the Republicans are the answer to the Democrat cancer.
I woke up a long time ago. I guess to each his own.
To be honest we have been here before and they did nothing. We still have the unaffordable care act from obaminable. I won't hold my breath even with Trump throat punching the Republican do nothings. My insurance went up over 1000 a month and is half as good as it used to be just so some slug can get bad VA style with hold care. Time to get government out of they.
To many of us the article outlines several of the reasons why the popular voted the way we did. But in all honesty when was the last time anyone within the Govt was held accountable? I mean the Russia hoax, which was proven to be diabolically treasonous, still permitted the same nefarious criminals who created it to espouse their venom during this election cycle...Does anybody really give 2 shits what Hillary thinks? Even the Obama's had minimal impact even though their ill gotten riches were provided by many of the current billionaires who benefitted from their policies...The best in class award goes to Van Jones who reaped $100 Million from Jeff Bezos for what nobody knows...speaking of Bezos and The Washington Post...who the fuck cares what Bob Woodward has to say? His take down of Nixon is legendary but since then he writes books that nobody cares about (please dont quote NY Times best seller)...The real work to be done is to clean up the republican Party starting with Thune and Cornyn who are backchanneling to save their hides from the very donors who will suffer from a Trump Presidency...Trump needs to stay the course (and I agree with you JHK about his avoiding the public limelight) and focus on the Illegal Immigration, Inflation, and Crime as they are front and center for the popular vote...while at the same time his cabinet can focus on fixing the Woke Ideology implemented starting back in 2008 with Obama...If we believe the democrats are going to sit back and look at themselves in the mirror you are sadly misguided...Raskin and Schiff have had a Plan B all along and it will present itself shortly...The Democrats will not be satisfied until they are the last men standing in a pile of rubble...In the immortal words of Sun Tzu, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."...we now know the enemies (within and outside the party) and we know ourselves...It is no time to be complacent...
Don't forget the free speech/censorship issue. That allows them to control the media and much of social media, which in turn allows them to keep their true believers in thrall.
Emoticoms will soon replace our ridiculous alphabet. It is a superior system. Hieroglyphics embody a depth of feeling and meaning that the written word can never begin to approach. We will draw them with sticks in the sand on the beach and hoot with glee as the tide washes them away. As we "advance" we will draw them in mud that will harden, creating the illusion of permanence. Then carve them in stone, etc. The whole dreary thing will begin again. Better to stay naked on the beach perhaps?
As our public education system continues to fail our children, we can expect the next generation to communicate primarily with emojis of smiley faces and piles of poop.
I've stated before that "they" will not allow DJT to ascend to the office of president, come hell or high water. I speak of those who are deeply entrenched within the bureaucracy of our government who not only hold expansive power, but more importantly have no issue with using it to whatever end is subject to their whims. Perhaps at one time they subscribed to the notion that the ends justifies the means, but I think it fair to say that this is a relic of the distant past as absolute power is such an intoxicating thing. Now they destroy anyone or anything that they deem a threat to their position in the government - that position amounting to their effectively running the country with the various branches being little more than window dressing to keep the plebes in the dark. We've seen this time and time again, only to be told that we're conspiracy theorists (in the pejorative sense) and to shut up and move on. Those who don't are subject to lawfare. This time the stakes are so high...indeed, their very existence is at play. Given this circumstance, expect anything and everything to prevent DJT from becoming president. If anything, a coup by the military is very possible, though I think this may be their 2nd or even 3rd option. What is certain is that they will act to protect themselves as a cornered animal will surely lash out with extreme violence. Watch and see.
"What is certain is that they will act to protect themselves as a cornered animal will surely lash out with extreme violence. Watch and see." What is even more certain is that large organizations tend to be clumsy and poorly coordinated. I have been in charge of several very small organizations and found repeatedly that despite everyone's best intentions, things get screwed up. Vigilance, flexibility and cooperation are always necessary. I have no reason to believe that even the Deep State is immune to this vulnerability. During the process of the disintegration of the USSR, there was no extreme violence. And none of our 'experts' predicted that.
The Zionist faction of the Deep States picked Trump. The one nation party (not our nation though). The actual Globalists hate him - the no nations party. Both are enemies of the real American Nation.
To whom did John the Baptist call vipers, and Jesus say to, “you are of your father the devil”?
