Seconded. That first paragraph, in particular, is an all-time great! Sad to think that I once voted for the idiot Kerry back when he opposed the Shrub and Darth Cheney. Oh well, live and learn, I guess.
Meh, I get so tired of these JHK analyses and proclamations that most of us here on CFN already know. Sure, they're exquisitely worded and expounded upon per usual, but there are just blogs like this one, where there's just SIMPLY NOTHING ELSE TO SAY.
That said, I appreciate out host for letting us vent our spleens anyway. Cheers.
First it must be said that Mr. Kunstler is an exceptional writer, with a marvelous turn of phrase. However, as per your critique, his columns represent the mindset of conservatism. Conservatism itself is no better than some vague platitudes that hang on the wall ('lower taxes', 'smaller government', 'free market').
For the past 70 years conservatives have done nothing but whine and complain. The best they can offer is a laundry list of the latest leftist outrages, then sit back and say "It's obvious this is wrong", without ever analyzing how and why it's wrong, nor any clue about how to effectively confront it. No wonder conservatives have conserved nothing, not even women's bathrooms.
Meanwhile the masses of traditional people keep listening to and voting for conservatives, then wonder why nothing ever changes as the wokusts keep implementing their agenda. If the masses really want change, they should vote for the so-called 'far right', but they've been groomed by wokusts to think the far right are all racist nazis who engage in 'hate speech'. Such false caricatures keep them voting for weak patsies whom the left can easily control. What a perfect setup for the wokusts... both traditional voters and conservative leaders are thus proven to be oblivious morons.
Well, the Left is right you know. America was founded by Whites for Whites, racists in other words. But they think this is a bad thing - as if people build nations for other peoples. Did the Chinese build up China for the Blacks? Or the Whites?
No, the original Americans built lives for themselves, it was individualism against collectivism. They built lives in the wilderness and then had the audacity to tell the King of England he and his army couldn’t just take it away.
The aristocratic minded southerners were able to continue on for another half century, but the individualistic North eventually won again.
Now it’s another battle. The Democrats are, as always, on the side of collectivism and the abolition of freedom. We must muster the strength to fight for freedom and liberty once again.
I think I linked to a video he didn't like, or something. But we had been dueling somewhat before that. I try to be gracious, but apparently not enough sometimes. Stuff happens. What are ya gonna do?
SWIM can tell you what YOU can do. Start smuggling some of that good stuff being held hostage in Bomb City and give it Iran. They know exactly what to do with it. Evidence immediately destroyed. And, you know, "plausible deniability."
10/01/24: At the risk of causing offense, I've have to say that I never discuss my "sources/references." The only thing that counts is results. As for infighting, I'll rate that as an unlikely ingredient.
“It’s really hard to govern today. . . . The First Amendment stands as a major block.” Once in awhile the veil is lifted, and they bare their objectives for all the world to see. It doesn't happen very often - in fact it occurs very rarely. But when it does, it underscores all that their actions tell us about them. Absolute, unchallengeable power. Apart from the constructive abolition of the 1st Amendment, they must dilute the 2nd Amendment to the point where it's little more than words scratched on centuries old parchment. Then comes the liquidation of the undesirables a la the Khmer Rouge, Stalin, etc. etc. etc. This story is old, but each time it happens it is as though it had never happened before.
They've been whittling away at the 2nd amendment for years, a bump stock here, a large capacity magazine there, until now the government outguns the citizenry (and Joe sneeringly reminded us that they have F-16s).
1) To form a means of self-defense for the country and each state. A militia will be formed for protection and the people will be armed with weapons to do that protection. Even in the Civil war, states sent their militias to fight for the North and South, remember Chamberlain’s 20th Maine? Arms were guaranteed to each individual for use in the militia. One difference then is demonstrated in Williamsburg, the Armory where all weapons were stored that could not be stored at home. People needed arms for self-protection in those days just as today.
2) The main reason that Dem socialists want those guns, to enable Jefferson’s proclamation in the Declaration that it is the responsibility of a people to overthrow a bad overbearing government. Today’s Leftist Deep State IS a bad overbearing government. They want our guns and they do not give a shit about the Constitution.
Bullshit. John and Abigail Adams had the most romantic relationship and send each other beautiful letters. I don’t believe it about the misogyny. You are listening to a bunch of crappy propaganda from the government. Why would you trust them?
The founders were men of their times. The USA is where Blacks became free, and women got the vote and inhabit many governmental offices today. You America haters, especially from overseas can kiss my butt.
course it matters you wake up!! People have to know information to defend themselves.
The government loves ignorant people who don’t pay attention to patterns. They love to blame people who are blameless. Blame the people who are actually shooting. Stop with the propaganda. The TV, media and government are fooling you.
We've always had the 2nd amendment but we haven't always had a crime problem. It's corruption of the culture, not the guns per se. And of course, Blacks.
Dennis: if you remove the "inner city" (oops….a dog whistle according to Libs) statistics of violent assaults and homicides the USA is one of the LEAST violent countries in the world. Thank Diversity & Cultural Enrichment for the high firearm misuse.
True. Of what use are fighter and bomber aircraft in a Civil War fought in your country on territory you must preserve in order to prosper? Will a military of volunteers from your own citizens violently suppress the rebels who may be family & friends?
If the Progressive Elites want a violent confrontation with the Citizens, let them be first to arms and out front in battle.
Then they probably still won't understand or appreciate guerrilla warfare, with internal being the worst.
The planes have to land and pilots eat eventually and to know and interact with others, like on the ground.
That's in large part why civs collapse probably. Because they have the worst of a relatively small set of people slippy-sloping progressively upward on high horses-- apparently like that 'haircut-in-search-of-a-conscience/brain'-- who seem to think that it's their rules (AKA, 'The Law', as if it's immutable like the laws of physics) or the highway.
No it's not the law. It never was and never will be, not for long, anyway.
