“I don’t know why the Democrats lost. I don’t understand … Prices have come down, the economy is good. I don’t know why they voted against her, against the party.” — William Shatner (Captain Kirk)
I watched MSNBC this morning just to laugh while they gossip incessantly about Trump’s cabinet picks. They reminded me of the middle school super duper clique lunch table. Gossiping and trashing those who just aren”t “good enough” to sit with them. I do believe that’s what that network has become. The middle school lunch table. No value whatsoever. Vapid clowns.
Agreed. Unfortunately, a LOT of people (some of my family included) watch these shows, BELIEVE these people, and when sufficiently riled up, ACT accordingly, usually spitefully.
Perhaps William Shatner should look back at his role in another movie to figure out why we voted against her, against the Democratic party. Judgement at Nuremberg:
The movie tells us how the system itself failed because the people who were entrusted to protect the constitutional rights of Germans failed. Judges, doctors, "experts" who believed they were right, they were "perfect" government above reproach destroyed their nation and committed the worst crimes against humanity the world has ever known. It's cast included: Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Werner Klemperer, Marlene Dietrich, Judy Garland, along with William Shatner. Bill - Pssst - watch your own old work.
“EXCLUSIVE: PALM BEACH, Fla. — President-elect Donald Trump said on Monday that in order to "Make America Great Again," it is "vital" to have a "free, fair and open media," telling Fox News Digital that he feels he has "an obligation" to the American people to work with the press, even those who had treated him "badly beyond comprehension.” I guess the adage applies. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
For things to change, the hearts of the people have to change. The Deep Sate has acquired its position because of the people sending the same cretins back there, over and over. The Deep State is a reflection of us. Until Trump wins over the hearts of the people, change is impossible. Steamrolling DC will not help.
Comcast has put out feelers for selling CNN and other news outlets. They cannot correct their brand. They went too far, and show no signs of changing. It is quite amazing to watch them lie without blinking or blushing, making it up, and "reporting" as if it's real.
When they lose their idiot watchers, Comcast will lose its advertisers and shitcan this obnoxious network. Do not stop with MSDNC, take out NBC TOO, then ABC, then CBS.
No. They will have advertisers that pay less for their diminished and focused demographic: Gimmiedats with TDS and Karens with hemorrhoids. Think Lifetime/Oxygen/Hallmark/et al.
That being said, Women watching Womyn cry will not balance their finances.
11/18/24: Having attempted to read Walter Isaacson's unreadable "Einstein, His Life & Universe" (2007; PULPED), I can only imagine how inarticulate this pretentious boob must be. Kudos to Mr. Kunstler for forcing himself to listen to Isaacson's inane criminal defense alibi.
11/22/24: Glad to hear it. Try Thomas Kunkel's "Genius In Disguise" (1995). Avoid his sequel, decades after academia ruined his joie de vivre, "Man In Profile" (2015).
I'm a locked-down Apple user. Even when Wozniak left. Got fucking angry at Jobs for the shit he did. But, whatever. The worst thing they did was to source-out their hardware/software. I was an absolute victim of this. Fuck them.
11/22/24: Huzzah! If I were to tell the horror story about our attempted/aborted conversion from Microsoft 7 to M11 in 2023, I suspect that my story would match yours, to a T. Then there's HP, which decided that their copiers no longer needed to be compatible with M7. A genius move. Now I now longer have to buy their expensive ink (a tech I know tells me that HP's profits come from ink, not from their machines). Then Verizon comes in and replaces my router, which destroyed my desktop computer connection to FanDuel, a wagering site. Yes, this all happened recently. I'm running out of morons to make appointments with so they can wreck something else.
The jaw boning is beginning to discredit and character assassinate President Trump's choices to fix our federal government. Trillions of dollars are at stake. The key ones are DOD and NIH being brought back on track. The paid mouth pieces can't see beyond their paycheck.
I agree. Mean girls! And Joe is as mean as any of them. He's the one in the middle school girl clique who talks conciliation but never misses a chance to denigrate another.
They’ve known it all along but there never were consequences. They will suffer those consequences now. We should beat them until their moral improves. I’m giddy just thinking about it.
Absolutely - they can only learn by having to deal with the consequences.
There is this absolute nutter in Vegas named Robert Telles, and he was a low-level councilman on a power trip. He became so deranged with power that when a local reporter wrote some (deserved) hit pieces on him, he killed the guy. He actually got arrested and went to prison. He was sloppy with the murder, figuring (as narcissists and psychos do) that he could just talk a judge and jury out of believing he was the murderer (!!!!). That didn't happen, and he's in jail for life.
This is what should happen to every single public "servant" who was in on and pushed the covid and trans agendas, who probably are responsible for more misery than even Robert Telles.
Because Trump is a liar. I fell for the bs in 2016, and I probably shouldn’t have voted for him in 2020. I don’t usually give people the benefit of doubt anymore.
After I lost my career of 23 years in 2021 for non-CONvid compliance, I went down the rabbit hole.