Answer: the Jewish power elite of that time. So you have Jesus, the number 1 Jew of all (according to Christianity), and John the Baptist, who Jesus named the greatest among men, and by default then the no 2 Jew of all time, both calling out the corrupt Jewish elite of that time.
Does that answer your question?
A big part of the problem, is that there are good Jewish folks who instinctively close ranks with corrupt Jews, and refuse to point to the huge heard of elephants in the room wreaking havoc on everything else.
No offense, but I didn't ask you. I asked Jarek, aka Lugh. He's fulminated for years about Jews being evil, and how only antisemitic Catholics like him are good. Say what? You cannot hate all Jews while worshipping a Jew or saying you believe in YHWH, the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. While I respect your opinion and tend to agree with much of what you said, this turd's comments about hating all of us of Jewish heritage multiple times every. goddamned. week gets pretty old. Maybe he should worry about problems within his church before he talks shit about Jews -- you know, take the beam out of your own fucking eye before you try to remove a splinter from your brother's eye, and all that.
Well, I can’t speak to your weekly interactions with this guy. I just happened to follow a link, read the article, peruse the comment section, and answer your question. That said, I really do hope to see the day that the average decent Jewish people stand up and start publicly dealing with those elephants. Not holding my breath though.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. I've said many times that the Antichrist will have two seats, the Vatican and the rebuilt Temple. So I do criticize my own. They in contrast, almost never do.
And Christ said that the angels are the reapers. Why has this been ignored in iconography? Why not portray angels with scythes reaping souls?
I am betting on Trump being assassinated before he can be inaugurated. They've already tried and failed. All it takes is one successful attempt and it is game over.
One thing that may prevent this is the reaction of MAGA to any messing with the results this time. Jan. 6 will be a slight disturbance in comparison. Let this idiot Dems try to affect the election, they may be in the Mall with tar and feathers for clothing.
George W. Bush, Jr. How odd. After essentially disappearing from the National Stage except making the usual appearances to undermine and try to destroy Trump, he has emerged anew from his lair.
Day after election the GWBush Off road Biking Event where he was putting on a really good act like he actually cared for all of those Vets with missing limbs caused by his evil family.
Then yesterday, he and Laura are trotted out to center field with the Dallas Cowboy football team in an opening ceremony.
This is one of the biggest WTFs ever. This slimy Evil Doer knows all of the secrets, and he and his pal Dickless Cheney should be the first to be hauled before a tribunal and executed for crimes against humanity.
Noticed it. I wonder if an effort, by the media, to promote the establishment GOP as a counter to Trump. GOP, (RINO) my foot, these are Democrat Neocon war mongers trying to maintain a foothold in DC.
You have provided a thorough fisking of many of the most culpable among the myriad of culpable government and quasi-government characters who should, were we living in a truly just society, be held criminally and civilly accountable for their high crimes and misdemeanors. But I hold little hope that most, let alone any of them will find themselves on the other side of the lawfare equation. Over the past fifty years, the weasels have been very busy building their dens; it would likely take an equally long time to ferret (sorry for mixing mustilidae metaphors) them out. I will be satisfied if only the most egregious among them are made to answer; perhaps that will serve as a salutary warning to others, like the proverbial killing of chickens to scare the monkeys. And it would give us on the other side at least a smattering of satisfaction after taking so much crap from them these many years.
I don't think Trump is interested in pursuing the culpable en masse. It is a distraction and will serve to re-energize the left, and four years is not a long time. However, he would wise to go after of a few of the worst. Sometimes, you have to hang a nun on the village square to show people that you mean business. Charge someone, and they will be in the position of spending millions of dollars to defend themselves, or cop to a lesser offense. That happens, and all those Deep State types in the various bureaucracies will think twice about pulling anything this time.
Wow... A really nice piece...Thanks. Not for nothing, I don't like the silence...strikes me that the Beast is hungry and He's mad. Stay frosty folks. Pax
Agreed; however, some deep state entities have been making noise. Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell has said he refuses to leave office, he says he "can't be fired.: Here's an article on that:
He is probably part of Senior Executive Services (SES) and they can't be fired. Not ever. We can thank Jimmy Carter for that. But if he thinks Trump can't or won't fire him, he has another thing coming. I've watched Trump for decades; when he takes on a task he always gets it done and always wins.
Then there's the Pentagon. They are saying they will find a way to take Trump out of office and he won't be president. This is out and out, in your face treason. Military law, says penalty for treason is execution.
