"Most people do not get a clear opportunity to vote against Communism and prevent a historical evil from taking hold. We have that opportunity. Vote Trump." — James Lindsay
Concerning possible upcoming riots. As the Antifa rioters of 2020 attempted to expand into less Antifa friendly territory, in June they moved into Coeur D'Alene, Idaho after a festive night of mostly peaceful burning and looting in Spokane, Washington. Being notified by the Spokane police, the civilian population of Coeur D'Alene and the surrounding countryside responded by showing up en mass and armed. Coeur D'Alene escaped the type of destruction that was common in Washington State.
Warriors in Gardens all over the Nation ready and willing to fight...
The reason the Gardeners in the East Coast Sewers and Interior States having Gardener populations surrounded by Warriors are kept in check.
As all the Imperialists now known as Communists, Socialists, Nazi's...They continue to be TERRIFIED of the armed population of the U.S. impossible of being brainwashed as they desire.
Hmmm, American CITIES. The Leftist, and I will add Black here, governments of the major American cities have just about run out of money, of capital. Project what will happen when Adams, for example, runs out of funds to pay off the illegals. The Party of Chaos will indeed have chaos on their hands with no tools to offset it. What happens when the rest of the country finally tells the cities “NO”? It will not be pretty.
They're not going to stick around where the pickings are slim. This has already been seen with the smash-and-grabs in upscale shopping centers/neighborhoods. Because what's actually going to happen is a constantly churning evolution of opportunity seeking. Remember that *no* state/city/town is fully red (or blue), and that means saboteurs will be everywhere.
Yea, but the effect from unloading a full mag from a semi auto 8+1 12 gauge is priceless, even better with a wide open tube and 00buck , kinda hard to miss,
Yes, they tried that twice. Showed up in the local Winco parking lot in new Mercedes sprinter vans. About 50 of us were waiting for them. One of them got out with a crowbar innhis hand, and he was gently relieved of it. No shots fired, and a good time was had by all. Except them, of course. As for downtown CDA on Sherman Avenue, it was packed with us heavily armed locals.
Of course, in the deep blue states anyone preventing arson or felonious assault is charged. A big problem. Say thanks on my behalf to your brother-in-law.
Don't underestimate Antifa. Fat chicks and skinny-fat-chix-w-dix (the anglerfish couple): ANGRY, HATEFUL, parents' basement-dwelling HATERS OF THEIR PARENTS,
TRAINED TO GOUGE EYES, crack skulls, use flame-throwers (drano-in-the-eyes).
NOBODY FIGHTS DIRTIER THAN WEAK, delusional LOSERS OVERFLOWING WITH SELF-LOATHING, with adrenaline coursing through their skinny masturbation- and gaming-"strengthened" arms.
Sedg - She's worked long and hard to earn these credentials. I'd never steal her thunder; she needs to be the one to explain them if she so chooses. What's interesting is that they're disparate and wide-ranging, not your typical, consecutively more specialized credentials, in one certain area of study or expertise. She's a broad deep babe. Oops.
Exactly the same thing happened in Coquille Oregon, my county seat. The New York times then called Coos County the most racist county in the country as a result of the standoff. Funny story. For over a decade, our elected Sheriff was Andrew Jackson, served several terms, and then was elected to become a County Commissioner. Unmistakably Black. Blacker than Kamala, Blacker than Obama.
Never. America stands for decay, imbecility, and tastelessness. And it’s not all on “the Party of Chaos” either. The “official” pretend-opposition party pachyderms is part of the awful gaming and hoaxing of America, too. It’s all pretense: theater (of the absurd). “Saving Democracy” . . . “Make America Great Again” . . . “Drain the Swamp”—a sick joke; all of it.
In the words of Col. Douglas Machregor, “We need to understand how we got where we are today. [And] I don’t see anybody talking about that.” The country is schizophrenic, hopelessly broken, and can’t go on any longer. Soon, the big banks that resell government IOUs (the “primary dealers” of government notes) will not be able to sell any of it, and then the music will stop . . .
You are right! But how? The blog is a legitimate Bitching channel for lots of people, observations of the failing of the USA are plentiful.