The last time I checked, Joe Biden doesn’t know how to fly and F-16, doubtful he knows how to fly a kite for that matter, besides living on a beach where kite flying is fun. I digress, he doesn’t know that Dr. Jill doesn’t know that the septic truck that pumps human waste from Air Force One is NOT the Jet A fuel truck, and imagine Hunter pulling the flags and pins out of the 500 pound ordinance under the wings…exactly not going to happen. (Can you see ole Hunter on the CVN Gerald Ford heaving deck trying to pull the pins? Hmmm, that might be worth some money spent to witness.) No they don’t get that Charlie is out here in the bush, we starve but squat and get stronger, insurgents work that way, they get hungry and more determined, ever meet an angry insurgent, likely you won’t, but try torturing one. You won’t get far. That is what all these midwits miss, all around them are insurgents, they don’t see it, the same way the brass in Saigon, Baghdad and Kabul didn’t see it, but they are there, living and biding their time. John Forbes “Live shot” Kerry likely has an IQ of around 100, just smart enough to be identified as not hopelessly dumb, but really dumb. Prep school, Yale, a path parted for him by wealth, never challenged and allowed to run untethered from reality his whole life and especially as Secretary of State, he got away with it. He reminds one of the kid in your class at (name the prep school) who is still angry he was not voted student head of the school, lost by a whisker if you ask him, but actually because he was a brown nosing snitch the student body hated his ass and didn’t vote for him…go figure 80 years old and still angry, not a good way to be, thieving everyone’s oxygen with his prattle. All revolutions end the same, not with a bang but whimper. One can ask what happens with the USA and its revolution, it was a divorce so doesn’t count…unless it continues and those pressing the dialectic prevail. My money is on the insurgents. May take a while, but it worked in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan as example….
In a different way, Macron lifted the veil in 2022 when he cited '... the end of abundance'.
That's the very same issue that JHK referred to in his book 'The Long Emergency' (2005).
Clearly at least one person in France who's advising Macron understands that 1) fossil fuels are the lifeblood of industrial society 2) they're not infinite and 3) 'Limits to Growth' was broadly correct. Some in the US deep state realise too, read 'The Last Oil Shock' (2007).
If we look at the WEF, UN, etc, policies, we see a common thread - a response to over-population and financial collapse in the context of depleting and degraded resources, principally oil,coal and gas, but also all ores and minerals.
It's all about the rationing of energy and resources. And of life itself.
Exactly. They are right about many things. But their response is to try and power down the World while staying at the top - at the expense of all humanity. Thus they must be destroyed. Alas those that fight them deny the truths they believe in because they believe in them.
Figures in an Oxfam report suggested that if billionaires and multi-millionaires could live more modestly - maybe more like 'mere' millionaires - global GHG emissions could fall 30-40%.
I'm not holding my breath because most billonaires seem to think differently from 'normal' people. Warren Buffett was considered unusual in the past because he lived in a typical suburban house, not in a mansion.
George Bush 41 laughingly referred to Bill Clinton and Al Gore as "Bozo and Ozone" (they had the last laugh on him, though, as the election turned out), but "The Inconvenient Truth" about Gore is that he a 24 karat phony when it comes to environmentalism and "decarbonizing" the economy, living in a 50,000 sq ft mansion and crisscrossing the nation in his ozone-depleting private jet.
It would help, for a start to select candidates who were known for operating successful businesses but lived modestly, such as Ron Paul, or Sam Walton (even the big city Chicago boss Richard Daley was known to have lived in a modest home.) This would also exclude gluttons like New Jersey's Chris ("Crisco") Christy.
Yes, Lugh, add on the fact that those PTB want to change things so that you and I take the hit and not them. That is why they need to be torn down from their perches. Now who is the better candidate to tear them down?
Xavier, very good. One thing though is that change of how mankind does its business HAS to happen, the whole debate depends on how it will be done, the hard way (war etc.) or an easy way (adaptation). So far, economic and physical war seems to be the sole way.
It's probably a good idea to vote for Trump to buy us time, but to see him as your lord and savior is just ludicrous. At the end of the day he is just another Jew tool in the ZOG.
What percent of the general population have a clue about the 2030 Agenda, and "Joe Biden" being "committed to the full implementation of 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, at home and abroad"?
What percent of the US population view and believe anything that is promoted on the RT site?
Therefore Corporate Capitalists cannot be allowed to rule. Resources must be carefully marshalled, not squandered for profit or in frivolous pursuits. How did this jibe with Americanism? It doesn't.
There is an American way to handle a transition to a less energy intensive society though, and that's a return to the society of the founders with yeoman family farms, and more local craft oriented enterprises making high quality items that can be maintained and even passed down the generations. My hope would be we can at least maintain some benefits of modernity like CNC machines, but the future is local.
I am all for the yeoman farms and small business/craft-oriented society you describe, but I fear this is a pipe dream. We are no longer Hobbits, isolated from those around us in The Shire. Even when Tolkien was writing about that idyllic world, it was already over, something he tacitly acknowledged. Supporting ourselves on our own parcel of farmland sounds very appealing, but it takes but one bad crop year, one summer of drought or torrential spring rain to annihilate any hopes of succeeding in that endeavor. To be honest, we need abundant available energy to survive. Without energy to power our society, we are doomed to live in a Hobbesian world. With sufficient energy, everyone benefits. We don't have to burn our forests to stay warm as before, nor do we need to mine coal, as alternative sources like natural gas are so abundant. Advances in safe nuclear power generation are already available and, unless the luddites among us prevail, will be coming on line soon enough. Our problem is not too much energy; it is not enough. Oh, and also too many politicians whose goal is to gather as much power as we allow them to have unto themselves at our expense.
The entire national- and world- manufacturing order is thrown into disarray by the imposition of different sets of rules. One reason that natural gas currently trades for one quarter of its former high (under $3/mcf vs $13+) is, even though it is massively cleaner burning than coal, that it is being demonized in the U.S. as "contributing to global warming," even as massively polluted(the joke is that their national bird is the looney) China continues to ADD coal-burning plants- and is accorded Most Favorable Nation status when it comes to exporting its products more cheaply, costing jobs elsewhere. Yet, ironically, their efforts to reduce pollution in their major cities is the driving reason for their emphasis on EV's, which are helping destroy both European and American car makers(See today's Stellantis news) who cannot compete except with big tariffs
"[China's] efforts to reduce pollution in their major cities is the driving reason for their emphasis on EV's"
China makes EVs because they believe the rest of the world will buy EVs instead of ICE vehicles, due to the Globalist policies which outsourced manufacturing to China. China discovered they can make EVs cheaply, and the trend was born.