So, yes, stay frosty, more to come IMO. My money is on Trump/RFK Jr. They both have many reasons to go after deep state and this is a fight to the death, literally.
The federal reserve is supposed to be independent of the government. The president can ask for a chairman's resignation, and sometimes they oblige, but otherwise they serve out their terms without interference from the political class.
He could simply do away with the fed and Powell would be out of a job. Problem solved.
Agreed. I think I just figured out why Trump can fire him: Biden reappointed Powell as chairman in 2022 but Biden's term as president was illegitimate, he wasn't the rightful president. Trump was rightfully elected president but Dems cheated to get Biden in office. If his term was illegitimate, and it was, then Trump can fire Powell, as the appt wasn't legitimate. IMO, Trump may be getting ready to bring out the Loy Brunson decision by U.S. Supreme Court, proving that 2020 election was stolen. If that happens, Trump may become president before Jan. 2020. If you don't know about Loy Brunson case, you might want to look it up, it's an important case.
I just saw this short video on Black Rock owning Federal Reserve basically, extremely important video, everyone should see this, it explains a lot about our economy:
BlackRock: The Most Shocking Conspiracy You’ve Never Heard Of
Nope. Not how it works. Trump is no more constitutionally literate than the rest of them.
The Fed is not in the Constitution.
It is a construct. There at the stroke of a pen. And with sufficient votes, gone at the stroke of a pen.
BTW. You do not exchange U.S. Dollars, you exchange Federal Reserve Notes.
"Trump is no more constitutionally literate than the rest of them." You seem to believe no one is 'constitutionally literate'.
And you know this how? And how does it apply to the Federal Reserve or Loy Brunson case?
The President can no more "do away with the Fed" than he can fire the Fed chairman. Andrew Jackson correctly labeled the Fed of his day, the Bank of the United States, a corrupt entity and killed it by refusing to sign the bill to re-charter it- whereupon the BUS triggered a Depression intended to ruin his election chances- but when Jackson sadly informed veterans of the War of 1812 who regarded him as a great hero, that the BUS actions made it impossible to pay their veterans benefits, they correctly blamed the BUS and not Jackson, who was handily re-elected- and left the nation $0.00 in debt, after 8 consecutive balanced budgets and a strong gold-backed dollar, which read "Payable on demand for gold." Compare that to the incredibly complex language and description of the cryptocurrency industry( who stuffed wads of money down Trump's throat (he, who, incidentally hung Jackson's portrait in the Oval Office) that not one man in a thousand can make any sense of. Amazingly, a return to the gold standard- or some standard(!) could be accomplished by making the so-called security strip not out of Mylar(!), but honest-to-God hologrammed gold (or silver.) But that would not be simple enough for the tangled web-weavers who H.L. Mencken branded as "The great practical jokers of the race."
I am aware... but Congress can.
He could also render them irrelevant. Crypto anyone?
Crypto is more terrifying to me than the worthless paper Federal Reserve notes. Nothing more than digits on a computer somewhere, wiped out with a single power outage or EMP. No, precious metals is where we need to go. Back to silver and gold.
A return to the gold standard could be as simple as making the so-called security strip in what passes for money today not out of Mylar(!) but real gold (or silver)- in other words, putting the gold literally back in the hands of the people. No longer wondering if it was really in Fort Knox. The Fed, working 24/7 to ram CBDC's down everyone's throat(See Jon Forrest Little's writing) wants nothing to do with that- they want to eliminate cash entirely and put everyone under surveillance with each and every transaction. One of the saddest events in history was when Hitler's goons literally put a gun to the head of the Czech finance minister and ordered him to call the Bank of England, where their gold was stored, and border to transferred to Germany's of the vaults. The BOE knew exactly what was going on but they did it- and Chamberlain had held up a piece of paper declaring he had obtained "Peace in our time." But if Czechoslovakia had put its gold in the hands of its own people instead of shuffling it to England for security, this never would have happened.
My question is this: why is Powell saying that Trump can't fire him?
I think because he sees the handwriting on the wall and has heard the cries from everyone calling for Trump to end the Fed. He knows Trump wants his own people and he's not one of them even though Trump is the one who put him there in the first place. Go figure.
Trump put a lot of people in office so he can have them arrested later for crimes they commit. Powell was reappointed by Biden in 2022 and his term expires in 2028; however Biden is illegitimate president and Trump actually won 2020. This is probably going to come out soon, and Trump should now be the president. Powell's appt was illegitimate and that's why Trump can fire him. Just my 2 cents.