BUT, other than this very compromised election, there are no solutions. Hollywood made a solution named “Designated Survivor”. The laugher, if you watched it to the end, was Sutherland’s realization that after personally rebuilding the government after it was blown up, and winning the next presidential election, the country was right back where it was. Power corrupts absolutely and big government is the source of evil corruption.
“How?” will take something that’s never been done before, a political activity with absolutely no precedent. The solution is for the “people of the United States,” collectively the absolute, supreme Sovereign power in American. There is no legislative body or any court (not even the U.S. Supreme Court) above the “people.” The citizens of the United States together, the states united, are (in the quaint language of our 18th century forefathers) “the fount of all power.”
This means that the “people” can at any time, whenever they please, alter, amend or abolish their system of government. (Article V of the Constitution does not apply, as it by terms applies only to government-driven constitutional amendments.). At a minimum, this would require a convention of the states, called by the “people.” It’s not at all clear to me, though, how such a process, which government (as merely the people’s agent) has no lawful power to oppose or prevent, would work. First and foremost, it would take a statesman, a bird about as rare as a black swan today, and true patriots
The beauty of the American system, on paper, is that the Constitution legalized “revolution.” See the Preamble; see also the Declaration of Independence. That’s the best I can come up with, in terms of a lawful solution.
The Constitution "legalized" it, but the federal government has passed laws against it. The military and the police should refuse to obey unconstitutional orders. Do they, ever? Would they?
I'm impressed that Trump was disgusted with the generals and wanted to talk to some of the lower ranked people. It's slightly promising.
The Constitution has nothing that would legalize or imply the right to revolution. The preamble just states the intent.
The Declaration of Independence does but that isn't the governing document. The Declaration of Independence is a quaint historical document that is ignored by the government busy ignoring the constitution.
Our Leftist scum, since the beginnings of the nation, believes that the people are incapable of running the country, ie John Locke et al are full of kaka. They believe they are the only folks who are smart enough to do the job.
Hmmm, if Kamala and her Mob win today, they may be right.
New Hollywood horror flick, The Rise of the Gimmes.
As Solzhenitsyn said, Live not by lies. He condemned both the Capitalists and Communists, knowing that they are ultimately one system vehemently opposed to free nations and peoples. As for us, Americans fought for the global slave masters in WW2, allied with the Communists in Russia. Until we repent of that, we will continue to stumble and fall.
FFS, she's in Texas! I read somewhere that she did this because she believed Peanut was being "exploited." What exactly does that even mean? Should we abolish all "cat memes" now? What about Mister Ed? Lassie? Benjie? That little Yorkie in "As Good As It Gets?" SMFH.
This harpy has well and truly fucked up the rest of her natural life.
Yr right. Both parties are part of the theater for fools to rise to the bait.
After big Jim’s discovering that being “a life-long Democrat” was a not what he thought - now he’s simply switched attention to the other side of stage.
Some people (especially those who are so determined to prove themselves right (and bitter when shown to be wrong) -
never learn.
This column is an ongoing demonstration of such a case.
One party is more vehement in its support of Israel. That is one difference. The Democrats even allow anti-Semites to hold office as long as they're not White.
Really? IMHO, I do not think either party or even the Deep State Uni-party have a clue how to handle the rising Muslim population in the USA and its impact on the Jewish contingent. Again, IMHO, the discord in the Middle East between Jews and Arabs is rapidly finding its way into the USA, just another prize from the open border.
I notified them that I had withdrawn my consent July 4th 2008. Actually had opted out after 911. Dropped the SSN, got off grid, cancelled my bank account and went to cash and barter.
It wasn't always convenient at first Nancylee, but there comes a time when you have to make a stand. It doesn't take violence or angry outbursts, just a real determination not to any longer support and give your consent to what they are doing. They haven't had a dollar of support from me now for 22 years. You have to take a stand at sometime, there is a line you won't cross if you are a moral and sane person even if you are the only one doing it. Don't wait too long to take that stand.
