Bill of Particulars
Clusterfuck Nation
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The few times this Covid-19 year of seclusion that friends have come over for dinner, they’re horrified to hear me say that I will do whatever I can to prevent the Democrats from winning the election. I was never a big thumper for Donald Trump, and didn’t vote for him in 2016 (or Hillary), but I will this time.
I’m in favor of his policy stands for defending the US border and stopping the flow of illegal migrants, on ending our foolish misadventures in foreign lands, on reducing the government’s stranglehold on private enterprise, and on opposing the matrix of rackets that make up the “DC swamp.” I admire Mr. Trump’s resilience in the face of a relentless assault by “the Intel Community,” the DC cabal of Lawfare seditionists, and the despicable confabulations of The New York Times and other media voices-of-authority captive to the Left.
I still view Mr. Trump as the designated bag-holder for the catastrophe of our economic quandary, but his political opponents would surely make things worse with their crypto-Marxist fantasies of a totalist American nanny-state. Few in any quarter of US leadership understand the long emergency we’ve entered, and most who do are too timid to spell out what it will actually require of us in the way of rigor and fortitude.
But here is my bill of particulars against the Democratic Party and what it has come to represent in recent years (and I write as someone who has remained a registered Democrat since 1972):
When their basic philosophy is not incoherent, it presents as explicit hypocrisy and bad faith. For instance, their Orwellian insistence on shutting down free speech in the name of “diversity and inclusion.” This malignant jive has just about destroyed higher education across the land. But it has also managed to infect business, government, and the arts, and turned the general population into cowering hostages willing to lie about their convictions to avoid “cancellation.”
The key to understanding the Democratic “progressive” ethos is this: the drive for coercion, the wish to push everybody around, to tell them how to think and what to do. There is an evil purity about the pleasure they appear to take in it, like children who enjoy tearing the wings off flies. They like to see their enemies squirm and plead in torment before “cancellation” makes them disappear from the scene. They like to extract confessions and apologies, not for the sake of redemption, but as grounds for further persecution. In short, they’re sadists.
They seek to erase every boundary of behavior that makes civilized life possible and overtly campaign to overthrow science and reason in the name of a new-and-improved form of racism. Math, history, and literature are too hard because they are products of “white supremacy.” Better get rid of all that — and while you’re at it, cancel white people on the basis of their sheer whiteness. Relations between men and women are not difficult enough; better gin up a campaign of grievance and resentment against men, disable them wherever possible, and militate against masculinity per se — turning America into a nation of pliable eunuchs.
Under their banner, anything goes and nothing matters. Violent anarchy is “mostly peaceful.” Looting is a form of “joyful liberation.” Anybody’s property is just their free stuff. (What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.) Crime is the new entitlement. Self-defense is insulting to mobs. Thugs with long rap-sheets are exemplars of virtue and must be honored in violent rituals of civic destruction.
Those are general principles.
At the official level since 2016, they’ve played out in a set of pernicious campaigns against the public interest and common decency by the self-proclaimed “Resistance.” RussiaGate was, in the strict sense of the word, a conspiracy to overthrow a president carried out by a coordinated effort of high-ranking government employees across many agencies, who knew exactly what they were doing. It was an exercise in perfidy, bad faith, and lawlessness run by the very Department of Justice entrusted with enforcing federal law, including attorney Andrew Weissmann’s clean-up crew fronted by the dishonorable figurehead Robert Mueller. It remains unresolved due to the tensions in that department and the obdurate resistance of the federal courts — for example in the three-year persecution of General Flynn. The eventual day that the hammer comes down on the perps of RussiaGate, if ever it does come, will be a moment of historic moral and ethical clarification in this sore-beset country.
The 2019 impeachment fiasco was a parallel ruse run by Representative Adam Schiff, former Department of Justice lawyer Mary McCord, and Lawfare warrior Daniel S. Goldman, with help from Resistance intriguers in the National Security Council, Eric Ciaramella and Alexander Vindman, and Hillary Clinton’s holdover confederates in the State Department. Mr. Ciaramella’s pretense to be acting as a “whistleblower” was a nakedly false act, illegally abetted by Intel Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, himself a former DOJ RussiaGate player. It is amazing that neither of these two has been indicted for sedition.
Add to these matters the associated misdeeds in the FISA courts, the ridiculous, scurrilous charges against Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh by the mendacious Christine Blasey Ford, the ongoing schemes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer to rig the vote with unverifiable mail-in ballots, and the wholesale acts against the public interest by Democratic mayors and governors such as Ted Wheeler, Kate Brown, Bill de Blasio, Andrew Cuomo, Lori Lightfoot, J.B. Pritzker, Ralph Northam, Jacob Frey, Tim Walz, Muriel Bowser, Eric Garcetti, Gavin Newsom, Tony Evers and a wider rogues’ gallery of other Democratic Party subalterns such as Minnesota AG Keith Ellison and NYC education Chancellor Richard Carranza and you have a nearly complete picture of this odious faction.
Finally, add the cherry-on-top: Democratic candidate for president, Joe Biden. Does anybody still believe he is a plausible chief executive — even in his own degenerate party? I doubt it. Why they engineered his nomination may remain one of the great mysteries of human existence. Except perhaps to speculate that their sadism has turned inward and become a suicidal death-wish. They are finally so miserably contemptible that they just want to end it all.
Personally, I don’t want to see any of these people anywhere near the levers of power in this country. Quite a few of them deserve to be in jail, and I believe before Mr. Trump’s second term is up, they will be — if they don’t try to wreck the United States altogether with new treasons in the November election. I’m against them heart and soul, and I no longer care what my old friends think about it.
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