I don’t believe that ANYONE can put Operation Warp Speed and Covid and the lockdowns in the right & proper context without a basic understanding of peak oil.
You're not breaking any news, and I didn't vote for Trump, either. I have never voted for him. He absolutely still brags about Operation Warp Speed, which is why I remain skeptical that he will even mete out the appropriate punishments.
I wrote a piece a while back asking if the "swamp" is now too big to ever drain. It probably is, but let's drain as much of it as we can. What the world needs is a Mass Purge of the dunces and sociopaths who have ascended to the top of all the key leadership organizations. A Baby Purge would be better than no purge.
I imagine draining that swamp. But all the swamp creatures need to be contained and dealt with. Before draining the swamp an invisible fence must be built around the swamp to contain the creatures. So when it is drained there will be no escape.
First contain the creatures, then drain the swamp. Then Matt Gaetz can deal with them.
Well said, Bill. It will never drain from the top down, which is what people envision. It will have to drain from the bottom up, just like your bathtub - this is where the drain-plug is. No-one wants to hear this, because of the hip waders, hardhat and dedication needed to enter the local political arena. We’ve become addicted to be liked on social media. Yes, your next door neighbour may not LIKE you any longer. Local government has been under foreign attack since early 2000, intentionally removing our elected officials and bureaucrats from our reach. Under auspices that mere disagreement with decisions and speaking your opinion is an aggressive assault on vulnerable bureaucratic servants who download UN swamp agenda into your community every step of the way. No-one wants to rock the community boat and call out UN foot soldiers. The war is too close to home.
I don't think either party of self-aggrandizing grifters will ever care what they did to us, as long as they made a buck or won office, etc. These are psychopathic people. In fact, they set out to damage others because they hate humanity. The goal is to replace them. In order to do so, we have to start recognizing who is actually a narcissist, a psychopath, etc. and stop worshipping those. Sadly, our society shows no signs of being able to do that.
HG Tudor, (on YouTube), who ought to know, says Trump is a narcisisst too. The whole system is set up by narcisissits to reward narcisissts, and thus attracts them in great numbers. We're fortunate in Trump, as he is the sort whose ego won't allow him to fail. May God protect him, because those people will kill him, if they get the chance.
He might be a narcissist but if so, he's a brilliant one, because he is not killing the host, like most of them do. So perhaps he's more of a showman than a narcissist? It's hard to tell. He has many narcissistic qualities, but he is definitely not murderous like, say, Obama. At least not demonstrably.
I know he does. I've watched him for 45 yrs, he has spent 40 yrs pointing out deep state to us and what is going wrong in America. He said 40 yyrs ago he may have to run for president one day but didn't want to - politics is a mean place and he had a great life. He has done many good things for a lot of people and he absolutely loves America.
H.G. Tudor is to be taken with a grain of salt, always. If Trump is a true narcissist, he's a prosocial one. The very best kind. They serve a useful function.
Re: HG Tudor, Do you really think a narcissist is going to be brutally honest about himself? I was a therapist for many years and made diagnoses of my clients. I don't see how any narcissist can be completely honest about narcissism. I've watched Trump for 45 yrs - was never a narcissist. You might want to watch his body language in this video from 1980, I don't see anything arrogant or narcissistic about him:
On one hand, hanging that painting of a younger version of himself in tennis sweater, in a prominent place is purely narcissistic. On the other hand he is very kind to others. No matter their status. Everyone who knows him likes him including his children! Trump is a bona fide mystery.
One can be a supreme egotist and not be a narcissist, correct? Trump is just very self-confident with a natural sense of majesty. He's basically a king.
Sociopath does not mean violent. There are plenty of peaceful sociopaths. Psychopath means violent, and able to kill people - totally without conscience. Some sociopaths can do that. All psychopaths can.
Maybe. Much of it is right what we want to hear. I am all for decentralization and the rolling back of collectivism - which has become an ideology for many. Because - the peddled ‘safety’ factor. Meaning it will take time and much hand-holding to return to functional communities currently sporting bureaucracies fixated on top-down hand-outs and a UN SDG ideology to the last hole-punch. So, it all depends on how many will continue to ration their personal involvement to a 4 year vote and a hero roll, and how many will activate on every local level to sort bureaucratic apples from oranges sporting a Spartan topcoat. The deception will come in a rebranding of ideology, rather than a replacement. Such as the call for new, safer and more functional communities, which currently are peddled under a UN thoroughfare of 25+ local bureaucratic acronyms to hide the beast of 15 min. Cities, Compact Communities, and what else has become too hot a brand. All of these tentacles are in place, right now, right into the smallest enclave, everyone’s front door.
Walled towns and cities. Every man a soldier. Nobody has anything they can't keep from robbers and gangs. The return of a sane understanding of economics: You didn't build that by yourself. And nobody votes who isn't part of the guard.
Drinking my coffee awaiting your adjectives . . . I moved rural and the farmers’ markets are thriving everywhere. From homemade soap to homegrown vittles…if Trump returns schools to the villages, all will be well.