Ridiculous even if you are right, which you aren't. Qanon type stuff. Trump isn't going to abolish the Federal Reserve system although it is completely illegal as per the Constitution.
This is an utterly absurd supposition. Trump didn't put people into office just so he can fire them later on. Come on, man.
Can you imagine the Constitutional shit storm that would befall us if Biden's Presidency was deemed illegitimate? There's no way that will happen. The damage is done. The only thing we can do now is move forward and try to repair the damage Biden did and try to push off the coming financial Armagheddon.
The "Fed" is a private company NOT .gov.
I thought everbody here knew that.
I DO know that and always have, I'm 70 y.o. I just wasn't thinking of that when I wrote my comment. At my age, my brain doesn't work as fast as it used to, especially after CO2 poisoning for 9 months. No need to assume I'm ignorant or to talk down to me.
The readers here may, but Joe Six Pack certainly does not- and I would suspect that may here do not appreciate that the very Too-Big-to-Fail Banks are the actual owners of the Fed and therefore hold all of us hostage to bailing them out if their own bets go wrong. This is exactly what Andrew Jackson charged when he refused to sign the bill to re-charter the BUS. He said:“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin!"
He’s digging in his heels and hoping for supporters to watch his back and abet his defiance.
Many ways to oust a Fed Chairman.
Powell's constituency is very, very small, and Powell is the Mother of American Inflation, printing/counterfeiting $5 Trillion during the Covid Scam on top of the Yellen/Bernanke $3 Trillion Too Big/Jigged To Fail robbery.
"Powell is the Mother of American Inflation" No, the "Mother" is the US Congress - they passed the legislation allowing the money to be conjured into existence & spent. Congress has not passed a budget in I don't know how long.
Biden was the executive who directed the authorized spending. Powell is like a midwife, an assistant in the birth of a monster. Contact your congresscritters about this.
"Contact your congresscritters about this." ~ tresho
You're not serious, right? Please tell me this is sarcasm.
There is something to be said for exhausting all legal remedies before finally taking up arms.
While...sort of splitting hairs...but
Without the Fed as buyer of U.S. bonds, and always the implied Backstop if the Primary Dealers can't directly fill their Obligations, and always read to lend money to the Primary Dealers and Foreign Banks to keep the churn machine running, without the Fed at the ready to click new (counterfeited) dollars into existence, then the U.S. Government would have to live within their means.
But, you are correct about 1 important thing. The U.S. Government created the Federal Reserve Monster, for the Private New York Banks, in 1913, and now the Fed heavily feeds these Private Banks, Foreign Policy and Military Adventures.
Though the FED is a private organization, just as the USPS. Being that the case, it would seem logical to assume that the President would be able to exercise considerable control over it.
Has the President, or Congress ever vetoed a proposed hike in the cost of a first class stamp? It was a nickel, in my lifetime. But it is certainly true that the Fed is the enabler of the creation of trillions of new debt- Bernanke and others before stated publicly that the Fed did not monetize the debt, but that is a bald-faced lie. Do they suggest that China, or Japan, or Britain, much less Russia are the ones buying all those bonds? It sure isn't the American people either.
The Federal Reserve is a consortium of banks, not all American, which effectively own the United States. Our own Elite sold us out at Jekyll island. Unasked and unknowing, we joined the "international community".
Another thing that we can thank Woodrow Wilson for.
Yep, and also for overthrowing State's Rights by turning the Senate into nothing more than a glorified House of Representatives. By giving the Senate to the people States lost all rights and interest in the Federal Government. They became nothing more than administrative districts. Woodrow Wilson upended an all important balance of power between the States, the people and the Federalists. He finished off what old Abe Lincoln started in his war of northern agression against the southern states. I hope both of them are rotting in hell for their crimes against humanity.
The Creature from Jeckyll Island.
The Fed is a Private money counterfeiting Monopoly, that stole the credit of small Americans, along with a corrupt Congress, to finance the Too Big (JIgged) to Fail scam.
Powell has completely outed himself as the Political Tool that he really is.
INFLATION? Entirely birthed by the Fed.
Remember all that Covid money that was used to offset the effects of the government caused pandemic. $1200 each for nothing? No efforts. Sorta sounds like UBI? That is what caused inflation, goods production decreased and more money supply. Classic inflation!
