It is unlikely that anybody in the military will fire upon American citizens. It would be interesting to know whose hair brained idea that was. I suspect it was a certain gay man from Kenya or should I say Hawaii. In an event with over 400 million guns in the hands of mostly right wing conservatives, I suspect the military has already gamed the system and they don’t want to end up like the pilots in Mogadishu.
The sad part about Kamala is that she was too stupid to know that she was the Patsy in this whole affair. Unfortunately, there are many like her who are now surgeons at hospitals and pilots flying for commercial airlines whose egos are bigger than their skill set.
You really don't know the military, at least, today's military. Yes, they will shoot you if ordered to do so. People like us have been designated as domestic terrorists in their SOPs, although that's not bandied about publicly.
And trannies and other assorted broken weirdos. The military, at this point, is primarily composed of people who are otherwise unemployable. Part of the reason to keep a massive standing army is to make unemployment numbers look better.
I do not think so. Look at Yugoslavia, or Syria. Both areas with the same sort of ideologic divisions we see here. Yugoslavia self-divided itself after the Balkan war, and has been relatively quiet since. But it had a war period when things were being settled on who owns what. Syria had Assad trying to control rebellion with the military, half deserted and went to the opposition. That one is still being fought, with the USA and Russia using the sides as proxies.
The USA has states that have the right to leave the country, according to some. The Deep State will try to defend itself, knowing that if allowed secession with destroy its power. They will try to knock down the opposition, first with the courts then with the military when the states tell them to eff off. They will look to the Pentagon to put down rebellion and find out that the soldiers have gone home to defend their states. Look at Robert E. Lee, a confirmed Unionist until Virginia left the Union. He went home and became the thorn in the side to the North that he was.
Kathy, our Union is about as strong as the fiat dollars it produces, close to worthless. Maybe BRICS+ will make this incompetent Deep State realize how precarious their hold is. Do you believe that American pilots and the troops will fire on their fellow Americans for giving the finger to the Deep State?
When 50% of the country is “the other side”? The French Revolution started when the army told the Royals to go to hell and stormed the Bastille, a date still celebrated there.
I've thought about this from another perspective. I have to wonder just how bad it it in other countries that people would sell themselves and travel thousands of miles to get to the US, many not even able to speak the language. Given there are so many of them, why do they not fight for their countries?
They are not here on their own power, they are here as an organized effort to divvie up the USA into segments, then Balkanize itself. WW3 by BRICS+ without a shot or nuke being fired.
There is an large element of the Deep State that is reckoning on this.
Any state can secede, quickly and peacefully, through the use of "nuclear blackmail". If a State Governor acquires one or more nuclear devices, with the ability to detonate them, he can leave the Union on the spot, without a shot being fired. The way thing work with US Presidents is that they are often presented with a set of choices, options, and they have staffs of advisors who give them input on their decisions. At the end of this, as W. Bush famously said, as president "I'm the decider". Now, in this case the President would be given a binary choice: Sir, Do you 1) want to be the first president to rule over the peaceful break-up of the United States or 2) want to be the first president in office, in charge, when a nuclear weapon is detonated on US soil? Mind you, 1,000 years from now, long after the USA is history, denizens of the region where the bomb went off will still curse your name, as they are stuck with poisoned land, irradiated water, and radioactive waste that has a half life of thousands of years, causing cancer and other woes to these folks, to their children, to their grand-children and so on. Any sane president would say "The state can go in peace" on the spot, and that would be the beginning of the end of the United States. Why would anyone want to risk nuclear detonations on US soil? BTW, folks far wiser than I have written books about precisely this scenario, one famous series was called Ecotopia.
Lincoln would have welcomed the detonation. No amount of casualties would have caused Lincoln to stop short of total victory. That was their entire military strategy.
Um, my post was not about a bunch of states banding together, raising a rebel army, and firing on a Federal Fort. It was about the most plausible way a single state would secede today, in the modern era. The USA of 2024 is very different than the USA of 1860, and its dissolution will be very different, too. If you are looking for a modern analogy of how the US might break up, the fall of the Soviet Union is more likely, realistic model for what could happen here.
You said that a president would be faced with a choice of whether to risk a nuclear detonation or to let the state go in peace. What I am saying is that if Lincoln were president today and he were faced with that scenario, he would drop the nuke or allow it to be dropped. He would never let a state go in peace. FDR would probably do the same. He provoked and encouraged Pearl Harbor and laid the groundwork for the nukes to be dropped on Japan.
Who's interpretation of the Constitution is correct?- In the final analysis it doesn't really matter. History is written by the victors. The Feds have overwhelming firepower and perhaps more importantly there is much coercive pressure short of an out right shootin'war that can bring an errant state to heel.