I live in the center of every natural local food you can get. I have a stack of their business cards that gives me comfort and good clean food. I just need a bigger freezer. If the insane regulation is stopped then there will be a revolution in food and health ahead. GO RFK jr. !!
Two factors have driven the food industry to do what they have done. One is the creation of “Big Food” the result of price control and government regulation. This has been driven purely by the socialists driving to control everything from DC. The second is the pressure to reduce costs while creating “Big Food”. These huge food producers are corporations. Their function is not to produce food for the people, it is to make a profit. Cost reduction is not a double digit deal, it is saving single digit costs.
Antibiotics in livestock to save a few percent sick animals, or to prevent wholesale epidemics of herds. The reason “chicken kills” happen is because chickens are jammed together in dirty crowded environments. Same with beef herds, or pig farms. A really scary thought is what happens to these animals that die? What happens to the grounds they are raised on as the accumulation of wastes becomes toxic.
Farming of crops is just as bad. Trying to control pests and weeds, toxins are applied to fields. How do you remove toxins from crops? How much of the toxins become systemic? What is the effect of GMO crops on human DNA in the long term. You would think that the vaxx would tell society not to mess with cellular level modifiers. The other potential toxic problems stem from fertilization. Fertilizers come from fossil fuel, or animal waste, both potentially toxic. Fertilizers are required because the balance of nutrients in the soil is destroyed by over production.
Everything is happening because our food industry is trying to keep up with our population with the amount of arable land decreasing due to housing requirements. As supply and demand wreak their control, the price of everything is going to go up. When RFK, Jr. tries to control these bad practices that have evolved, expect the cost of food to increase as production costs increase.
JHK has discussed these influences since I started reading him in 2005. This is just food. Everything we have as commodities are under similar pricing pressures. Kennedy’s job is enormous, to re-structure American agriculture without price increases. Mission Impossible? Maybe they need Tom Cruise as an advisor!
There was a great Joe Rogan episode a year or two back with a guy about how the planet's soil is in big trouble ... and without changing course, we're basically screwed. Monoculture is literally destroying parts of the planet ... for profit.
Oh yeah, the idea of local supply of food in farmer’s markets is great,
Except, it works in Red rural small town realms, but does nothing for the Blue big cities where people live that have not a clue where food comes from, they think that it comes from Krogers. The cities under Dem controlled government have allowed the over-production of the nation’s agriculture, and without much supervision.
Well the moderately sized blue city of Portland is obsessed with food and where it comes from. It's almost sport.
The main farmer's market downtown is gigantic and it has affiliates in every neighborhood running throughout the week from Spring until Fall. The large, multi-level James Beard Public Market will become a real thing downtown in the next year. It's a very exciting development and of course James Beard is from here. If one wants to get in on a farm share for direct delivery then you must act now as they fill up quickly.
It's mushroom hunting season and my local grocer has freshly foraged Chanterelles for sale. Crab season is just around the corner – again you have to act quick as they sell out.
Many have been going around the "food Industry" for a long time. I Portland is surrounded by bounty and celebrates it. Organically Grown began in Oregon.
The "Farm to Table" idea is one that began on the Left coast.
I want to know the name of my mushroom or crab and if it had a good life. Can James give us that? Or do we have to get high and listen for which item says, eat me?
You claimed "the Blue big cities where people live that have not a clue where food comes from, they think that it comes from Krogers" and my point was that isn't the case in my blue city where the alternatives to supermarkets are very robust.
Asking me for numbers or to speculate on catastrophe is simply a lame attempt to avoid my point.
If you think taking back food production from the big producers doesn't begin the way I describe then please do tell.
“This is just food. Everything we have as commodities are under similar pricing pressures. Kennedy’s job is enormous, to re-structure American agriculture without price increases. Mission Impossible? Maybe they need Tom Cruise as an advisor!
Then there is oil production.
Then there is the ‘production’ of medical care.”
Couldn’t agree more. You’ve described the polycrisis.
What RFKjr is saying is what I have been saying for the past 20-odd years. Food in the USA is not what it is overseas. That's a fact, jack. Case in point (and I know this isn't the best one), I'm not a Coke drinker, but if you want to drink a Coke, buy Mexican Coke. Sugar, yeah, but at least it's not HFCS.
Soros knew that concept long before we did. Change begins at the local level. I see things reverting back to the “old days” when life really was better. Can’t happen soon enough for me.
“I don’t know why the Democrats lost. I don’t understand …" — William Shatner (Captain Kirk)
"I don't believe you." — Ron Burgundy
William Shatner seems like a nice guy, but I'm sorry, I just cannot comprehend how anyone let alone an allegedly sentient human being like Shatner doesn't understand how the weakest Presidential candidate in American history running the most pathetic campaign since Biden deservedly and decisively lost the election. Not buying it.