Caveat Emptor if you buy a Chinese made vehicle or a vehicle with extensive China-manufactured parts.
Well I living in a homestead myself, so like Johnson kicking the rock as evidence of its real existence, I refute you thus. Clearly you haven't recovered enough from being a lawyer.
I admire and envy your independence. However, you are availing yourself of the internet to respond to me only because there is sufficient energy to power its myriad servers, etc. And unless you are Amish, I assume you use gasoline/diesel-powered equipment like chainsaws, tractors, etc. and have electricity to power your lights as well as your computer and an internet connection. (If you are Amish, a population with which I am intimately familiar, that is a different situation. And shame on you for using the internet like the English!) That was my point; we do not live in Eighteenth Century Colonial Williamsburg. Nor, for that matter, do most of us even live like Sean James, whose "My Self Reliance" podcast I enjoy immensely, but who still is reliant on "civilization" for much of his substance. I am glad we still have pockets of such pre-industrial lifestyles with their tried and true means of existence and perhaps things may unravel to the point where we all are compelled to live like that again, but I pray not. (Should that become necessary, you certainly have a leg up on the likes of me.) However, I prefer that life be not poor, nasty, brutish and short. I like painless dentistry, anesthesia for surgery and antibiotics to treat infections that, in those halcyon days of our yeoman farmer ancestors frequently killed their victims. Not to mention the ability to travel to the dentist, hospital or pharmacy to obtain such goods and services. Nonetheless, best of luck with your homesteading life; may you live long and happily.
Aha, you are thinking of Williamsburg again. That is what society was in colonial America. The guild system with masters and apprentices is still practiced in Williamsburg and products are manufactured one at a time and there was no mass production or assembly lines. Each rifle was an individual.
I agree with both of you, I think that is where we are heading which makes the skills base of Williamsburg vital for it skills base for the future.
In old England, it was considered gauche for a business to advertise. But then the you know whos got back in with the ascent of William of Orange. Then England began to sicken and die.
No one should be allowed to rule, except the people by and for themselves, under Mother Nature.
Representatives? Maybe sometimes, if legitimate and with the freedom to opt-out. Once you have absolute rulers, you're back to square one and the kinds of problems you may have been trying to get out of in the first place.
Why are we the people allowing the politicians and MSM to tell us what we can and cannot see and hear? This is the covid mode of operation. Hiding under a rock, or down in the basement, is not a qualification for leadership; but more likely a setup for a bunch of unelected globalists to run the affairs of state, while hiding behind the curtain.
2) Leadership that does not stand for scrutiny, or offers word salads as an explanation and does not cooperate, should be immediately dismissed.
3) Our representatives in government need to treat everyone with dignity and respect. No lining of pockets with donor or NGO funds, and no gaming the system to gain an advantage. Just focus on doing the job they are being paid to do. Represent us, the whole population.
I would suggest that this would disqualify many members in DC at this point in time. It would wipe the slate clean, and provide for a new mode of operation, since they have demonstrated that they are unfit to rule US.
A voice like Sidney Powell needs to be heard, not silenced.
What is the status of the first Trump assassination attempt? Who will stand for scrutiny, and tell us if the claim that audio of the event, that suggests that there was more than one initial shooter, is legit?
Who will stand for scrutiny, and tell us about the backroom deals that the likes of John Kerry have made with foreign governments on our behalf?
Well, 2025 or 2030, which shall it be? We will see who gets the driver’s seat soon. What do you believe about the state of understanding of the problems of the USA right now? Does anyone know for sure who is right or wrong? IMO, Nope.
Macgregor claims that the US encouraged the invasion of Lebanon, and is on autopilot in support of their military actions.
My read is that "Joe Biden's" mode of operation has been to try and bribe leadership throughout the world to embrace peace and the 2030 Agenda, which seems to be at odds with Macgregor's claim.
Could it be that the majority of US politicians, and possibly others like the King of Jordan, are bought and paid for by Israel, and essentially being blackmailed?
It appears that only a small percent comprehend the problems that the US is currently confronted with, and perhaps only a small percent of those are able to comprehend an unbiased objective assessment.
Thinking that Israel is solely to blame is not a sign of smarts. Definitely involved, trying to get the best deals, but not everything.
Who is Iran armed by? Russia. Who is Iran's historical enemy? Sunni Muslims, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. What organization does Iran belong to? BRICS+. How often has Iran attacked Israel directly with boots on the ground? Never. Nor Iraq. Always missiles. BFD. They are cowards like the USA, always looking for a way to shed the other guys blood. Always proxies. When are the proxies going to figure out that they are being used? I will include the Arabs and the UKES in that statement.
Yo Jarek, you still haven't figured out that capitalism and "corporate personhood" AKA crony capitalists, or "Corporate Capitalists" as you like to call them, are completely different?
Greed drives the small to become medium sized, and the medium big, and the big into corporate giants. What could be simpler to understand? Men won't control themselves so someone else must do it.
What is your problem, woman? You want a simple answer. And the answer is simple but too close to home, i.e, human nature itself.
Uh huh, you just destroyed your own argument, Lugh.
Men won’t control themselves, so someone must do it. Right?
Your answer is some form of government. But one problem, government is comprised of men, just as subject to corruption as the corporate leaders.
The answer was and is, open markets where new business is being generated constantly to expand and put the older businesses out of business, continuous recycling. Second, ban lobbying of the government, consider it a bribe. Both are very much hard to do, but much better than government control.
So the answer is the Law of the Jungle, big eating small. That's what the market is, when left to itself. As the Alchemists said, Nature unaided, fails.