Ultimately geopolitics comes down to one essential rule> "The strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must" ~Thucydides, Athenian General, circa 425BC.
I don't think it comes down to interpretation. It's plain in the text of the 10th Amendment.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The power over secession is not granted to the federal government, so it is reserved to the states and people. Case closed.
I agree with you that that is the correct interpretation. My point is that what you and I think, in the final analysis doesn't matter. The Southern States attempted secession based upon your and their understanding of the Constitution. Lincoln had a different reading and he had an army to impose his reading of it.
When the troops show up no one is talking about interpretations any more. The Victors impose their interpretation... and their courts retroactively justify it.
I believe most of the original states that ratified the Constitution have a clause in their own constitutions that if the results of the ratification didn't work for them, they have the right to secede from the union. After that original compact Texas has a similar clause in their constitution when they became a state.
If secessionists, insurgents, rebels, or whatever you want to call them kill any serving military, group loyalty will ensure that revenge for fallen comrades will be exacted. Ditto police. There can be no other outcome.
I could be wrong, but the impression I got was that the Deep State wants to fracture and destroy the US so it can then 'build back better'. What effective difference is there when the global capitalists want to control the whole world? They're focusing on the UN, WEF, WHO etc. to throw their weight around, no?
Answering your final question, no. The Pentagon has invested in the blob but rank and file military hate the imposition of DEI and trans sailors.
They also hate the idea of the CIA and FBI taking over the government with assassination attempts and running a virtual coup. The military is on the side of the American people and democracy and will step in to protect the integrity of the election results if necessary. I firmly believe this DOD directive is good news, and stemmed from the same sources that refused the Biden/Blinken proposal to use American long range weapons on Russian cities and citizens.
Hell no, the generals said. And afterwards got this directive through that guarantees a change in government. Unlike politicians and the people they manipulate, generals ain’t stupid (in General 😬)
My twin nephews enlisted in the reserves, and tell me they were asked this question. I believe they said yes, as most did, though they wouldn't admit it, and I didn't press them. If it comes to that, they don't believe most actually would.
Yep. Order followers will commit all manners of atrocities if commanded to do so by "authorities". There's a reason the government calls them "heroes".
Yes, and the usual excuse is that 'I was just following orders' like the police who arrested people in parks who weren't wearing masks a couple years ago.
The Warsaw Jews in 39/40 had some guns and ammo and fought back until they couldn’t. Americans will take only so much shit. The destructive power of guerrilla warfare cannot be underestimated,
But think about the heros who stayed under the radar like Corrie Ten Boom and her father and sister. They were saving hundreds of Jews, helping them escape right under the noses of the Nazis.
I agree with you but I also believe it’s important to note the similarities of the thinking should our military find themselves in this situation. In many ways there are differences. Most people here have guns and …. Well, I’ll stop there.
We have small arms. They have drones and tanks and fighter jets. But, most important of all, they have a complete surveillance state. They know everything you say, do, write, watch, listen to, etc. That is why nothing productive can be accomplished until the surveillance state is smashed.
It's worth remembering that an economy quickly developed in the Ghetto, and those who were able to acquire valuables - gold, jewellery, furs, artworks, etc - in exchange for food and medicines, and also privileges (not all were equal by any means) imagined they'd be made once they got out.
Sometimes I'm almost inclined to think that those particular reptiles got what they deserved......
Remember Kent State. Black Panther. Alinsky et al and the bombing of Congress and sponsored violence. Remember race riots in Watts, Roof top Koreans.. yeah? Ringing a bell anyone? Cause I see a bad moon on the rise, don't go around tonight your bound to lose your life...and further on, I hope you are quite prepared to die. Earthquakes and hurricanes.. for a bunch of So Cal/Cal boys they really got the Louisiana/ Southern Rock down pat.
I looked into that incident. I believe someone in the crowd fired a shot first. I don't know if it was a government operative or some student with a gun. That started the whole thing. The National Guard fired back.
A cynical person might say that importing 10 - 20 million criminal aliens is a way to provide the CIA with a lot of military age men who would be perfectly happy to fire on Americans.
Remember that the Tiananmen Square Massacre was done by rural folks who resented the city slickers in Beijing. They were also perfectly happy to shoot.
I had one of those DEI hires when someone had a heart attack. She was a pregnant woman in the ER. Thank God a top-notch Cardiac surgeon was there. I knew more about heart disease than that woman. She was not capable at all. We had the same problem when a family member had a nut allergy and had to go to ER. Try to go to the smaller community hospital.
DEI hires will continue to cost people their lives. Whether it is doctors, nurses, airline pilots or the people who build the planes; it is only a matter of time until a major catastrophe hits due to people being put in positions they do not deserve.