IMHO, the reason half of the Hollywood and celebrity crowd and much of the city culture in the USA support the Dems and the Deep State is because they want that border open. Why? Serfs and drugs to be unobstructed and cheap. The elite have their slaves and drugs, and the government has its revenue from the cartels. Isn’t that a lovely picture of America? I am watching the effect of RFK, Jr., DOGE, on the flow of drugs into the country. Human trafficking will need border closure and control. Will this country be able to control the cartels and their goon squads? That would be a legacy of Trump.
We're into one of Taylor Sheridan's shows, "Lioness". While the premise is pretty ridiculous (gorgeous females in SpecOps who handle business like John Wick) this season is actually touching on real issues, including human trafficking. At least some folks in HollyWeird are trying to bring attention to it.
Tom's not really wrong though, right? Those two are empirical Elites who found populist politics when the time was right. OTOH, the true, lifelong populists of the core crew, who have lived their lives more or less like regular folk, would be people like Gabbard most obviously, then Vance and Kennedy. Billionaire celebrity johnny-come-latelys just represent the natural first, transitional step in reverse engineering or -- depending on one's perspective -- organically navigating a way out of a plutocratic society in which the working class is hopped up on celebrity worship. Once hard times come, the true populists will need to be taking the reigns. Won't be all that long before Maralago starts rubbing the base the wrong way IMO.
Conservative left-libertarianism in fraught contemporary terminology. Forward-looking only, young, high-performing, steady, earnest, communicative, and hard-nosed. Gabbard, Vance, Ramaswamy, Massie, Rand Paul. It's anti-marxist, anti-finance capitalist National Socialism in simple, structuralist socioeconomic terminology, not to be confused with all the standard baggage surrounding the Third Reich. A nationalist return to public banking via a restored national treasury by ending the Fed. Digital public greenbacks as opposed to private CBDCs, for as long as the grid holds. No more credit cards. A whole lot of nationalized industry servicing the rationing of essential goods. An emphasis on worker-owned syndicalist market economics and producerism in general. People dying by the millions. Open carry guns become the new open carry smartphones.
How did you get the "new navigation bar at the top of this blog-page" to appear at the top of a post page? I don't see a setting for that - unless its only possible with some themes...
His coding looks a little different than my Substack posts... But Substack is not Wordpress - I don't think we can do much coding beyond a "code block" that can be inserted into posts (unless there is a line of code that can be inserted into such a code block)... I was thinking there might be a setting on some Substack themes OR with custom domains (but there are not a custom one on this Substack)...
The only thing you accomplished by not voting is absolutely nothing which is your right but when you have to proclaim you took a “stand” over and over on a comments section that’s the only effect you made
For multi-millionaires like Shatner the economy is good because that's all they see in their sphere of influence. They only hobnob with other wealthy people. They hire and pay servants to do their shopping and prepare their meals, clean their homes and maintain their yards while they hop from vacation house to vacation house. It doesn't surprise me at all that Bill Shatner (one of my favorite actors as a child) can't understand Trump's victory. A wealthy person's opinion on the economy is as worthless as sock with holes.
I watched MSNBC this morning just to laugh while they gossip incessantly about Trump’s cabinet picks. They reminded me of the middle school super duper clique lunch table. Gossiping and trashing those who just aren”t “good enough” to sit with them. I do believe that’s what that network has become. The middle school lunch table. No value whatsoever. Vapid clowns.
Agreed. Unfortunately, a LOT of people (some of my family included) watch these shows, BELIEVE these people, and when sufficiently riled up, ACT accordingly, usually spitefully.
Perhaps William Shatner should look back at his role in another movie to figure out why we voted against her, against the Democratic party. Judgement at Nuremberg:
The movie tells us how the system itself failed because the people who were entrusted to protect the constitutional rights of Germans failed. Judges, doctors, "experts" who believed they were right, they were "perfect" government above reproach destroyed their nation and committed the worst crimes against humanity the world has ever known. It's cast included: Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Werner Klemperer, Marlene Dietrich, Judy Garland, along with William Shatner. Bill - Pssst - watch your own old work.
Yep, they really are the roving pack of Mean Girls we all had to deal with in middle- and high-school.
Bingo. Even those liberal pussies behave like that. Morning Joe, Conan, Andrew on SquawckBox.
What do you think about Joe and Mika’s visit with Trump?
Not much.
“EXCLUSIVE: PALM BEACH, Fla. — President-elect Donald Trump said on Monday that in order to "Make America Great Again," it is "vital" to have a "free, fair and open media," telling Fox News Digital that he feels he has "an obligation" to the American people to work with the press, even those who had treated him "badly beyond comprehension.” I guess the adage applies. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
Or, he's not going to hold anyone accountable - again.
The problem is not Trump!!!!
For things to change, the hearts of the people have to change. The Deep Sate has acquired its position because of the people sending the same cretins back there, over and over. The Deep State is a reflection of us. Until Trump wins over the hearts of the people, change is impossible. Steamrolling DC will not help.
I think he’ll have more success with a republican house and senate. It remains to be seen though.