09/30/24: It's the same old pattern A) Feigning shock --- "How DARE you accuse of this!" Then, after their aberrant behavior through repetition has been normalized, B) "Yeah, that's who we are / what we did. UP YOURS!"
"Once in awhile the veil is lifted, and they bare their objectives for all the world to see." ~ Thomas
What 'veil'? Just look around and/or talk to any anarchist.
Cripes, they even spell it out in our art:
“Morpheus: 'The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: 'What truth?'
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison, for your mind.”
"Someone has written a book about the children and their need for their, just simply, emotional and mental development to have contact with the mountains, with the air, the sea, with the dawn, the sunset, the trees, the birds, the song of the birds. Children that don't have these experiences have no real idea of the world they live in. They live in a house, in a school, in a city that's all manufactured. And they begin to be progressively isolated from the basic dynamics of what human life is all about." ~ Thomas Berry
There is a shift in power happening and the blob doesn't like it. For one, few pay attention to the mockingbird press anymore. Because of this, the blob works feverishly playing whack-a-mole trying to limit online free speech but are not having a lot of luck. 12-year old girls on TikTok have viewership that Rachel Maddow would kill for and could never ever hope to have.
Force multipliers are now in the hands of the public as well. First off are the drones that Congress desperately wants to ban. Something like Waco is a lot harder to have when your opponent can see what you are up to. The public also has advanced optics, communications, night vision goggles, access to these a.i. like programs, etc. Coming after the public is going to be a lot harder when the agents are met with flamethrowing robot dogs. Naturally, they want to ban all of these things too but it is far too late.
Many have decided to go Galt and John Galt is a lot harder to deal with now.
Fox News and CNN are both killing the goose that lays the golden eggs by running so many commercials. If you want to a good source of international news, try DW (as in Deutsche Welle) which you can stream for free on either Amazon Firestick or Roku. The channel broadcasts in English.
Fox suppresses key stories. Most importantly, the widespread covid-vax one. They are traitors to liberal democracy's commitment to openness. Search in my stack for my writings on suppression, and esp.
The blob will settle for controlling the monetary system, and right now they are all slaving 24/7 to eliminate cash and impose an all-digital klepto (as you were) cryptocurrency regime on the world, complete with Wack-a-Mole hammers for everyone they do not like. "And they can try to buy ham and eggs with their Mercury dimes," is what they tell each other over brandy.
One can only hope Trump uses the DOJ to go after his political opponents…but he won’t.
When I was a Bostonian, I knew J Kerry. He was the second dumbest guy I had met there. The dumbest was the late Ted Kennedy. When Kerry ran against Bush in 04, it was truly Dumb and Dumber.
I was introduced to him at a wedding once. He was pretending to be Irish American. Kerry isn't a real Irish name. It's like calling someone John New York.
Yes he is. Many European Jews converted to Christianity in the 19th and early 20th century. He picked the name Kerry (as in County Kerry, Ireland) when he spun a globe around and his finger landed on Ireland.
09/30/24: A lot of those guys and ladies are fine people. Kerry is the inevitable stinker who ruins it for everyone else, continuing a fine American tradition since Benedict Arnold (sarcasm).
Don't you think their greater "fear that they will be subjected to legal process in crimes ranging all the way up to treason" will be a result of AG Garland and his cohorts being stripped of power, and no longer able to defend them from litigation by the general population?
We'll come out of this one way or other. Just a question of where rock bottom actually is, whether we've hit it yet, and how much worse for the wear we intend to be before we sober up.
One of your very best, James. Monday is definitely better because of you.
Seconded. That first paragraph, in particular, is an all-time great! Sad to think that I once voted for the idiot Kerry back when he opposed the Shrub and Darth Cheney. Oh well, live and learn, I guess.
TGIF, especially when JHK blogs.
Today's Monday not Friday. Worse living through acronyms.
Oh, my, Lugh not reading intent again. Barbara stating Mondays are better because of JHK, I just added Friday to that.
The road to hell is paved with good intent.
You two are too cute. ^u^
Meh, I get so tired of these JHK analyses and proclamations that most of us here on CFN already know. Sure, they're exquisitely worded and expounded upon per usual, but there are just blogs like this one, where there's just SIMPLY NOTHING ELSE TO SAY.
That said, I appreciate out host for letting us vent our spleens anyway. Cheers.
First it must be said that Mr. Kunstler is an exceptional writer, with a marvelous turn of phrase. However, as per your critique, his columns represent the mindset of conservatism. Conservatism itself is no better than some vague platitudes that hang on the wall ('lower taxes', 'smaller government', 'free market').
For the past 70 years conservatives have done nothing but whine and complain. The best they can offer is a laundry list of the latest leftist outrages, then sit back and say "It's obvious this is wrong", without ever analyzing how and why it's wrong, nor any clue about how to effectively confront it. No wonder conservatives have conserved nothing, not even women's bathrooms.
Meanwhile the masses of traditional people keep listening to and voting for conservatives, then wonder why nothing ever changes as the wokusts keep implementing their agenda. If the masses really want change, they should vote for the so-called 'far right', but they've been groomed by wokusts to think the far right are all racist nazis who engage in 'hate speech'. Such false caricatures keep them voting for weak patsies whom the left can easily control. What a perfect setup for the wokusts... both traditional voters and conservative leaders are thus proven to be oblivious morons.
Well, the Left is right you know. America was founded by Whites for Whites, racists in other words. But they think this is a bad thing - as if people build nations for other peoples. Did the Chinese build up China for the Blacks? Or the Whites?
No, the original Americans built lives for themselves, it was individualism against collectivism. They built lives in the wilderness and then had the audacity to tell the King of England he and his army couldn’t just take it away.
The aristocratic minded southerners were able to continue on for another half century, but the individualistic North eventually won again.
Now it’s another battle. The Democrats are, as always, on the side of collectivism and the abolition of freedom. We must muster the strength to fight for freedom and liberty once again.
I view it as talk therapy, if nothing else. "Water cooler" talk, if you will. And that's not a bad thing either.