They used bayonets on American citizens in the forced integration of Little Rock schools some decades ago. Have things gotten any better since - or in fact far worse?
Chadd Wright had some interesting observations on this and the current mindset of the military. Don't let the accent throw you. Chadd's a "Been There & Done It" kinda guy.
Would The Military Act Against American Citizens If Ordered To
Yes, I think that the Woke BS is simply a tactic to weed out anyone predisposed to think for themselves. Already, the population of people (southerners) who have traditionally been the mainstay of the military are backing off enlisting and serving. Now, only the most malleable personalities are willing to serve and to stay in the armed forces.
But acknowledging that, a widespread civil war would be a complete shitshow. There are fault lines everywhere. I have long maintained that the paradigm would not be anything like the American Civil War of 1861-65, but more like the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39, or maybe even like the 30 Years War of 1618-48. The disintigration of an Empire can be very messy and ugly because of all the divergent fault lines: political, economic, ethnic, racial, ideological, theological.
twenty years ago I would have said most wouldn't, they would honor their oath. I don't think that anymore. I'm also a 21 year veteran of combat arms for what it's worth, which is probably nothing.
What if it was drone or air strikes? Today's soldiers have been raised on electronic killing games, and after these gene-altering injections are probably more controllable than ever. And then remember how easily the FBI broke down doors in the middle of the night, armed to the teeth, ready to shoot at any perceived objection - and those are only the ones we were allowed to know about, the message sent loud and clear. I'd bet there are sufficient numbers that will do as told.
Mark. A former military perhaps. Todays woke and bastardized bagged leadership commanding fresh immigrant recruits would do anything to maintain the image of real fighting men and women. Damned right they would pull the trigger on unarmed Americans which is most of us.
I get the responsibly armed minority in possession of 400M plus firearms. Count me in. Either way it’s gonna get ugly fast.
First, there is little chance Kamala didn’t know she was a patsy. The New World Order is a plan, a conspiracy these people are all tethered to. They all know what the game plan is.
Secondly, guns are really no contest to the drones they will fly over our homes and assembled groups ready to spit bullets. As Joe Biden warned us, “we have tanks!” Biden warned us twice in speeches that it’s no contest against an evil government with modern warfare and our guns.
And lastly, yes, it’s the ignorant Americans who will be our downfall.
"it’s the ignorant Americans who will be our downfall"
which is why I'm psyched about Dr. Geert vanden Bossche's prediction that a "tsunami of death" will overtake those who took the mRNA jab. Mind you, the abundant side-effects are also encouraging.
Yes but the junk SHEDS. You are contaminated too. Not perhaps as the direct injectors,but the neural lace, the Morgllon tech, the nano bots and quantum entanglement are infecting the entire world...
+1 You know about nattokinase, etc., to combat shedding, right? We do what we can. I haven't heard of several of the technological things you've mentioned but, yeah, I agree with you that we live in a bath of chemical and electrical malevolence.
But our bodies have an UNREAL ability to heal and to recover from abuse. Frogs and salamanders are even more sensitive; it amazes me that they haven't gone extinct.
Well that's when you need the mono filament net with throwers , LOL. Asymmetric war fare, guerilla warefare sabotage from within if you got the ballz to go there...You will likely be found and disappeared (no martyrs in this op!). OTH think of Gulag Archipelago do... a little targeted resistance goes a long way.
Kunstler can't read the armed forces edict. It imposes restrictions on what the military can do, not expands it. Go listen to Robert Barnes explain exactly what it is. Don't just take JHK's word for it.
Local cops are way more of a threat than the military. And, no, the military isn't full of creeps and weirdos. There's just more now than before and they all go online in drag which makes it look a lot worse than it is. If a conflict breaks out I'd expect the incidence of friendly fire will cull that crowd pretty quickly, btw.
From the AFCEA website: "After careful consideration, AFCEA-Atlanta (a chapter of AFCEA International) and its event production partner Federal Business Council (FBC) are postponing the 2024 Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Conference. originally scheduled in Atlanta for November 6-7, 2024, and a pre-conference tabletop exercise during setup on the 5th. A rapid and unanticipated rise in rhetoric and threats stemming from disinformation about the purpose of the event and its proximity to Election Day contributed to the decision to postpone."
Lovely. They're postponing this little "tabletop exercise" on account of a "rise in rhetoric and threats stemming from disinformation." In other words, on account of free speech.
Thank you! It pisses me off that many seem to forget the banksters' responsibility for past and current global tragedies.
As Major General Smedley Butler wrote in "War is a Racket":
"And let us not forget the bankers who financed the great war.
If anyone had the cream of the profits it was the bankers.