JAZ - the handout was simply a beta test for UBI. Trying to dial down the minimum $$$ amount to keep people on their couches, watching TeeVee and eating snacks. When the natives get restless, that's when the problems start.
Yep, too many dollars chasing too few supplies.
Used to be that appointeees (upon appointment) submitted undated letters of resignation for just this situation.
If memory serves me right, I believe when the Fed was passed, congress retained the right to buy out the fed if it went south. The price was a few million I think. I'd say the fed went south about 10 minutes after it was made.
Look at all the wars and the millions of Americans killed since the advent of the Fed. It is a Satanic institution. Evil to its core. It has brought nothing but death, destruction, debt and chaos to our society and our people.
And, no, I’m not attempting to be funny, sick minded or naively stupid, either💀
Agreed!! If Milley is successfully court-martialled then this will be the clarion call that the fight is on….as the Leviathan in Washington DC collapses (which ever way that proves to be, with a constant, ever-expected twist), we should expect civil war to inherently fill the political vacuum, since politics abhors a vacuum (no matter what the trolls on here and on every other social media platform claim to the contrary), which will force American government at the state level on down to either assume the responsibility vacated by the feds, or the local govts mirror the feds, with riots morphing into civil war💀
The arrest of those who peacefully assembled on J6 2021 in protest of the lack of election integrity in the 2020 election are still being arrested. My husband and I are currently serving 90 day house arrest for “entering and remaining” in a restricted area. My probation officer told me not to expect any early release and that any requests for pardon will go through normal channels at the DOJ. These people who criminally conspired to topple President Trump by targeting him and his supporters will not quit so easily just because they lost an election. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, but feel optimistic that the good guys will ultimately win. The unity coalition has some smart, strong people working for America.
The Jan 6 entrapment is beyond outrageous. I want full exposure of that domestic operation. It ruined a lot of people but didn’t even achieve its objective of intimidating maga. Another sad tale of destructive incompetence. This type of thing must end.
But but tekapo told us it was an attack! Majella told us there was no election fraud! These lefties from New Zealand and Australia pretend to know the US better than we the people. Who live here and work here. The arrogance of these Socialist boot lickers is amazing. Yes still stuck off the coast of some third world country dem Hoofies been getting pummeled.
Remember these folks are products of a socialist monarchial system, the UK. The idea that hey would have to do things on their own volition is an anathema to them.
What me Worry? If I pay enough taxes, the government will take care of me.
Sound familiar? Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Pelosi, et al.
I see a night and day difference between the organization for the Trump 2016, and 2024, administration. It wouldn't surprise me that Trump has every base covered.
I completely agree. Trump is relying on a brain trust unlike anything I’ve seen in my lifetime. The closest second was Reagan’s ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ and they were mostly politicos and eggheads, but smart. The last time Trump entered the Executive Suite he was a lamb surrounded by wolves. This is a man who learns from his mistakes.
Look at Jan.6 for what is was, a revolt by the people against the Federal government. Trump and his group had a problem with questionable results from an election. He lawyered up and started to investigate what happened and how they did it. He was absolute stifled by the Deep State judiciary of the country, state by state. 100%! His group did not accept the total repudiation and had a rally in DC, much like the pussy hat women’s marches four years prior. Pelosi stopped Trump’s effort to have national Guard supervision of the rally which inflamed itself into a riot. Because the cowardly Dems and RINOS hid in the basement instead of confronting the crowd, it was termed an insurrection by the Deep State, actually Pelosi and two RINOs. What was their goal, to make Pence decide to allow the investigation to continue instead of certifying the election at that moment. That was used by the damnable Deep State to make equivalent the actions against Civil War insurrectionists with these people trying to stop a Deep State abomination.
IMHO, the real insurrectionists were and are the Leftist Deep State that continue today to have total control over this country and destroy the Constitution in their path to totalitarianism. Just listen to them, that is enough to realize who the traitors to the country are.
Armstrong has gone into a lot more detail, but I don't find it at this time.