Lets just call a spade a spade,
The reality, as hard as it is for people to stomach, is it will take all out revolution and a purge of ALL domestic enemies, ALL OF EM
MSDNC should be kaput
Comcast has put out feelers for selling CNN and other news outlets. They cannot correct their brand. They went too far, and show no signs of changing. It is quite amazing to watch them lie without blinking or blushing, making it up, and "reporting" as if it's real.
They have no reverse.
When they lose their idiot watchers, Comcast will lose its advertisers and shitcan this obnoxious network. Do not stop with MSDNC, take out NBC TOO, then ABC, then CBS.
"Comcast will lose its advertisers"
No. They will have advertisers that pay less for their diminished and focused demographic: Gimmiedats with TDS and Karens with hemorrhoids. Think Lifetime/Oxygen/Hallmark/et al.
That being said, Women watching Womyn cry will not balance their finances.
11/18/24: Having attempted to read Walter Isaacson's unreadable "Einstein, His Life & Universe" (2007; PULPED), I can only imagine how inarticulate this pretentious boob must be. Kudos to Mr. Kunstler for forcing himself to listen to Isaacson's inane criminal defense alibi.
His bio of Steve Jobs was pretty good though.
11/22/24: Glad to hear it. Try Thomas Kunkel's "Genius In Disguise" (1995). Avoid his sequel, decades after academia ruined his joie de vivre, "Man In Profile" (2015).
I'm a locked-down Apple user. Even when Wozniak left. Got fucking angry at Jobs for the shit he did. But, whatever. The worst thing they did was to source-out their hardware/software. I was an absolute victim of this. Fuck them.
11/22/24: Huzzah! If I were to tell the horror story about our attempted/aborted conversion from Microsoft 7 to M11 in 2023, I suspect that my story would match yours, to a T. Then there's HP, which decided that their copiers no longer needed to be compatible with M7. A genius move. Now I now longer have to buy their expensive ink (a tech I know tells me that HP's profits come from ink, not from their machines). Then Verizon comes in and replaces my router, which destroyed my desktop computer connection to FanDuel, a wagering site. Yes, this all happened recently. I'm running out of morons to make appointments with so they can wreck something else.
The jaw boning is beginning to discredit and character assassinate President Trump's choices to fix our federal government. Trillions of dollars are at stake. The key ones are DOD and NIH being brought back on track. The paid mouth pieces can't see beyond their paycheck.
RFK Jr. task is daunting! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/bobbys-goal
LOL. So true. I’ve often had similar thoughts.
I agree. Mean girls! And Joe is as mean as any of them. He's the one in the middle school girl clique who talks conciliation but never misses a chance to denigrate another.
Excellent analogy
Is there a better start to the morning than this in my inbox?:
"James Howard Kunstler from Clusterfuck Nation"
Seriously on-point with this one, maybe demonrats(and neoliberal 'republicans') will finally understand what they have done to us.
They’ve known it all along but there never were consequences. They will suffer those consequences now. We should beat them until their moral improves. I’m giddy just thinking about it.
Absolutely - they can only learn by having to deal with the consequences.
There is this absolute nutter in Vegas named Robert Telles, and he was a low-level councilman on a power trip. He became so deranged with power that when a local reporter wrote some (deserved) hit pieces on him, he killed the guy. He actually got arrested and went to prison. He was sloppy with the murder, figuring (as narcissists and psychos do) that he could just talk a judge and jury out of believing he was the murderer (!!!!). That didn't happen, and he's in jail for life.
This is what should happen to every single public "servant" who was in on and pushed the covid and trans agendas, who probably are responsible for more misery than even Robert Telles.
I hate to break the news to ya, but “Operation Warp Speed” was under the Trump administration.
This is ONE reason that I did not vote for Trump a third time.
How soon people want to forget…
That is the $64,000 question. Why has Trump refused to acknowledge the wrongness of his decision?
I did vote for Trump, thrice. In all those elections it was a no-brainer to vote against the Democrats.
But yeah I'd like to ask Tucker this question.
Because Trump is a liar. I fell for the bs in 2016, and I probably shouldn’t have voted for him in 2020. I don’t usually give people the benefit of doubt anymore.
After I lost my career of 23 years in 2021 for non-CONvid compliance, I went down the rabbit hole.
What a wake up it has been!💥
I don’t believe that ANYONE can put Operation Warp Speed and Covid and the lockdowns in the right & proper context without a basic understanding of peak oil.
You're not breaking any news, and I didn't vote for Trump, either. I have never voted for him. He absolutely still brags about Operation Warp Speed, which is why I remain skeptical that he will even mete out the appropriate punishments.
You said you don't vote at all, ever, for anyone, lol.
That sounds like a story a guy once told me at a Blackjack table at Binion's Casino. Except nobody got arrested and no bodies were found.
He will take care of it! He has a lot of irons in the fire just now! Patience!!
Had to laugh…giddy is good, girl…
That's good. I'm giddy too.