Being partnerships rather than incorporated organizations, they do not have to report to stockholders.
And their profits were as secret as they were immense. How the bankers made their millions and their billions I do not know, because those little secrets never become public -- even before a Senate investigatory body."
What sane or decent person would have ever dreamed of doing this in the first place? It smacks of Event 201 and then the subsequent Plandemic. We're onto them and they don't like it.
And what happened to posse comitatus laws that forbid the US Military from operating inside the US? Were they quietly repealed without anyone knowing about it?
I remember during Obama's kingship when nobody got promoted in the military if they said they wouldn't fire on America's. Many also lied when they answered.
Lots of parallels with Rome.... The US has been an empire your entire life.
This week, BRICS had their big meeting in Kazan.
We haven't heard about BRICS here in a while. The biggest motivator for this group is the desire and need to be able to conduct business and trade without using the US dollar.
That is because the dollar, in addition to being fiat currency, which is only useful for buying tangible American products or American assets (land, corporations), is also used by the US government to control and manipulate other nations.
Other nations don't like being manipulated.
And other nations, and their peoples (as well as many people in the West, and even the US, who are being ignored or silenced) don't agree that Russia is an "aggressor", or that it is right for Israel to wantonly kill civilians, enabled by the US.
So, they don't like being manipulated by a government they see, with some justification, as treacherous, hypocritical, and now, DANGEROUS to world peace.
So, they are working on a workaround to the dollar-denominated system. In many respects (bi-lateral trade), they are succeeding. If and when they dethrone (not replace, just dethrone) the dollar, the US will be just another big ex-colonial power, like France or Britain.
And in a society living on credit cards, when the credit cards are cut, that might usher in civil disturbances.
It's a good idea to (at least try to) fact check things, even with less-than-honest Google. Everyone has an agenda.
Courtesy of google, has a few links. From those, I infer this directive was on the books from way back. It was rescinded in 1988 (Reagan Administration), reissued in 2007 (Bush Administration).
This latest "update", per another website,, says the "troubling part is paragraph 3.3, and Chapman seems to say that the threshold for using force has been loosened in this latest directive. From his website, here is paragraph 3.3
"3.3 Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency…when lives are in danger, in response to a request for such assistance, in accordance with the following approval authorities:"
I'm not a lawyer, but this implies that the Feds already have the legal right to "respond" with a level of force that may cause "serious injury or death".
So, I don't really think much has changed in practice.
You can find the directive on-line. It is 24 pages, I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not going to take the time to study and decipher what it says.
The Constitution, which all laws are made in pursuant of, is just ideas expressed as words on paper. Without the wherewithal by the citizenry to protect those words, those ideas, we settle into the existence that, historically, societies all apparently gravitate towards…tribal, violent, authoritarian in nature.
It is unlikely that anybody in the military will fire upon American citizens. It would be interesting to know whose hair brained idea that was. I suspect it was a certain gay man from Kenya or should I say Hawaii. In an event with over 400 million guns in the hands of mostly right wing conservatives, I suspect the military has already gamed the system and they don’t want to end up like the pilots in Mogadishu.
The sad part about Kamala is that she was too stupid to know that she was the Patsy in this whole affair. Unfortunately, there are many like her who are now surgeons at hospitals and pilots flying for commercial airlines whose egos are bigger than their skill set.
You really don't know the military, at least, today's military. Yes, they will shoot you if ordered to do so. People like us have been designated as domestic terrorists in their SOPs, although that's not bandied about publicly.
Plus there are a lot of brain dead people in .mil
Just sayin is all, brainwashed
And trannies and other assorted broken weirdos. The military, at this point, is primarily composed of people who are otherwise unemployable. Part of the reason to keep a massive standing army is to make unemployment numbers look better.
The ones with brains were filtered out by the death jab mandates.
I do not think so. Look at Yugoslavia, or Syria. Both areas with the same sort of ideologic divisions we see here. Yugoslavia self-divided itself after the Balkan war, and has been relatively quiet since. But it had a war period when things were being settled on who owns what. Syria had Assad trying to control rebellion with the military, half deserted and went to the opposition. That one is still being fought, with the USA and Russia using the sides as proxies.
The USA has states that have the right to leave the country, according to some. The Deep State will try to defend itself, knowing that if allowed secession with destroy its power. They will try to knock down the opposition, first with the courts then with the military when the states tell them to eff off. They will look to the Pentagon to put down rebellion and find out that the soldiers have gone home to defend their states. Look at Robert E. Lee, a confirmed Unionist until Virginia left the Union. He went home and became the thorn in the side to the North that he was.