"All the evidence shows that January 6th was a Deep State coup to shut down the challenge to any state’s count. The Deep State, with their Neocons, had to get rid of Trump just like JFK because both were anti-war. Pelosi refused to call in the National Guard because they feared that they were Trump supporters. That is why there was a 3-hour delay in asking for the National Guard – the Deep States (FBI/NSA/CIA) were in control. Pelosi used the event to impose emergency rules to block any challenge to the count involving seven states. The Constitution required any challenge to be debated on the full floor. Pelosi imposed a COVID rules restricting the number of people on the floor to just 53. They then imprison anyone who was there except FBI and their operatives while trying to use the 14th Amendment against Trump for what they very cleverly pulled off."
US 2024 May be Our Last
For Outlander fans, the Insurrectionist Battle of Alamance, where the Crown destroyed the rebellion of Regulators. It is considered the first battle of the Revolutionary War. A rebellion of “homeless” at the time against taxation that had destroyed their livelihoods. Jan.6 was actually more serious as these “rebels” considered the repudiation of their votes by a conspiracy of the Deep State judiciary raised them up to a fever pitch, enough to call out the Deep State. These people are heroes as much as the Regulators or the participants of the Boston Tea Party.
I agree, Mr. Sterling. I’m finding it kind of scary. I think there’s going to be another assassination attempt. They won’t give up that easily.
Karens melting down after the election.
Love it thank you!!
How can you watch this and not feel joy?
Thanks <3
Best and only decent political ad I've ever seen. No rancor, no negativity, just joyful.
Now Ron Paul is in on it. Last time I voted, before this year, was 36 years ago. For Ron Paul, as the Libertarian presidential candidate.
They don't make'em like that anymore.
Where art thou, goddess? Hast thou ghosted me?
I won't sleep well at night until the R-team has OFFICIALLY won the House.
Why? Do you really believe the R-team is going to do anything? What did the R-team do during the first two years of the Trump's first term? Oh yeah, nothing but obstruct him. Name one thing the R-team has done to limit government, reign in spending, abide the Constitution? God I am so sick of this back and forth between the two major political parties while purposefully ignoring the fact that BOTH parties don't do anything but grow the size of government, grow the debt, fund the wars, and let the illegals continue to pilfer the American taxpayer wealth.
Kinda sums it all up, eh?
Wonderful summary of the basic problems.
Are we finally shifting to a point of progress?
That has to be so subjective but such a part of life.
Are we shifting to a point of progress? Maybe. As the older Boomer generation starts to die off in multitudes it will behoove the younger generations to come in and solve the problem. Doesn't bode well for my General X.
I would love to see Americans cast off the fucking two party mentality. Hell, I wish they would read George Washington's farewell address (if they could understand it, he uses strange words and is hard to understand) and cast off all allegiance to any political party. Political parties become a person's tribe and tribalism is almost impossible to cure. Evidence is "oustider's" comment above. Even after all these years of being stabbed in the back by the Republican filth there are still many millions that think the Republicans are the answer to the Democrat cancer.
I woke up a long time ago. I guess to each his own.
Washington's farewell is definitely worth reading. If nothing else it codifies the thought process at that time, which is invaluable.
"There can be no greater error than to expect
or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation."
To be honest we have been here before and they did nothing. We still have the unaffordable care act from obaminable. I won't hold my breath even with Trump throat punching the Republican do nothings. My insurance went up over 1000 a month and is half as good as it used to be just so some slug can get bad VA style with hold care. Time to get government out of they.
Fuck a bunch of Pax.
I want to fix things.
You're not very educated are you? Gotta play chess not checkers pops
And your erudition is so much on display with your "Stay frosty folks" piffle.
In the fullest extent of the meaning: "Have a nice day".
To many of us the article outlines several of the reasons why the popular voted the way we did. But in all honesty when was the last time anyone within the Govt was held accountable? I mean the Russia hoax, which was proven to be diabolically treasonous, still permitted the same nefarious criminals who created it to espouse their venom during this election cycle...Does anybody really give 2 shits what Hillary thinks? Even the Obama's had minimal impact even though their ill gotten riches were provided by many of the current billionaires who benefitted from their policies...The best in class award goes to Van Jones who reaped $100 Million from Jeff Bezos for what nobody knows...speaking of Bezos and The Washington Post...who the fuck cares what Bob Woodward has to say? His take down of Nixon is legendary but since then he writes books that nobody cares about (please dont quote NY Times best seller)...The real work to be done is to clean up the republican Party starting with Thune and Cornyn who are backchanneling to save their hides from the very donors who will suffer from a Trump Presidency...Trump needs to stay the course (and I agree with you JHK about his avoiding the public limelight) and focus on the Illegal Immigration, Inflation, and Crime as they are front and center for the popular vote...while at the same time his cabinet can focus on fixing the Woke Ideology implemented starting back in 2008 with Obama...If we believe the democrats are going to sit back and look at themselves in the mirror you are sadly misguided...Raskin and Schiff have had a Plan B all along and it will present itself shortly...The Democrats will not be satisfied until they are the last men standing in a pile of rubble...In the immortal words of Sun Tzu, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."...we now know the enemies (within and outside the party) and we know ourselves...It is no time to be complacent...