I wrote a piece a while back asking if the "swamp" is now too big to ever drain. It probably is, but let's drain as much of it as we can. What the world needs is a Mass Purge of the dunces and sociopaths who have ascended to the top of all the key leadership organizations. A Baby Purge would be better than no purge.
I imagine draining that swamp. But all the swamp creatures need to be contained and dealt with. Before draining the swamp an invisible fence must be built around the swamp to contain the creatures. So when it is drained there will be no escape.
First contain the creatures, then drain the swamp. Then Matt Gaetz can deal with them.
"Then Matt Gaetz can deal with them."
Revenge much? Fucking hell yeah!!!
Oddly enough, they have built a fence around the White House about a week ago. There was a guy in D.C. who filmed it and put it up on Yoo Toob.
Well said, Bill. It will never drain from the top down, which is what people envision. It will have to drain from the bottom up, just like your bathtub - this is where the drain-plug is. No-one wants to hear this, because of the hip waders, hardhat and dedication needed to enter the local political arena. We’ve become addicted to be liked on social media. Yes, your next door neighbour may not LIKE you any longer. Local government has been under foreign attack since early 2000, intentionally removing our elected officials and bureaucrats from our reach. Under auspices that mere disagreement with decisions and speaking your opinion is an aggressive assault on vulnerable bureaucratic servants who download UN swamp agenda into your community every step of the way. No-one wants to rock the community boat and call out UN foot soldiers. The war is too close to home.
Agree to all points.
I don't think either party of self-aggrandizing grifters will ever care what they did to us, as long as they made a buck or won office, etc. These are psychopathic people. In fact, they set out to damage others because they hate humanity. The goal is to replace them. In order to do so, we have to start recognizing who is actually a narcissist, a psychopath, etc. and stop worshipping those. Sadly, our society shows no signs of being able to do that.
HG Tudor, (on YouTube), who ought to know, says Trump is a narcisisst too. The whole system is set up by narcisissits to reward narcisissts, and thus attracts them in great numbers. We're fortunate in Trump, as he is the sort whose ego won't allow him to fail. May God protect him, because those people will kill him, if they get the chance.
He might be a narcissist but if so, he's a brilliant one, because he is not killing the host, like most of them do. So perhaps he's more of a showman than a narcissist? It's hard to tell. He has many narcissistic qualities, but he is definitely not murderous like, say, Obama. At least not demonstrably.
Yup. Do you think he means it when he says he is trying to save America?
I know he does. I've watched him for 45 yrs, he has spent 40 yrs pointing out deep state to us and what is going wrong in America. He said 40 yyrs ago he may have to run for president one day but didn't want to - politics is a mean place and he had a great life. He has done many good things for a lot of people and he absolutely loves America.
Only he knows. We can only judge by his actions.
H.G. Tudor is to be taken with a grain of salt, always. If Trump is a true narcissist, he's a prosocial one. The very best kind. They serve a useful function.
Trump is a lot of things. I do not think he’s a narcissist.
Re: HG Tudor, Do you really think a narcissist is going to be brutally honest about himself? I was a therapist for many years and made diagnoses of my clients. I don't see how any narcissist can be completely honest about narcissism. I've watched Trump for 45 yrs - was never a narcissist. You might want to watch his body language in this video from 1980, I don't see anything arrogant or narcissistic about him:
Just my 2 cents.
On one hand, hanging that painting of a younger version of himself in tennis sweater, in a prominent place is purely narcissistic. On the other hand he is very kind to others. No matter their status. Everyone who knows him likes him including his children! Trump is a bona fide mystery.
One can be a supreme egotist and not be a narcissist, correct? Trump is just very self-confident with a natural sense of majesty. He's basically a king.
A person can be vain and not a narcissist. You probably are not very familiar with the disorder and what it consists of.
I guess I'm not Mary.
“These are psychopathic people". No they are not. They are sociopaths. I wish people would get their terms straight.
I wish you would.
Sociopath does not mean violent. There are plenty of peaceful sociopaths. Psychopath means violent, and able to kill people - totally without conscience. Some sociopaths can do that. All psychopaths can.
I care. I care so much that I didn’t vote (for Trump a third time).
Yeah, you already said. Turns out he didn’t need your vote after all.
Maybe. Much of it is right what we want to hear. I am all for decentralization and the rolling back of collectivism - which has become an ideology for many. Because - the peddled ‘safety’ factor. Meaning it will take time and much hand-holding to return to functional communities currently sporting bureaucracies fixated on top-down hand-outs and a UN SDG ideology to the last hole-punch. So, it all depends on how many will continue to ration their personal involvement to a 4 year vote and a hero roll, and how many will activate on every local level to sort bureaucratic apples from oranges sporting a Spartan topcoat. The deception will come in a rebranding of ideology, rather than a replacement. Such as the call for new, safer and more functional communities, which currently are peddled under a UN thoroughfare of 25+ local bureaucratic acronyms to hide the beast of 15 min. Cities, Compact Communities, and what else has become too hot a brand. All of these tentacles are in place, right now, right into the smallest enclave, everyone’s front door.