So true Sedgwick. So much of the stuff I used to think I had to have to be happy was just a distraction for my personal emptiness. I had to take a look at that. These days I am happy with pretty simple things. When you find you are smart to pay cash for things that actually profit you and spend less than you make many would be surprised at how much more secure and abundant your life gradually becomes. The best part is that it frees you more and more from worry, insecurity and suppressed anxiety. We really don't need a lot of the things that people think they must have to be happy and content. You become more confident, self satisfied and build honest self esteem, and there is no wealth than can compensate for being without this inner wealth. You are going to get there, you will be a Xandari Prince. https://substack.com/home/post/p-151072802
Thank you for the encouragement! Possibly thanks to my prohibitive browser settings, on following your link, I saw nothing besides the caption. Is there something else there?
Once we see The Far Shore, a fancy house fulla crap no longer satisfies.
Yet, in many ways, I remain that chimpanzee, unable to let go of that large orange, whose hand remains stuck in the narrow-necked jar.
Just overweeningly proud to have jettisoned Google (avoid the search engine and have abandoned but not bothered to close several gmail accounts), Fecesbook, PayPal, Amazon, Apple, LinkedIn, never had a Netflix account.
Baby steps =D
Again, I love reading your posts. We still live in a magical world.
The Constitution gives the Feds the power to create money. Unfortunately, the decline in the brainpower of DC has made their control of money non-existent.
Yep, that's why I keep as little of it on hand as necessary and save silver, gold and bitcoin. Own tools, five acres, a home I built myself off grid, a small garden. And it isn't really money in my opinion, just something a lot of people think is money, don't save it, or you are just holding onto a melting ice cube.
Yes, but when the SHTF do you really think hordes of hungry people who didn’t think ahead of time, which is going to be most people, won’t come to your door, trying to take your stuff? Fast, Eddie did few articles about this on Substack. To protect 5 acres you know how many men would need? And he goes onto explain even if you had a lot of men to protect everything you wouldn’t be able to feed them all. He was completely sensible in his article And he laid out why even the best preppers have a lot of weaknesses to their plans.
Yup, just look at what is happening already with squatters and apartment takeovers like Aurora. People will not allow themselves to be “starved”. How the next administration handles the surplus of people in the cities is a crucial conundrum that will shape our future. A major influence is what law enforcement will be allowed to do to protect citizens from the crime families forming up now. MS13 and the Tren group are just a small part of it. The next ten years may become the rise of crime as the primary cause of wealth creation in the USA.
Who wins today will have a major impact on on the rise of crime,or at least its rate of rise.
I picked my community carefully. We are in a location far from major urban centers, hungry people would have to cross a wide harsh desert to get to us here, and we have a gmrs radio among trusted like minded people who a small number of whom check on each other daily. These are others who are able and believe in self sufficiency. We are not defenseless. You may not go this route, that's up to you, but I would choose carefully where you choose to be and to take your stand with what is around the pike Sharon. There is a Higher Power which has been a protection and guide enough in the past since I learned that I can trust this Divine Presence is with me always.
Ha! I’ve said the same thing to a relative who spends every waking hour (for years) canning food. I think they have managed to can about a months worth. I asked him what he thinks will happen when his neighbors smell bacon cooking. And he doesn’t even own a gun.
Agreed, when the SHTF, the gangs will know where the residuals do civilization remain and will come after it. Nowhere will be safe.
A good analogy is the Old West, where the initial pushes of people had little protection from “the law”. Their modus operandi was to live far apart, (If I can see my neighbors it is time to move on). A rifle was used to challenge strangers, and strangers knew how to “hail the house” when approaching. In spite of this, many people were killed by crime elements.
Concerning possible upcoming riots. As the Antifa rioters of 2020 attempted to expand into less Antifa friendly territory, in June they moved into Coeur D'Alene, Idaho after a festive night of mostly peaceful burning and looting in Spokane, Washington. Being notified by the Spokane police, the civilian population of Coeur D'Alene and the surrounding countryside responded by showing up en mass and armed. Coeur D'Alene escaped the type of destruction that was common in Washington State.
And this is what must happen everywhere. Until the price ANTIFA/BLM must pay becomes too great to continue, the destruction of America will continue.