What did you write as Disaffected at Jim's homesite that ostensibly pissed him off, BTW? I missed it, it had been deleted apparently.
Asking for Zaz.
I think I linked to a video he didn't like, or something. But we had been dueling somewhat before that. I try to be gracious, but apparently not enough sometimes. Stuff happens. What are ya gonna do?
Got it. Thanks for the elaboration.
I got booted from here and still don't even know why. Neither does our host. Or so it is said.
SWIM can tell you what YOU can do. Start smuggling some of that good stuff being held hostage in Bomb City and give it Iran. They know exactly what to do with it. Evidence immediately destroyed. And, you know, "plausible deniability."
09/30/24: The "October Surprise" will hit between October 7-11th, and it has H. Clinton and M. Garland dead-center in its sights.
Sources/references? And might it have to do with in-fighting?
I read some time ago that one knows when the end is nigh when the so-called 'elites' start in-fighting-- I mean, beyond the norm.
10/01/24: At the risk of causing offense, I've have to say that I never discuss my "sources/references." The only thing that counts is results. As for infighting, I'll rate that as an unlikely ingredient.
Agree. Still stunned that with Evil Google I actually have to type the word "substack" to get here.
Anyhow, your readers would enjoy my recent series on the concept of Suppression, the coordinated media and political-class refusal to admit that a story is a story. The most recent is "What Suppression Is Not," but the most popular and important is "The Rationales of the Knowing Suppressors, Pt. I"
“It’s really hard to govern today. . . . The First Amendment stands as a major block.” Once in awhile the veil is lifted, and they bare their objectives for all the world to see. It doesn't happen very often - in fact it occurs very rarely. But when it does, it underscores all that their actions tell us about them. Absolute, unchallengeable power. Apart from the constructive abolition of the 1st Amendment, they must dilute the 2nd Amendment to the point where it's little more than words scratched on centuries old parchment. Then comes the liquidation of the undesirables a la the Khmer Rouge, Stalin, etc. etc. etc. This story is old, but each time it happens it is as though it had never happened before.
They mean rule, they dont want to govern, they want to be iron fisted rulers, to that i say they need an iron fisted smack to the head, literally
I would have said "upside" the head.
Would you be content useing copper & lead instead of iron?
That's going to hurt us more than them. I'd suggest our very own Ron Anselmo's throat-punch instead. Ron?
They've been whittling away at the 2nd amendment for years, a bump stock here, a large capacity magazine there, until now the government outguns the citizenry (and Joe sneeringly reminded us that they have F-16s).
The founders did #2 for two reasons:
1) To form a means of self-defense for the country and each state. A militia will be formed for protection and the people will be armed with weapons to do that protection. Even in the Civil war, states sent their militias to fight for the North and South, remember Chamberlain’s 20th Maine? Arms were guaranteed to each individual for use in the militia. One difference then is demonstrated in Williamsburg, the Armory where all weapons were stored that could not be stored at home. People needed arms for self-protection in those days just as today.
2) The main reason that Dem socialists want those guns, to enable Jefferson’s proclamation in the Declaration that it is the responsibility of a people to overthrow a bad overbearing government. Today’s Leftist Deep State IS a bad overbearing government. They want our guns and they do not give a shit about the Constitution.
Can’t believe I fell into this Cluster Fuck of a forum. Wake up people,your
Following AN EVIL LIAR!
*Founding Fathers
Founders is a feminist government word that cuts the balls off men it was men who made the declaration of independence, It was all men
Bullshit. John and Abigail Adams had the most romantic relationship and send each other beautiful letters. I don’t believe it about the misogyny. You are listening to a bunch of crappy propaganda from the government. Why would you trust them?
The founders were men of their times. The USA is where Blacks became free, and women got the vote and inhabit many governmental offices today. You America haters, especially from overseas can kiss my butt.
You hate men. You hate Whites. You hate White men most of all.
Is that you kamellla?
Hey guess what, you can stuff that BULLschiTT
Why? Go look at the FBI statistics on who is shooting the most people. Wake up.
course it matters you wake up!! People have to know information to defend themselves.
The government loves ignorant people who don’t pay attention to patterns. They love to blame people who are blameless. Blame the people who are actually shooting. Stop with the propaganda. The TV, media and government are fooling you.
dear Lord that's horrible information, Dennis! You don't own one, do you?
We've always had the 2nd amendment but we haven't always had a crime problem. It's corruption of the culture, not the guns per se. And of course, Blacks.
Wrong on all fronts as far as 2a goes typical Socialist idiot.
You shouldnt even own letter openers as you are too slow to comprehend actual statistics.
Dennis: if you remove the "inner city" (oops….a dog whistle according to Libs) statistics of violent assaults and homicides the USA is one of the LEAST violent countries in the world. Thank Diversity & Cultural Enrichment for the high firearm misuse.
True. Of what use are fighter and bomber aircraft in a Civil War fought in your country on territory you must preserve in order to prosper? Will a military of volunteers from your own citizens violently suppress the rebels who may be family & friends?
If the Progressive Elites want a violent confrontation with the Citizens, let them be first to arms and out front in battle.
There are other ways to pizz in their cheerios that will be more effective
Then they probably still won't understand or appreciate guerrilla warfare, with internal being the worst.
The planes have to land and pilots eat eventually and to know and interact with others, like on the ground.
That's in large part why civs collapse probably. Because they have the worst of a relatively small set of people slippy-sloping progressively upward on high horses-- apparently like that 'haircut-in-search-of-a-conscience/brain'-- who seem to think that it's their rules (AKA, 'The Law', as if it's immutable like the laws of physics) or the highway.
No it's not the law. It never was and never will be, not for long, anyway.
The only law that matters is Mother Nature's.
Brother Nature?
How about just nature's?