Kathy, our Union is about as strong as the fiat dollars it produces, close to worthless. Maybe BRICS+ will make this incompetent Deep State realize how precarious their hold is. Do you believe that American pilots and the troops will fire on their fellow Americans for giving the finger to the Deep State?
There will be some that fire on Americans if order to, but the military won’t know their enemy. It will be Vietnam on steroids.
An excellent and profound observation... If you'll allow me, I'd like to add "and no language barrier".
Except the South. No one understands us; "shit" and "damn" both have two syllables here!
Pelosi, Mayorkas, Fauci, et al find that violent chaos preferable to being justly hanged for their crimes against the US.
why not both?
Both violent chaos and hanging?
And some of us can fire back,
Just sayin is all
Mark. Hence the massive cluster bearing down upon us all. Arm up. Prep.
Tribe Up, Be a Slave/Prisoner or Die those are our only three options at this point...
In a heartbeat. I was in for 20 years. I know the mentality.
When 50% of the country is “the other side”? The French Revolution started when the army told the Royals to go to hell and stormed the Bastille, a date still celebrated there.
I've thought about this from another perspective. I have to wonder just how bad it it in other countries that people would sell themselves and travel thousands of miles to get to the US, many not even able to speak the language. Given there are so many of them, why do they not fight for their countries?
They are not here on their own power, they are here as an organized effort to divvie up the USA into segments, then Balkanize itself. WW3 by BRICS+ without a shot or nuke being fired.
There is an large element of the Deep State that is reckoning on this.
NGOs that tell them of wealth and prosperity handed to all,
They usually leave out the after lots of hard work and failures
Any state can secede, quickly and peacefully, through the use of "nuclear blackmail". If a State Governor acquires one or more nuclear devices, with the ability to detonate them, he can leave the Union on the spot, without a shot being fired. The way thing work with US Presidents is that they are often presented with a set of choices, options, and they have staffs of advisors who give them input on their decisions. At the end of this, as W. Bush famously said, as president "I'm the decider". Now, in this case the President would be given a binary choice: Sir, Do you 1) want to be the first president to rule over the peaceful break-up of the United States or 2) want to be the first president in office, in charge, when a nuclear weapon is detonated on US soil? Mind you, 1,000 years from now, long after the USA is history, denizens of the region where the bomb went off will still curse your name, as they are stuck with poisoned land, irradiated water, and radioactive waste that has a half life of thousands of years, causing cancer and other woes to these folks, to their children, to their grand-children and so on. Any sane president would say "The state can go in peace" on the spot, and that would be the beginning of the end of the United States. Why would anyone want to risk nuclear detonations on US soil? BTW, folks far wiser than I have written books about precisely this scenario, one famous series was called Ecotopia.
Lincoln would have welcomed the detonation. No amount of casualties would have caused Lincoln to stop short of total victory. That was their entire military strategy.
Um, my post was not about a bunch of states banding together, raising a rebel army, and firing on a Federal Fort. It was about the most plausible way a single state would secede today, in the modern era. The USA of 2024 is very different than the USA of 1860, and its dissolution will be very different, too. If you are looking for a modern analogy of how the US might break up, the fall of the Soviet Union is more likely, realistic model for what could happen here.
You said that a president would be faced with a choice of whether to risk a nuclear detonation or to let the state go in peace. What I am saying is that if Lincoln were president today and he were faced with that scenario, he would drop the nuke or allow it to be dropped. He would never let a state go in peace. FDR would probably do the same. He provoked and encouraged Pearl Harbor and laid the groundwork for the nukes to be dropped on Japan.
Well said, Tom.
Right, it won't be the Americans firing on Americans, but Biden's millions of recently imported military-aged men.
Forgive me but I think you’re pipe dreaming but I hope I’m wrong.
Every state has the constitutional right to leave the union. That doesn't mean they'll ever let you out...
Who's interpretation of the Constitution is correct?- In the final analysis it doesn't really matter. History is written by the victors. The Feds have overwhelming firepower and perhaps more importantly there is much coercive pressure short of an out right shootin'war that can bring an errant state to heel.
Ultimately geopolitics comes down to one essential rule> "The strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must" ~Thucydides, Athenian General, circa 425BC.
I don't think it comes down to interpretation. It's plain in the text of the 10th Amendment.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The power over secession is not granted to the federal government, so it is reserved to the states and people. Case closed.
I agree with you that that is the correct interpretation. My point is that what you and I think, in the final analysis doesn't matter. The Southern States attempted secession based upon your and their understanding of the Constitution. Lincoln had a different reading and he had an army to impose his reading of it.
When the troops show up no one is talking about interpretations any more. The Victors impose their interpretation... and their courts retroactively justify it.