My question is where are the snipers when you need them?
Embrace diversity! Become a Roof Korean.
I like that! I may have it embroidered on the back of my blaze orange garbage vest!
For those unfamiliar with the term, some info:
Warriors in Gardens all over the Nation ready and willing to fight...
The reason the Gardeners in the East Coast Sewers and Interior States having Gardener populations surrounded by Warriors are kept in check.
As all the Imperialists now known as Communists, Socialists, Nazi's...They continue to be TERRIFIED of the armed population of the U.S. impossible of being brainwashed as they desire.
A few thoughts on warriors in gardens:
I like it!
At first I thought you wrote Roof Karen.
Can you imagine?
Just become one and in the process you discover other like minded patriots.
If they are smart they are busy reloading for the upcoming "games".
Stay brave! Stay free!…..Lock & load America
If you were in downtown CDA, all you had to do was look up.
Coeur D'Alene
No problem
Hmmm, American CITIES. The Leftist, and I will add Black here, governments of the major American cities have just about run out of money, of capital. Project what will happen when Adams, for example, runs out of funds to pay off the illegals. The Party of Chaos will indeed have chaos on their hands with no tools to offset it. What happens when the rest of the country finally tells the cities “NO”? It will not be pretty.
Why else do you think they want a digital currency, easier for them to steal it from you,
And make no mistake, the ONLY thing government does IS STEAL FROM THE PEOPLE
Yes! No Gubmint! Let's be ruled by the Corporations directly.
+1 spittin' facts!
They're not going to stick around where the pickings are slim. This has already been seen with the smash-and-grabs in upscale shopping centers/neighborhoods. Because what's actually going to happen is a constantly churning evolution of opportunity seeking. Remember that *no* state/city/town is fully red (or blue), and that means saboteurs will be everywhere.
One thing to remember, along with there will always be spies, fence sitters and informants.
Its no coincidence its actually hunting season,
Laser slingshots. Just sayin'.
Slingshots are silent.
Yea, but the effect from unloading a full mag from a semi auto 8+1 12 gauge is priceless, even better with a wide open tube and 00buck , kinda hard to miss,
Arrows, spears, slings...Retvrn to Tradition!
Was the spelling "Retvrn" deliberate? If so, verrrry cool and extremely witty, and my congratulations.
Thats for fun when doing this schitt for sport, the dead serious outset is for pure intimidation effect
Similar happened when the wokies tried to surround the Boise capitol. NOPE.
Mary Queen?
Yes, they tried that twice. Showed up in the local Winco parking lot in new Mercedes sprinter vans. About 50 of us were waiting for them. One of them got out with a crowbar innhis hand, and he was gently relieved of it. No shots fired, and a good time was had by all. Except them, of course. As for downtown CDA on Sherman Avenue, it was packed with us heavily armed locals.
That's hilarious! Well done.
I knew there was a reason why i really want to move to your northern area besides the cool air and trees.
Yeah, so my brother-in-law went to that. This is how it is done.
Of course, in the deep blue states anyone preventing arson or felonious assault is charged. A big problem. Say thanks on my behalf to your brother-in-law.
This is the Way.
Hmmmm, ANTIFA. With their black umbrellas they are well suited as targets for an LM-42. Smoke 'em if you got'em. The smoking lamp is lit.
They wear black so you can’t tell which one started the fire, or whatever. Paint ball guns could be used to mark perpetrators.
Sorry, XM-42!
Don't underestimate Antifa. Fat chicks and skinny-fat-chix-w-dix (the anglerfish couple): ANGRY, HATEFUL, parents' basement-dwelling HATERS OF THEIR PARENTS,
TRAINED TO GOUGE EYES, crack skulls, use flame-throwers (drano-in-the-eyes).
NOBODY FIGHTS DIRTIER THAN WEAK, delusional LOSERS OVERFLOWING WITH SELF-LOATHING, with adrenaline coursing through their skinny masturbation- and gaming-"strengthened" arms.
"anglerfish couple" LOL!
Credential up. TIC, BDB, TPE, you've worked hard to earn them - show them off.