The last time I checked, Joe Biden doesn’t know how to fly and F-16, doubtful he knows how to fly a kite for that matter, besides living on a beach where kite flying is fun. I digress, he doesn’t know that Dr. Jill doesn’t know that the septic truck that pumps human waste from Air Force One is NOT the Jet A fuel truck, and imagine Hunter pulling the flags and pins out of the 500 pound ordinance under the wings…exactly not going to happen. (Can you see ole Hunter on the CVN Gerald Ford heaving deck trying to pull the pins? Hmmm, that might be worth some money spent to witness.) No they don’t get that Charlie is out here in the bush, we starve but squat and get stronger, insurgents work that way, they get hungry and more determined, ever meet an angry insurgent, likely you won’t, but try torturing one. You won’t get far. That is what all these midwits miss, all around them are insurgents, they don’t see it, the same way the brass in Saigon, Baghdad and Kabul didn’t see it, but they are there, living and biding their time. John Forbes “Live shot” Kerry likely has an IQ of around 100, just smart enough to be identified as not hopelessly dumb, but really dumb. Prep school, Yale, a path parted for him by wealth, never challenged and allowed to run untethered from reality his whole life and especially as Secretary of State, he got away with it. He reminds one of the kid in your class at (name the prep school) who is still angry he was not voted student head of the school, lost by a whisker if you ask him, but actually because he was a brown nosing snitch the student body hated his ass and didn’t vote for him…go figure 80 years old and still angry, not a good way to be, thieving everyone’s oxygen with his prattle. All revolutions end the same, not with a bang but whimper. One can ask what happens with the USA and its revolution, it was a divorce so doesn’t count…unless it continues and those pressing the dialectic prevail. My money is on the insurgents. May take a while, but it worked in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan as example….
Thomas, I’d say they’ve been very open about what’s in store for us since 2020, almost mocking us to be able to do anything about it
There's a school of thought that the dark cult telegraphs its intentions. If nothing is done about it, they earn a karmic 'get-out-of-jail-free' card.
Exactly. That is a Satanist thing.
In a different way, Macron lifted the veil in 2022 when he cited '... the end of abundance'.
That's the very same issue that JHK referred to in his book 'The Long Emergency' (2005).
Clearly at least one person in France who's advising Macron understands that 1) fossil fuels are the lifeblood of industrial society 2) they're not infinite and 3) 'Limits to Growth' was broadly correct. Some in the US deep state realise too, read 'The Last Oil Shock' (2007).
A very perceptive observation!
If we look at the WEF, UN, etc, policies, we see a common thread - a response to over-population and financial collapse in the context of depleting and degraded resources, principally oil,coal and gas, but also all ores and minerals.
It's all about the rationing of energy and resources. And of life itself.
Exactly. They are right about many things. But their response is to try and power down the World while staying at the top - at the expense of all humanity. Thus they must be destroyed. Alas those that fight them deny the truths they believe in because they believe in them.
Figures in an Oxfam report suggested that if billionaires and multi-millionaires could live more modestly - maybe more like 'mere' millionaires - global GHG emissions could fall 30-40%.
I'm not holding my breath because most billonaires seem to think differently from 'normal' people. Warren Buffett was considered unusual in the past because he lived in a typical suburban house, not in a mansion.
George Bush 41 laughingly referred to Bill Clinton and Al Gore as "Bozo and Ozone" (they had the last laugh on him, though, as the election turned out), but "The Inconvenient Truth" about Gore is that he a 24 karat phony when it comes to environmentalism and "decarbonizing" the economy, living in a 50,000 sq ft mansion and crisscrossing the nation in his ozone-depleting private jet.
It would help, for a start to select candidates who were known for operating successful businesses but lived modestly, such as Ron Paul, or Sam Walton (even the big city Chicago boss Richard Daley was known to have lived in a modest home.) This would also exclude gluttons like New Jersey's Chris ("Crisco") Christy.
A very perceptive thread, thanks.
Yes, Lugh, add on the fact that those PTB want to change things so that you and I take the hit and not them. That is why they need to be torn down from their perches. Now who is the better candidate to tear them down?
Xavier, very good. One thing though is that change of how mankind does its business HAS to happen, the whole debate depends on how it will be done, the hard way (war etc.) or an easy way (adaptation). So far, economic and physical war seems to be the sole way.
It's probably a good idea to vote for Trump to buy us time, but to see him as your lord and savior is just ludicrous. At the end of the day he is just another Jew tool in the ZOG.
Why isn't there a (inter)national discussion about this?
If you go on the site RT you will find people from every country
What percent of the general population have a clue about the 2030 Agenda, and "Joe Biden" being "committed to the full implementation of 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, at home and abroad"?
What percent of the US population view and believe anything that is promoted on the RT site?
Good questions! I hope more and more every day. that’s why I come on Substack to find out what’s going on and let people know , as many as possible
Therefore Corporate Capitalists cannot be allowed to rule. Resources must be carefully marshalled, not squandered for profit or in frivolous pursuits. How did this jibe with Americanism? It doesn't.
There is an American way to handle a transition to a less energy intensive society though, and that's a return to the society of the founders with yeoman family farms, and more local craft oriented enterprises making high quality items that can be maintained and even passed down the generations. My hope would be we can at least maintain some benefits of modernity like CNC machines, but the future is local.
I am all for the yeoman farms and small business/craft-oriented society you describe, but I fear this is a pipe dream. We are no longer Hobbits, isolated from those around us in The Shire. Even when Tolkien was writing about that idyllic world, it was already over, something he tacitly acknowledged. Supporting ourselves on our own parcel of farmland sounds very appealing, but it takes but one bad crop year, one summer of drought or torrential spring rain to annihilate any hopes of succeeding in that endeavor. To be honest, we need abundant available energy to survive. Without energy to power our society, we are doomed to live in a Hobbesian world. With sufficient energy, everyone benefits. We don't have to burn our forests to stay warm as before, nor do we need to mine coal, as alternative sources like natural gas are so abundant. Advances in safe nuclear power generation are already available and, unless the luddites among us prevail, will be coming on line soon enough. Our problem is not too much energy; it is not enough. Oh, and also too many politicians whose goal is to gather as much power as we allow them to have unto themselves at our expense.