I believe most of the original states that ratified the Constitution have a clause in their own constitutions that if the results of the ratification didn't work for them, they have the right to secede from the union. After that original compact Texas has a similar clause in their constitution when they became a state.
If secessionists, insurgents, rebels, or whatever you want to call them kill any serving military, group loyalty will ensure that revenge for fallen comrades will be exacted. Ditto police. There can be no other outcome.
Yes, I think the military mostly fights out of military group solidarity, not out of any principles.
Who cares why?
It helps to predict what they are likely to do.
So what is to be done? Nothing?
I could be wrong, but the impression I got was that the Deep State wants to fracture and destroy the US so it can then 'build back better'. What effective difference is there when the global capitalists want to control the whole world? They're focusing on the UN, WEF, WHO etc. to throw their weight around, no?
Answering your final question, no. The Pentagon has invested in the blob but rank and file military hate the imposition of DEI and trans sailors.
They also hate the idea of the CIA and FBI taking over the government with assassination attempts and running a virtual coup. The military is on the side of the American people and democracy and will step in to protect the integrity of the election results if necessary. I firmly believe this DOD directive is good news, and stemmed from the same sources that refused the Biden/Blinken proposal to use American long range weapons on Russian cities and citizens.
Hell no, the generals said. And afterwards got this directive through that guarantees a change in government. Unlike politicians and the people they manipulate, generals ain’t stupid (in General 😬)
My twin nephews enlisted in the reserves, and tell me they were asked this question. I believe they said yes, as most did, though they wouldn't admit it, and I didn't press them. If it comes to that, they don't believe most actually would.
Some will & some of us will fire back.
Yep. Order followers will commit all manners of atrocities if commanded to do so by "authorities". There's a reason the government calls them "heroes".
Hard to say. Mob violence often has a logic of its own.
Yes, and the usual excuse is that 'I was just following orders' like the police who arrested people in parks who weren't wearing masks a couple years ago.
It sounds so like the Jews in the ghettos doesn’t it? “Ahhhh, they won’t hurt us. They won’t kill us. Soon this will be over. You’ll see.”
The Warsaw Jews in 39/40 had some guns and ammo and fought back until they couldn’t. Americans will take only so much shit. The destructive power of guerrilla warfare cannot be underestimated,
But think about the heros who stayed under the radar like Corrie Ten Boom and her father and sister. They were saving hundreds of Jews, helping them escape right under the noses of the Nazis.
Yes, and good Jews will help us escape from the Zio Empire American has become?
I agree with you but I also believe it’s important to note the similarities of the thinking should our military find themselves in this situation. In many ways there are differences. Most people here have guns and …. Well, I’ll stop there.
We have small arms. They have drones and tanks and fighter jets. But, most important of all, they have a complete surveillance state. They know everything you say, do, write, watch, listen to, etc. That is why nothing productive can be accomplished until the surveillance state is smashed.
It's worth remembering that an economy quickly developed in the Ghetto, and those who were able to acquire valuables - gold, jewellery, furs, artworks, etc - in exchange for food and medicines, and also privileges (not all were equal by any means) imagined they'd be made once they got out.
Sometimes I'm almost inclined to think that those particular reptiles got what they deserved......
Ummm, Soros comes to mind.
Yeah, why isn’t someone trying to assassinate that SOB?
That's what created Israel, really. Now those Jews have completely flipped and are extremely aggressive. Makes sense.
But now they're fighting against Muslims, who are far more fanatical than even the Nazis were. Very bad situation all around.
My thoughts as well.
I will believe that they wont when the day comes and they dont, until then,
In the words of Ole Remus,
Stay away from crowds
Sharpen your skills and your kit, we may need em
Well, if you consider the National Guard is a component of our military, there Is precedence of the firing and killing American citizens.
Remember Kent State. Black Panther. Alinsky et al and the bombing of Congress and sponsored violence. Remember race riots in Watts, Roof top Koreans.. yeah? Ringing a bell anyone? Cause I see a bad moon on the rise, don't go around tonight your bound to lose your life...and further on, I hope you are quite prepared to die. Earthquakes and hurricanes.. for a bunch of So Cal/Cal boys they really got the Louisiana/ Southern Rock down pat.
We had the Kent State killings without DOD Directive 5240.01.
I looked into that incident. I believe someone in the crowd fired a shot first. I don't know if it was a government operative or some student with a gun. That started the whole thing. The National Guard fired back.
Thanks, never heard that before.
"It is unlikely that anybody in the military will fire upon American citizens"
Jesus Christ! Read a book, will you?
LOL! So true.
A cynical person might say that importing 10 - 20 million criminal aliens is a way to provide the CIA with a lot of military age men who would be perfectly happy to fire on Americans.