Meh, I got bored with it, plus I ran out of room. I have 2 more to add, besides.
Thanks for the compliment, anyway. <3
What do they mean? I’m new here.
TIC, BDB, TPE = ???
Sedg - She's worked long and hard to earn these credentials. I'd never steal her thunder; she needs to be the one to explain them if she so chooses. What's interesting is that they're disparate and wide-ranging, not your typical, consecutively more specialized credentials, in one certain area of study or expertise. She's a broad deep babe. Oops.
+1 Alone in the jungle, unassisted, a vision showed me the meaning. @Ron Anselmo, NICE sense of humor; clearly not a leftist xD
Exactly the same thing happened in Coquille Oregon, my county seat. The New York times then called Coos County the most racist county in the country as a result of the standoff. Funny story. For over a decade, our elected Sheriff was Andrew Jackson, served several terms, and then was elected to become a County Commissioner. Unmistakably Black. Blacker than Kamala, Blacker than Obama.
your consent to be governed. And when exactly are we going to grow up and refuse to consent to be governed?
Never. America stands for decay, imbecility, and tastelessness. And it’s not all on “the Party of Chaos” either. The “official” pretend-opposition party pachyderms is part of the awful gaming and hoaxing of America, too. It’s all pretense: theater (of the absurd). “Saving Democracy” . . . “Make America Great Again” . . . “Drain the Swamp”—a sick joke; all of it.
In the words of Col. Douglas Machregor, “We need to understand how we got where we are today. [And] I don’t see anybody talking about that.” The country is schizophrenic, hopelessly broken, and can’t go on any longer. Soon, the big banks that resell government IOUs (the “primary dealers” of government notes) will not be able to sell any of it, and then the music will stop . . .
Thats why the whole of DC and any associated bureaucracies need to be purged
Absolutely. All of it, every office and it’s holder goes.
You are right! But how? The blog is a legitimate Bitching channel for lots of people, observations of the failing of the USA are plentiful.
BUT, other than this very compromised election, there are no solutions. Hollywood made a solution named “Designated Survivor”. The laugher, if you watched it to the end, was Sutherland’s realization that after personally rebuilding the government after it was blown up, and winning the next presidential election, the country was right back where it was. Power corrupts absolutely and big government is the source of evil corruption.
Thats why im glad im gettin old,
“How?” will take something that’s never been done before, a political activity with absolutely no precedent. The solution is for the “people of the United States,” collectively the absolute, supreme Sovereign power in American. There is no legislative body or any court (not even the U.S. Supreme Court) above the “people.” The citizens of the United States together, the states united, are (in the quaint language of our 18th century forefathers) “the fount of all power.”
This means that the “people” can at any time, whenever they please, alter, amend or abolish their system of government. (Article V of the Constitution does not apply, as it by terms applies only to government-driven constitutional amendments.). At a minimum, this would require a convention of the states, called by the “people.” It’s not at all clear to me, though, how such a process, which government (as merely the people’s agent) has no lawful power to oppose or prevent, would work. First and foremost, it would take a statesman, a bird about as rare as a black swan today, and true patriots
The beauty of the American system, on paper, is that the Constitution legalized “revolution.” See the Preamble; see also the Declaration of Independence. That’s the best I can come up with, in terms of a lawful solution.
The Constitution "legalized" it, but the federal government has passed laws against it. The military and the police should refuse to obey unconstitutional orders. Do they, ever? Would they?
I'm impressed that Trump was disgusted with the generals and wanted to talk to some of the lower ranked people. It's slightly promising.
The Constitution has nothing that would legalize or imply the right to revolution. The preamble just states the intent.
The Declaration of Independence does but that isn't the governing document. The Declaration of Independence is a quaint historical document that is ignored by the government busy ignoring the constitution.
...or at least hit by an asteroid.
That's coming, by the way. it's called Apophis, and it's been predicted to hit the Pacific in April 2029.
It's about a football field wide
Chixalub was 12 km. wide.
Nope, still sayin' our best bet is having Pakistan or Iran nuke the District of Criminals. Think of all the shit that would stop THEN.