The entire national- and world- manufacturing order is thrown into disarray by the imposition of different sets of rules. One reason that natural gas currently trades for one quarter of its former high (under $3/mcf vs $13+) is, even though it is massively cleaner burning than coal, that it is being demonized in the U.S. as "contributing to global warming," even as massively polluted(the joke is that their national bird is the looney) China continues to ADD coal-burning plants- and is accorded Most Favorable Nation status when it comes to exporting its products more cheaply, costing jobs elsewhere. Yet, ironically, their efforts to reduce pollution in their major cities is the driving reason for their emphasis on EV's, which are helping destroy both European and American car makers(See today's Stellantis news) who cannot compete except with big tariffs
"[China's] efforts to reduce pollution in their major cities is the driving reason for their emphasis on EV's"
China makes EVs because they believe the rest of the world will buy EVs instead of ICE vehicles, due to the Globalist policies which outsourced manufacturing to China. China discovered they can make EVs cheaply, and the trend was born.
Caveat Emptor if you buy a Chinese made vehicle or a vehicle with extensive China-manufactured parts.
Well I living in a homestead myself, so like Johnson kicking the rock as evidence of its real existence, I refute you thus. Clearly you haven't recovered enough from being a lawyer.
I admire and envy your independence. However, you are availing yourself of the internet to respond to me only because there is sufficient energy to power its myriad servers, etc. And unless you are Amish, I assume you use gasoline/diesel-powered equipment like chainsaws, tractors, etc. and have electricity to power your lights as well as your computer and an internet connection. (If you are Amish, a population with which I am intimately familiar, that is a different situation. And shame on you for using the internet like the English!) That was my point; we do not live in Eighteenth Century Colonial Williamsburg. Nor, for that matter, do most of us even live like Sean James, whose "My Self Reliance" podcast I enjoy immensely, but who still is reliant on "civilization" for much of his substance. I am glad we still have pockets of such pre-industrial lifestyles with their tried and true means of existence and perhaps things may unravel to the point where we all are compelled to live like that again, but I pray not. (Should that become necessary, you certainly have a leg up on the likes of me.) However, I prefer that life be not poor, nasty, brutish and short. I like painless dentistry, anesthesia for surgery and antibiotics to treat infections that, in those halcyon days of our yeoman farmer ancestors frequently killed their victims. Not to mention the ability to travel to the dentist, hospital or pharmacy to obtain such goods and services. Nonetheless, best of luck with your homesteading life; may you live long and happily.
Aha, you are thinking of Williamsburg again. That is what society was in colonial America. The guild system with masters and apprentices is still practiced in Williamsburg and products are manufactured one at a time and there was no mass production or assembly lines. Each rifle was an individual.
I agree with both of you, I think that is where we are heading which makes the skills base of Williamsburg vital for it skills base for the future.
In old England, it was considered gauche for a business to advertise. But then the you know whos got back in with the ascent of William of Orange. Then England began to sicken and die.
I have an essay on that.
You might call it A World Made by Hand.....
Yep why do you think I read JHK despite disagreeing with his Zionism vehemently, or make art like this? Which you can buy BTW...
My thoughts are that "the future is local" doesn't take into consideration an international perspective.
Do you anticipate the international horde will be respectful this time?
They will have a tough time getting here when the gas runs out.
I anticipate there will be gas for their tank, but not for ours.
No one should be allowed to rule, except the people by and for themselves, under Mother Nature.
Representatives? Maybe sometimes, if legitimate and with the freedom to opt-out. Once you have absolute rulers, you're back to square one and the kinds of problems you may have been trying to get out of in the first place.
In the present case of America, how do you see this functioning with a polarized population?
What should be the qualifications to rule? Does any part of the 2030 Agenda qualify? Would Putin or Xi qualify? How would bad leadership be removed?
Who would be in charge of dealing with a nation that squandered resources for profit or in frivolous pursuits?
The following are a few proposals:
1) Leadership should stand for scrutiny.
Why are we the people allowing the politicians and MSM to tell us what we can and cannot see and hear? This is the covid mode of operation. Hiding under a rock, or down in the basement, is not a qualification for leadership; but more likely a setup for a bunch of unelected globalists to run the affairs of state, while hiding behind the curtain.
2) Leadership that does not stand for scrutiny, or offers word salads as an explanation and does not cooperate, should be immediately dismissed.
3) Our representatives in government need to treat everyone with dignity and respect. No lining of pockets with donor or NGO funds, and no gaming the system to gain an advantage. Just focus on doing the job they are being paid to do. Represent us, the whole population.
I would suggest that this would disqualify many members in DC at this point in time. It would wipe the slate clean, and provide for a new mode of operation, since they have demonstrated that they are unfit to rule US.
A voice like Sidney Powell needs to be heard, not silenced.
What is the status of the first Trump assassination attempt? Who will stand for scrutiny, and tell us if the claim that audio of the event, that suggests that there was more than one initial shooter, is legit?
Who will stand for scrutiny, and tell us about the backroom deals that the likes of John Kerry have made with foreign governments on our behalf?
Well, 2025 or 2030, which shall it be? We will see who gets the driver’s seat soon. What do you believe about the state of understanding of the problems of the USA right now? Does anyone know for sure who is right or wrong? IMO, Nope.
Macgregor claims that the US encouraged the invasion of Lebanon, and is on autopilot in support of their military actions.
My read is that "Joe Biden's" mode of operation has been to try and bribe leadership throughout the world to embrace peace and the 2030 Agenda, which seems to be at odds with Macgregor's claim.
Could it be that the majority of US politicians, and possibly others like the King of Jordan, are bought and paid for by Israel, and essentially being blackmailed?
It appears that only a small percent comprehend the problems that the US is currently confronted with, and perhaps only a small percent of those are able to comprehend an unbiased objective assessment.
Thinking that Israel is solely to blame is not a sign of smarts. Definitely involved, trying to get the best deals, but not everything.