Remember that the Tiananmen Square Massacre was done by rural folks who resented the city slickers in Beijing. They were also perfectly happy to shoot.
I had one of those DEI hires when someone had a heart attack. She was a pregnant woman in the ER. Thank God a top-notch Cardiac surgeon was there. I knew more about heart disease than that woman. She was not capable at all. We had the same problem when a family member had a nut allergy and had to go to ER. Try to go to the smaller community hospital.
DEI hires will continue to cost people their lives. Whether it is doctors, nurses, airline pilots or the people who build the planes; it is only a matter of time until a major catastrophe hits due to people being put in positions they do not deserve.
The good news is that the wokeness has infected government agencies so severely that they are no longer competent at assassinating presidents.
Hell, even the current VP and Dem candidate is an incompetent diversity hire.
That's why your elected representatives always fly private.
They also seek out non-jabbed pilots.
Proof please? I can only hope it’s true but find that hard to believe.
That was a story that came out years ago. I don't have reference. Look it up yourself.
Seriously? You can’t provide reference so you defer to me to “look it up yourself”. Ilshmsh
DIE is for the hoi polloi.
Ever hear of Kent State? There are always paid thugs who will follow any order.
They used bayonets on American citizens in the forced integration of Little Rock schools some decades ago. Have things gotten any better since - or in fact far worse?
Chadd Wright had some interesting observations on this and the current mindset of the military. Don't let the accent throw you. Chadd's a "Been There & Done It" kinda guy.
Would The Military Act Against American Citizens If Ordered To
DOD Authorized To Use Lethal Force Against Civilians | Directive 5240.01
Yes, I think that the Woke BS is simply a tactic to weed out anyone predisposed to think for themselves. Already, the population of people (southerners) who have traditionally been the mainstay of the military are backing off enlisting and serving. Now, only the most malleable personalities are willing to serve and to stay in the armed forces.
But acknowledging that, a widespread civil war would be a complete shitshow. There are fault lines everywhere. I have long maintained that the paradigm would not be anything like the American Civil War of 1861-65, but more like the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39, or maybe even like the 30 Years War of 1618-48. The disintigration of an Empire can be very messy and ugly because of all the divergent fault lines: political, economic, ethnic, racial, ideological, theological.
twenty years ago I would have said most wouldn't, they would honor their oath. I don't think that anymore. I'm also a 21 year veteran of combat arms for what it's worth, which is probably nothing.
What if it was drone or air strikes? Today's soldiers have been raised on electronic killing games, and after these gene-altering injections are probably more controllable than ever. And then remember how easily the FBI broke down doors in the middle of the night, armed to the teeth, ready to shoot at any perceived objection - and those are only the ones we were allowed to know about, the message sent loud and clear. I'd bet there are sufficient numbers that will do as told.
Let us not forget what the feds did to Bill Cooper, PBUH, RIP...
Glad you get it.
So many don't. I wish y'all the best.
Mark. A former military perhaps. Todays woke and bastardized bagged leadership commanding fresh immigrant recruits would do anything to maintain the image of real fighting men and women. Damned right they would pull the trigger on unarmed Americans which is most of us.
I get the responsibly armed minority in possession of 400M plus firearms. Count me in. Either way it’s gonna get ugly fast.
First, there is little chance Kamala didn’t know she was a patsy. The New World Order is a plan, a conspiracy these people are all tethered to. They all know what the game plan is.
Secondly, guns are really no contest to the drones they will fly over our homes and assembled groups ready to spit bullets. As Joe Biden warned us, “we have tanks!” Biden warned us twice in speeches that it’s no contest against an evil government with modern warfare and our guns.
And lastly, yes, it’s the ignorant Americans who will be our downfall.
"it’s the ignorant Americans who will be our downfall"
which is why I'm psyched about Dr. Geert vanden Bossche's prediction that a "tsunami of death" will overtake those who took the mRNA jab. Mind you, the abundant side-effects are also encouraging.
Yes but the junk SHEDS. You are contaminated too. Not perhaps as the direct injectors,but the neural lace, the Morgllon tech, the nano bots and quantum entanglement are infecting the entire world...
+1 You know about nattokinase, etc., to combat shedding, right? We do what we can. I haven't heard of several of the technological things you've mentioned but, yeah, I agree with you that we live in a bath of chemical and electrical malevolence.
But our bodies have an UNREAL ability to heal and to recover from abuse. Frogs and salamanders are even more sensitive; it amazes me that they haven't gone extinct.
Well that's when you need the mono filament net with throwers , LOL. Asymmetric war fare, guerilla warefare sabotage from within if you got the ballz to go there...You will likely be found and disappeared (no martyrs in this op!). OTH think of Gulag Archipelago do... a little targeted resistance goes a long way.