Of course, because everyone knows that the ayatollahs are better friends of liberty than our own scum.
Our Leftist scum, since the beginnings of the nation, believes that the people are incapable of running the country, ie John Locke et al are full of kaka. They believe they are the only folks who are smart enough to do the job.
Hmmm, if Kamala and her Mob win today, they may be right.
New Hollywood horror flick, The Rise of the Gimmes.
Yo Limey,
We're dealing with a Deep-State tyranny that has now put an active-duty LIEUTENANT FUCKING COLONEL on the TERROR WATCH LIST.
Yep, mullahs, or Pakis, blow that place to kingdom come. Thanks in advance.
But think about what it would start - you might not survive.
I'm not going to survive anyway...for reasons I've already posted. Twice.
That would certainly simplify stuff
You mean S.M.O.D. ? Not so good if you are young and full of hope for the future.
What is SMOD?
sweet meteor of death. From Claire Wolfe. She was an early freedomista. Before most Americans had figured things out a little better.
As Solzhenitsyn said, Live not by lies. He condemned both the Capitalists and Communists, knowing that they are ultimately one system vehemently opposed to free nations and peoples. As for us, Americans fought for the global slave masters in WW2, allied with the Communists in Russia. Until we repent of that, we will continue to stumble and fall.
Solzhenitsyn had many lessons for us, which too many have failed to heed.
Yo Jar, don't know if you already know this, but the woke Karen who dropped the dime on Peanut has been doxxed.
FFS, she's in Texas! I read somewhere that she did this because she believed Peanut was being "exploited." What exactly does that even mean? Should we abolish all "cat memes" now? What about Mister Ed? Lassie? Benjie? That little Yorkie in "As Good As It Gets?" SMFH.
This harpy has well and truly fucked up the rest of her natural life.
Make her famous.
so she got Peanut and Fred murdered. Fred too, right? I haven't followed because I am sick about what little I know.
+1 Postercunt for "The future is female.".
This bitch is Exhibit A of why (as a female) I can't stand most women, and tolerate the rest, except for a worthy few.
The cattiness, the jealousy, the envy, the backstabbing...it never fucking ends.
Im right there with you!
+1 Surprised. You don't post like a chick AT . ALL (please take this as the compliment it is!).
Yr right. Both parties are part of the theater for fools to rise to the bait.
After big Jim’s discovering that being “a life-long Democrat” was a not what he thought - now he’s simply switched attention to the other side of stage.
Some people (especially those who are so determined to prove themselves right (and bitter when shown to be wrong) -
never learn.
This column is an ongoing demonstration of such a case.
One party is more vehement in its support of Israel. That is one difference. The Democrats even allow anti-Semites to hold office as long as they're not White.
Really? IMHO, I do not think either party or even the Deep State Uni-party have a clue how to handle the rising Muslim population in the USA and its impact on the Jewish contingent. Again, IMHO, the discord in the Middle East between Jews and Arabs is rapidly finding its way into the USA, just another prize from the open border.
I notified them that I had withdrawn my consent July 4th 2008. Actually had opted out after 911. Dropped the SSN, got off grid, cancelled my bank account and went to cash and barter.
and that my friends is the action of an adult taking full responsibility for how he lives his life.
It wasn't always convenient at first Nancylee, but there comes a time when you have to make a stand. It doesn't take violence or angry outbursts, just a real determination not to any longer support and give your consent to what they are doing. They haven't had a dollar of support from me now for 22 years. You have to take a stand at sometime, there is a line you won't cross if you are a moral and sane person even if you are the only one doing it. Don't wait too long to take that stand.
HB, thats kinda where im at, depending outcome of the next monthish i plan on just dropping out.
Good on you and all who are reading the writing on the wall, see what is coming, and working on their plan B
Thanks for your inspiration, @Hat Bailey!
I'm not nearly where you are, but have developed the habit of choosing the less convenient option whenever possible.
The less you need, the more powerful you are.