Who is Iran armed by? Russia. Who is Iran's historical enemy? Sunni Muslims, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. What organization does Iran belong to? BRICS+. How often has Iran attacked Israel directly with boots on the ground? Never. Nor Iraq. Always missiles. BFD. They are cowards like the USA, always looking for a way to shed the other guys blood. Always proxies. When are the proxies going to figure out that they are being used? I will include the Arabs and the UKES in that statement.
Yo Jarek, you still haven't figured out that capitalism and "corporate personhood" AKA crony capitalists, or "Corporate Capitalists" as you like to call them, are completely different?
When will you learn?
Greed drives the small to become medium sized, and the medium big, and the big into corporate giants. What could be simpler to understand? Men won't control themselves so someone else must do it.
What is your problem, woman? You want a simple answer. And the answer is simple but too close to home, i.e, human nature itself.
Uh huh, you just destroyed your own argument, Lugh.
Men won’t control themselves, so someone must do it. Right?
Your answer is some form of government. But one problem, government is comprised of men, just as subject to corruption as the corporate leaders.
The answer was and is, open markets where new business is being generated constantly to expand and put the older businesses out of business, continuous recycling. Second, ban lobbying of the government, consider it a bribe. Both are very much hard to do, but much better than government control.
So the answer is the Law of the Jungle, big eating small. That's what the market is, when left to itself. As the Alchemists said, Nature unaided, fails.
09/30/24: It's the same old pattern A) Feigning shock --- "How DARE you accuse of this!" Then, after their aberrant behavior through repetition has been normalized, B) "Yeah, that's who we are / what we did. UP YOURS!"
I know you're totally full of shit, and you just like hearing yourself. No account loser.
~ The Matrix Is A Plato's Cave Remake ~
"Once in awhile the veil is lifted, and they bare their objectives for all the world to see." ~ Thomas
What 'veil'? Just look around and/or talk to any anarchist.
Cripes, they even spell it out in our art:
“Morpheus: 'The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: 'What truth?'
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison, for your mind.”
"Someone has written a book about the children and their need for their, just simply, emotional and mental development to have contact with the mountains, with the air, the sea, with the dawn, the sunset, the trees, the birds, the song of the birds. Children that don't have these experiences have no real idea of the world they live in. They live in a house, in a school, in a city that's all manufactured. And they begin to be progressively isolated from the basic dynamics of what human life is all about." ~ Thomas Berry
Another Brick In The Wall
Monkman's The Scream!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/the-scream-by-kent-monkman.jpg
There is a shift in power happening and the blob doesn't like it. For one, few pay attention to the mockingbird press anymore. Because of this, the blob works feverishly playing whack-a-mole trying to limit online free speech but are not having a lot of luck. 12-year old girls on TikTok have viewership that Rachel Maddow would kill for and could never ever hope to have.
Force multipliers are now in the hands of the public as well. First off are the drones that Congress desperately wants to ban. Something like Waco is a lot harder to have when your opponent can see what you are up to. The public also has advanced optics, communications, night vision goggles, access to these a.i. like programs, etc. Coming after the public is going to be a lot harder when the agents are met with flamethrowing robot dogs. Naturally, they want to ban all of these things too but it is far too late.
Many have decided to go Galt and John Galt is a lot harder to deal with now.
Bill O’Reilly stated he has much more access to the public on You Tube than Fox News. Changing times!
Fox News and CNN are both killing the goose that lays the golden eggs by running so many commercials. If you want to a good source of international news, try DW (as in Deutsche Welle) which you can stream for free on either Amazon Firestick or Roku. The channel broadcasts in English.
Fox suppresses key stories. Most importantly, the widespread covid-vax one. They are traitors to liberal democracy's commitment to openness. Search in my stack for my writings on suppression, and esp.
The blob will settle for controlling the monetary system, and right now they are all slaving 24/7 to eliminate cash and impose an all-digital klepto (as you were) cryptocurrency regime on the world, complete with Wack-a-Mole hammers for everyone they do not like. "And they can try to buy ham and eggs with their Mercury dimes," is what they tell each other over brandy.
Right. As long as highly reliable telecommunications systems, much more reliable than what we have in place now are implemented.
Ask people in Western North Carolina/Eastern Tennessee what works; cash or card? No comms, no purchasing of necessities.
Yes this is the hope not our corrupt venal political system.
One can only hope Trump uses the DOJ to go after his political opponents…but he won’t.
When I was a Bostonian, I knew J Kerry. He was the second dumbest guy I had met there. The dumbest was the late Ted Kennedy. When Kerry ran against Bush in 04, it was truly Dumb and Dumber.
Both of them Skull and Bones at Yale, with very subpar SAT scores....Coincidence?!
I was introduced to him at a wedding once. He was pretending to be Irish American. Kerry isn't a real Irish name. It's like calling someone John New York.
He's Czech/Ashkenazi, I believe.
Yes he is. Many European Jews converted to Christianity in the 19th and early 20th century. He picked the name Kerry (as in County Kerry, Ireland) when he spun a globe around and his finger landed on Ireland.
09/30/24: A lot of those guys and ladies are fine people. Kerry is the inevitable stinker who ruins it for everyone else, continuing a fine American tradition since Benedict Arnold (sarcasm).
John Kerry's favorite sport is soccer. That's about all you need to know.
You're full of shite, Jarek.
Now what?
Don't you think their greater "fear that they will be subjected to legal process in crimes ranging all the way up to treason" will be a result of AG Garland and his cohorts being stripped of power, and no longer able to defend them from litigation by the general population?
Wrong Mark. He will get them all and some will hurt so bad they will drop off a cliff - literally - and I will celebrate!
We'll come out of this one way or other. Just a question of where rock bottom actually is, whether we've hit it yet, and how much worse for the wear we intend to be before we sober up.
I love that handle! It strikes me as the perfect pharma name for the red pill.
Ex: Don't try that duplicitous shit on me, amigo! I take my daily dose of Fukitol religiously and I can see right through it.
You just might have something there- a pharmaceutical-type name for the Red Pill. I like it!
Or a new brand of booze?
Vodka, Gin, Scotch, Irish whisky, Bourbon and
Fukitol is good peeps. Stay tuned to what he says, it's always interesting.