Kunstler can't read the armed forces edict. It imposes restrictions on what the military can do, not expands it. Go listen to Robert Barnes explain exactly what it is. Don't just take JHK's word for it.
Local cops are way more of a threat than the military. And, no, the military isn't full of creeps and weirdos. There's just more now than before and they all go online in drag which makes it look a lot worse than it is. If a conflict breaks out I'd expect the incidence of friendly fire will cull that crowd pretty quickly, btw.
"Local cops are way more of a threat than the military."
From the AFCEA website: "After careful consideration, AFCEA-Atlanta (a chapter of AFCEA International) and its event production partner Federal Business Council (FBC) are postponing the 2024 Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Conference. originally scheduled in Atlanta for November 6-7, 2024, and a pre-conference tabletop exercise during setup on the 5th. A rapid and unanticipated rise in rhetoric and threats stemming from disinformation about the purpose of the event and its proximity to Election Day contributed to the decision to postpone."
Lovely. They're postponing this little "tabletop exercise" on account of a "rise in rhetoric and threats stemming from disinformation." In other words, on account of free speech.
If one wants to stop disinformation, put a gag on the medical cartel and the government.
Don’t forget the banksters.
Thank you! It pisses me off that many seem to forget the banksters' responsibility for past and current global tragedies.
As Major General Smedley Butler wrote in "War is a Racket":
"And let us not forget the bankers who financed the great war.
If anyone had the cream of the profits it was the bankers.
Being partnerships rather than incorporated organizations, they do not have to report to stockholders.
And their profits were as secret as they were immense. How the bankers made their millions and their billions I do not know, because those little secrets never become public -- even before a Senate investigatory body."
That's why Hillary said people who spread it should be locked up.
What sane or decent person would have ever dreamed of doing this in the first place? It smacks of Event 201 and then the subsequent Plandemic. We're onto them and they don't like it.
Things that make you go Hmmm..🤔
I'm not sure I actually believe that they'll postpone it!
yeah, that's the reality. They lie and do it anyway under cover.
Thanks! Kept me from throwing a fit on X.
And what happened to posse comitatus laws that forbid the US Military from operating inside the US? Were they quietly repealed without anyone knowing about it?
I remember during Obama's kingship when nobody got promoted in the military if they said they wouldn't fire on America's. Many also lied when they answered.
Rome had posse comitatus laws before Sulla, then Caesar defied the law.
History repeating itself.
Lots of parallels with Rome.... The US has been an empire your entire life.
This week, BRICS had their big meeting in Kazan.
We haven't heard about BRICS here in a while. The biggest motivator for this group is the desire and need to be able to conduct business and trade without using the US dollar.
That is because the dollar, in addition to being fiat currency, which is only useful for buying tangible American products or American assets (land, corporations), is also used by the US government to control and manipulate other nations.
Other nations don't like being manipulated.
And other nations, and their peoples (as well as many people in the West, and even the US, who are being ignored or silenced) don't agree that Russia is an "aggressor", or that it is right for Israel to wantonly kill civilians, enabled by the US.
So, they don't like being manipulated by a government they see, with some justification, as treacherous, hypocritical, and now, DANGEROUS to world peace.
So, they are working on a workaround to the dollar-denominated system. In many respects (bi-lateral trade), they are succeeding. If and when they dethrone (not replace, just dethrone) the dollar, the US will be just another big ex-colonial power, like France or Britain.
And in a society living on credit cards, when the credit cards are cut, that might usher in civil disturbances.
Yes, you recognize the steps being exercised to turn us into an empire.
Department of Defense directive 5240.01 would seem to be a direct end-run around it.
It's a good idea to (at least try to) fact check things, even with less-than-honest Google. Everyone has an agenda.
Courtesy of google, has a few links. From those, I infer this directive was on the books from way back. It was rescinded in 1988 (Reagan Administration), reissued in 2007 (Bush Administration).
This latest "update", per another website,, says the "troubling part is paragraph 3.3, and Chapman seems to say that the threshold for using force has been loosened in this latest directive. From his website, here is paragraph 3.3
"3.3 Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency…when lives are in danger, in response to a request for such assistance, in accordance with the following approval authorities:"
I'm not a lawyer, but this implies that the Feds already have the legal right to "respond" with a level of force that may cause "serious injury or death".
So, I don't really think much has changed in practice.
You can find the directive on-line. It is 24 pages, I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not going to take the time to study and decipher what it says.
The Constitution, which all laws are made in pursuant of, is just ideas expressed as words on paper. Without the wherewithal by the citizenry to protect those words, those ideas, we settle into the existence that, historically, societies all apparently gravitate towards…tribal, violent, authoritarian in nature.