So true Sedgwick. So much of the stuff I used to think I had to have to be happy was just a distraction for my personal emptiness. I had to take a look at that. These days I am happy with pretty simple things. When you find you are smart to pay cash for things that actually profit you and spend less than you make many would be surprised at how much more secure and abundant your life gradually becomes. The best part is that it frees you more and more from worry, insecurity and suppressed anxiety. We really don't need a lot of the things that people think they must have to be happy and content. You become more confident, self satisfied and build honest self esteem, and there is no wealth than can compensate for being without this inner wealth. You are going to get there, you will be a Xandari Prince. https://substack.com/home/post/p-151072802
Thank you for the encouragement! Possibly thanks to my prohibitive browser settings, on following your link, I saw nothing besides the caption. Is there something else there?
Once we see The Far Shore, a fancy house fulla crap no longer satisfies.
Yet, in many ways, I remain that chimpanzee, unable to let go of that large orange, whose hand remains stuck in the narrow-necked jar.
Just overweeningly proud to have jettisoned Google (avoid the search engine and have abandoned but not bothered to close several gmail accounts), Fecesbook, PayPal, Amazon, Apple, LinkedIn, never had a Netflix account.
Baby steps =D
Again, I love reading your posts. We still live in a magical world.
Amen. I’m impressed. I’ve stopped the corporate professionalism bs, raising food on the hooves, living simply and edging toward where you are.
There you go. A smart one.
Look on the top of that cash, "Federal Reserve Note". The government creates money.
Money, fiat currency, IS debt.
The reality of fiat currency is such a massive swindle that it took me MONTHS to comprehend.
The Constitution gives the Feds the power to create money. Unfortunately, the decline in the brainpower of DC has made their control of money non-existent.
Yep, that's why I keep as little of it on hand as necessary and save silver, gold and bitcoin. Own tools, five acres, a home I built myself off grid, a small garden. And it isn't really money in my opinion, just something a lot of people think is money, don't save it, or you are just holding onto a melting ice cube.
Yes, but when the SHTF do you really think hordes of hungry people who didn’t think ahead of time, which is going to be most people, won’t come to your door, trying to take your stuff? Fast, Eddie did few articles about this on Substack. To protect 5 acres you know how many men would need? And he goes onto explain even if you had a lot of men to protect everything you wouldn’t be able to feed them all. He was completely sensible in his article And he laid out why even the best preppers have a lot of weaknesses to their plans.
Yup, just look at what is happening already with squatters and apartment takeovers like Aurora. People will not allow themselves to be “starved”. How the next administration handles the surplus of people in the cities is a crucial conundrum that will shape our future. A major influence is what law enforcement will be allowed to do to protect citizens from the crime families forming up now. MS13 and the Tren group are just a small part of it. The next ten years may become the rise of crime as the primary cause of wealth creation in the USA.
Who wins today will have a major impact on on the rise of crime,or at least its rate of rise.
I picked my community carefully. We are in a location far from major urban centers, hungry people would have to cross a wide harsh desert to get to us here, and we have a gmrs radio among trusted like minded people who a small number of whom check on each other daily. These are others who are able and believe in self sufficiency. We are not defenseless. You may not go this route, that's up to you, but I would choose carefully where you choose to be and to take your stand with what is around the pike Sharon. There is a Higher Power which has been a protection and guide enough in the past since I learned that I can trust this Divine Presence is with me always.
Ha! I’ve said the same thing to a relative who spends every waking hour (for years) canning food. I think they have managed to can about a months worth. I asked him what he thinks will happen when his neighbors smell bacon cooking. And he doesn’t even own a gun.
Agreed, when the SHTF, the gangs will know where the residuals do civilization remain and will come after it. Nowhere will be safe.
A good analogy is the Old West, where the initial pushes of people had little protection from “the law”. Their modus operandi was to live far apart, (If I can see my neighbors it is time to move on). A rifle was used to challenge strangers, and strangers knew how to “hail the house” when approaching. In spite of this, many people were killed by crime elements.
Good for you. You make it sound easy. (which I suspect it isn't...)
@Hat Bailey, NICE!!!
Who is John Galt!
I think a lot of folks will be "going Galt" in more ways than one, depending on what's in store for us.