Lack of accountability is one of America's primary ailments, and extends beyond government into the private sector.
Sadly for those of us in California, that lying turdblossom Schiff made it into the Senate.
A true and thorough Department of Justice prosecution can "unmake" him.
Indeed Steve Garvey seemed uncomfortable in a public speaking role and the bobblehead schiff had him but man schiff is such a douche.
I think JAG will take care of him…
Term limits would help … Schiff is established deep state. He will always be (s)elected.
Don't forget the free speech/censorship issue. That allows them to control the media and much of social media, which in turn allows them to keep their true believers in thrall.
In the future please divide your comments into much smaller spaced paragraphs. Massive walls of text are difficult to read. Thanks.
Your narrative is well received. Thank you. I concur.
Emoticoms will soon replace our ridiculous alphabet. It is a superior system. Hieroglyphics embody a depth of feeling and meaning that the written word can never begin to approach. We will draw them with sticks in the sand on the beach and hoot with glee as the tide washes them away. As we "advance" we will draw them in mud that will harden, creating the illusion of permanence. Then carve them in stone, etc. The whole dreary thing will begin again. Better to stay naked on the beach perhaps?
As our public education system continues to fail our children, we can expect the next generation to communicate primarily with emojis of smiley faces and piles of poop.
IOW, just continue the ways of the MSM, right?
WSJ had an article about the machinations of Raskin, et al this morning:
My biggest concern? Will Trump survive long enough to do all of this? Will he be able to pull it off and live? I worry about my president.
God bless Donald Trump and God bless America.
They certainly don't want Vance! Another good reason for that pick.
I've stated before that "they" will not allow DJT to ascend to the office of president, come hell or high water. I speak of those who are deeply entrenched within the bureaucracy of our government who not only hold expansive power, but more importantly have no issue with using it to whatever end is subject to their whims. Perhaps at one time they subscribed to the notion that the ends justifies the means, but I think it fair to say that this is a relic of the distant past as absolute power is such an intoxicating thing. Now they destroy anyone or anything that they deem a threat to their position in the government - that position amounting to their effectively running the country with the various branches being little more than window dressing to keep the plebes in the dark. We've seen this time and time again, only to be told that we're conspiracy theorists (in the pejorative sense) and to shut up and move on. Those who don't are subject to lawfare. This time the stakes are so high...indeed, their very existence is at play. Given this circumstance, expect anything and everything to prevent DJT from becoming president. If anything, a coup by the military is very possible, though I think this may be their 2nd or even 3rd option. What is certain is that they will act to protect themselves as a cornered animal will surely lash out with extreme violence. Watch and see.
"What is certain is that they will act to protect themselves as a cornered animal will surely lash out with extreme violence. Watch and see." What is even more certain is that large organizations tend to be clumsy and poorly coordinated. I have been in charge of several very small organizations and found repeatedly that despite everyone's best intentions, things get screwed up. Vigilance, flexibility and cooperation are always necessary. I have no reason to believe that even the Deep State is immune to this vulnerability. During the process of the disintegration of the USSR, there was no extreme violence. And none of our 'experts' predicted that.
That's reassuring. I hope you're correct.
The Zionist faction of the Deep States picked Trump. The one nation party (not our nation though). The actual Globalists hate him - the no nations party. Both are enemies of the real American Nation.
You (allegedly) worship a Jew, but you hate Jews anyway. How do you reconcile that?
To whom did John the Baptist call vipers, and Jesus say to, “you are of your father the devil”?
Answer: the Jewish power elite of that time. So you have Jesus, the number 1 Jew of all (according to Christianity), and John the Baptist, who Jesus named the greatest among men, and by default then the no 2 Jew of all time, both calling out the corrupt Jewish elite of that time.
Does that answer your question?
A big part of the problem, is that there are good Jewish folks who instinctively close ranks with corrupt Jews, and refuse to point to the huge heard of elephants in the room wreaking havoc on everything else.