Walled towns and cities. Every man a soldier. Nobody has anything they can't keep from robbers and gangs. The return of a sane understanding of economics: You didn't build that by yourself. And nobody votes who isn't part of the guard.
Sounds like Israel, not the USA.
Well said. Instead of being fan boys of Israel, why don't we become like them?
ZOG 🤷♀️
Oh, I just knew someone was going to bring up Jews.
They control who key sectors of our nation. Everyone knows that - except you apparently.
Lou, Lou, Lou. You just don’t get it.
Drinking my coffee awaiting your adjectives . . . I moved rural and the farmers’ markets are thriving everywhere. From homemade soap to homegrown vittles…if Trump returns schools to the villages, all will be well.
I live in the center of every natural local food you can get. I have a stack of their business cards that gives me comfort and good clean food. I just need a bigger freezer. If the insane regulation is stopped then there will be a revolution in food and health ahead. GO RFK jr. !!
Two factors have driven the food industry to do what they have done. One is the creation of “Big Food” the result of price control and government regulation. This has been driven purely by the socialists driving to control everything from DC. The second is the pressure to reduce costs while creating “Big Food”. These huge food producers are corporations. Their function is not to produce food for the people, it is to make a profit. Cost reduction is not a double digit deal, it is saving single digit costs.
Antibiotics in livestock to save a few percent sick animals, or to prevent wholesale epidemics of herds. The reason “chicken kills” happen is because chickens are jammed together in dirty crowded environments. Same with beef herds, or pig farms. A really scary thought is what happens to these animals that die? What happens to the grounds they are raised on as the accumulation of wastes becomes toxic.
Farming of crops is just as bad. Trying to control pests and weeds, toxins are applied to fields. How do you remove toxins from crops? How much of the toxins become systemic? What is the effect of GMO crops on human DNA in the long term. You would think that the vaxx would tell society not to mess with cellular level modifiers. The other potential toxic problems stem from fertilization. Fertilizers come from fossil fuel, or animal waste, both potentially toxic. Fertilizers are required because the balance of nutrients in the soil is destroyed by over production.
Everything is happening because our food industry is trying to keep up with our population with the amount of arable land decreasing due to housing requirements. As supply and demand wreak their control, the price of everything is going to go up. When RFK, Jr. tries to control these bad practices that have evolved, expect the cost of food to increase as production costs increase.
JHK has discussed these influences since I started reading him in 2005. This is just food. Everything we have as commodities are under similar pricing pressures. Kennedy’s job is enormous, to re-structure American agriculture without price increases. Mission Impossible? Maybe they need Tom Cruise as an advisor!
Then there is oil production.
Then there is the “production” of medical care.
There was a great Joe Rogan episode a year or two back with a guy about how the planet's soil is in big trouble ... and without changing course, we're basically screwed. Monoculture is literally destroying parts of the planet ... for profit.
Oh yeah, the idea of local supply of food in farmer’s markets is great,
Except, it works in Red rural small town realms, but does nothing for the Blue big cities where people live that have not a clue where food comes from, they think that it comes from Krogers. The cities under Dem controlled government have allowed the over-production of the nation’s agriculture, and without much supervision.
Well the moderately sized blue city of Portland is obsessed with food and where it comes from. It's almost sport.
The main farmer's market downtown is gigantic and it has affiliates in every neighborhood running throughout the week from Spring until Fall. The large, multi-level James Beard Public Market will become a real thing downtown in the next year. It's a very exciting development and of course James Beard is from here. If one wants to get in on a farm share for direct delivery then you must act now as they fill up quickly.
It's mushroom hunting season and my local grocer has freshly foraged Chanterelles for sale. Crab season is just around the corner – again you have to act quick as they sell out.
Many have been going around the "food Industry" for a long time. I Portland is surrounded by bounty and celebrates it. Organically Grown began in Oregon.
The "Farm to Table" idea is one that began on the Left coast.
I want to know the name of my mushroom or crab and if it had a good life. Can James give us that? Or do we have to get high and listen for which item says, eat me?
How many folks use the farmer’s market vs. use the supermarket? How long would the bounty last if no food came through conventional routes?
You claimed "the Blue big cities where people live that have not a clue where food comes from, they think that it comes from Krogers" and my point was that isn't the case in my blue city where the alternatives to supermarkets are very robust.
Asking me for numbers or to speculate on catastrophe is simply a lame attempt to avoid my point.
If you think taking back food production from the big producers doesn't begin the way I describe then please do tell.
Your comments made me think of the Amish communities
Trump doesn't understand small is beautiful (and inevitable). Bigness is everything to him. He's bigly small like that.
LMFAO. Again.
You're killing me, Jarek.
"JHK has discussed these influences since I started reading him in 2005"
What the hell took you so long?
“This is just food. Everything we have as commodities are under similar pricing pressures. Kennedy’s job is enormous, to re-structure American agriculture without price increases. Mission Impossible? Maybe they need Tom Cruise as an advisor!