No offense, but I didn't ask you. I asked Jarek, aka Lugh. He's fulminated for years about Jews being evil, and how only antisemitic Catholics like him are good. Say what? You cannot hate all Jews while worshipping a Jew or saying you believe in YHWH, the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. While I respect your opinion and tend to agree with much of what you said, this turd's comments about hating all of us of Jewish heritage multiple times every. goddamned. week gets pretty old. Maybe he should worry about problems within his church before he talks shit about Jews -- you know, take the beam out of your own fucking eye before you try to remove a splinter from your brother's eye, and all that.
It is a simple matter to "mute" and to "block" offensive jerks. There is no point in subjecting yourself to such verbal vomit.
FNA right!
Well, I can’t speak to your weekly interactions with this guy. I just happened to follow a link, read the article, peruse the comment section, and answer your question. That said, I really do hope to see the day that the average decent Jewish people stand up and start publicly dealing with those elephants. Not holding my breath though.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. I've said many times that the Antichrist will have two seats, the Vatican and the rebuilt Temple. So I do criticize my own. They in contrast, almost never do.
And Christ said that the angels are the reapers. Why has this been ignored in iconography? Why not portray angels with scythes reaping souls?
A cornered rat is a dangerous animal. The Progressive Democrats are cornered rats. They will do anything to destroy President Trump. ANYTHING.
I am betting on Trump being assassinated before he can be inaugurated. They've already tried and failed. All it takes is one successful attempt and it is game over.
Nope, his assassination will bring on CW2, something the Deep State does not want.
Any assassination attempt of any MAGA folk will not be game over, just the start.
At this point (post election), even the FBI and the Secret Service would attempt to protect DJT because Obama is so scared of Vance.
One thing that may prevent this is the reaction of MAGA to any messing with the results this time. Jan. 6 will be a slight disturbance in comparison. Let this idiot Dems try to affect the election, they may be in the Mall with tar and feathers for clothing.
They will act, but will they succeed? Track record not so good
George W. Bush, Jr. How odd. After essentially disappearing from the National Stage except making the usual appearances to undermine and try to destroy Trump, he has emerged anew from his lair.
Day after election the GWBush Off road Biking Event where he was putting on a really good act like he actually cared for all of those Vets with missing limbs caused by his evil family.
Then yesterday, he and Laura are trotted out to center field with the Dallas Cowboy football team in an opening ceremony.
This is one of the biggest WTFs ever. This slimy Evil Doer knows all of the secrets, and he and his pal Dickless Cheney should be the first to be hauled before a tribunal and executed for crimes against humanity.
Look at the bright side: the Cowboys were crushed by the Iggles.
Noticed it. I wonder if an effort, by the media, to promote the establishment GOP as a counter to Trump. GOP, (RINO) my foot, these are Democrat Neocon war mongers trying to maintain a foothold in DC.
He was Daddy’s boy with Cheney as the go between. He gets whatever circle of hell there is for those who go along to get along.
I fully agree that all the euphoria & relief of election night is just the beginning of what is surely a lengthy period fraught w/ great danger.
Agree. This was a D-day landing-we have the rest of the war to fight.
Great danger? Is there any other kind?
There are, of course, degrees of danger just like degrees of anything else
You have provided a thorough fisking of many of the most culpable among the myriad of culpable government and quasi-government characters who should, were we living in a truly just society, be held criminally and civilly accountable for their high crimes and misdemeanors. But I hold little hope that most, let alone any of them will find themselves on the other side of the lawfare equation. Over the past fifty years, the weasels have been very busy building their dens; it would likely take an equally long time to ferret (sorry for mixing mustilidae metaphors) them out. I will be satisfied if only the most egregious among them are made to answer; perhaps that will serve as a salutary warning to others, like the proverbial killing of chickens to scare the monkeys. And it would give us on the other side at least a smattering of satisfaction after taking so much crap from them these many years.
I don't think Trump is interested in pursuing the culpable en masse. It is a distraction and will serve to re-energize the left, and four years is not a long time. However, he would wise to go after of a few of the worst. Sometimes, you have to hang a nun on the village square to show people that you mean business. Charge someone, and they will be in the position of spending millions of dollars to defend themselves, or cop to a lesser offense. That happens, and all those Deep State types in the various bureaucracies will think twice about pulling anything this time.