Then there is oil production.
Then there is the ‘production’ of medical care.”
Couldn’t agree more. You’ve described the polycrisis.
Freezers don't grow on trees. We have to get back to root cellars and ice boxes.
I read a book about building log cabins. The first step is to dig the root cellar to store food.
Our only neighbors, where I grew up (in an early1800s as was they), actually cooled their food in the spring in their basement.
Don't forget Joel Salatin.
What RFKjr is saying is what I have been saying for the past 20-odd years. Food in the USA is not what it is overseas. That's a fact, jack. Case in point (and I know this isn't the best one), I'm not a Coke drinker, but if you want to drink a Coke, buy Mexican Coke. Sugar, yeah, but at least it's not HFCS.
Right. No local schools, no local life.
Soros knew that concept long before we did. Change begins at the local level. I see things reverting back to the “old days” when life really was better. Can’t happen soon enough for me.
“I don’t know why the Democrats lost. I don’t understand …" — William Shatner (Captain Kirk)
"I don't believe you." — Ron Burgundy
William Shatner seems like a nice guy, but I'm sorry, I just cannot comprehend how anyone let alone an allegedly sentient human being like Shatner doesn't understand how the weakest Presidential candidate in American history running the most pathetic campaign since Biden deservedly and decisively lost the election. Not buying it.
Truth doesn’t touch them. They live above us, in a wealthy celebrity world of narcissism.
IMHO, the reason half of the Hollywood and celebrity crowd and much of the city culture in the USA support the Dems and the Deep State is because they want that border open. Why? Serfs and drugs to be unobstructed and cheap. The elite have their slaves and drugs, and the government has its revenue from the cartels. Isn’t that a lovely picture of America? I am watching the effect of RFK, Jr., DOGE, on the flow of drugs into the country. Human trafficking will need border closure and control. Will this country be able to control the cartels and their goon squads? That would be a legacy of Trump.
Mexico hasn’t.
We're into one of Taylor Sheridan's shows, "Lioness". While the premise is pretty ridiculous (gorgeous females in SpecOps who handle business like John Wick) this season is actually touching on real issues, including human trafficking. At least some folks in HollyWeird are trying to bring attention to it.
Are you describing Donald Trump and Elon Musk?
Trolling, Tom?
Tom's not really wrong though, right? Those two are empirical Elites who found populist politics when the time was right. OTOH, the true, lifelong populists of the core crew, who have lived their lives more or less like regular folk, would be people like Gabbard most obviously, then Vance and Kennedy. Billionaire celebrity johnny-come-latelys just represent the natural first, transitional step in reverse engineering or -- depending on one's perspective -- organically navigating a way out of a plutocratic society in which the working class is hopped up on celebrity worship. Once hard times come, the true populists will need to be taking the reigns. Won't be all that long before Maralago starts rubbing the base the wrong way IMO.
What do you think “populists taking the reins” — after the hard times following the collapse — will look like, Ben?
Conservative left-libertarianism in fraught contemporary terminology. Forward-looking only, young, high-performing, steady, earnest, communicative, and hard-nosed. Gabbard, Vance, Ramaswamy, Massie, Rand Paul. It's anti-marxist, anti-finance capitalist National Socialism in simple, structuralist socioeconomic terminology, not to be confused with all the standard baggage surrounding the Third Reich. A nationalist return to public banking via a restored national treasury by ending the Fed. Digital public greenbacks as opposed to private CBDCs, for as long as the grid holds. No more credit cards. A whole lot of nationalized industry servicing the rationing of essential goods. An emphasis on worker-owned syndicalist market economics and producerism in general. People dying by the millions. Open carry guns become the new open carry smartphones.
Nah...I love you and you're always on my to do list to read Mon. morning. A day w/o Kunstler is a day w/o sunshine.
I need my Vitamin K every Monday and Friday.
Did you vote for Kamala? What did you do when you realized your side had lost?
How did you get the "new navigation bar at the top of this blog-page" to appear at the top of a post page? I don't see a setting for that - unless its only possible with some themes...
My website manager found a way to do it.
You can also look at the page source code to see how they did it.
Type Control-U then CONTROL-F and search for the word "navbar".
I'm assuming you can read html...
His coding looks a little different than my Substack posts... But Substack is not Wordpress - I don't think we can do much coding beyond a "code block" that can be inserted into posts (unless there is a line of code that can be inserted into such a code block)... I was thinking there might be a setting on some Substack themes OR with custom domains (but there are not a custom one on this Substack)...
No, just the opposite, Tom. Your Blue world is going to get a rude awakening, hopefully.
I agree with you Tom. And I voted for Trump twice.
3 times for me!
I couldn’t do it a 3rd time Annette. Silence is golden😉 (OWS and Israel).
The only thing you accomplished by not voting is absolutely nothing which is your right but when you have to proclaim you took a “stand” over and over on a comments section that’s the only effect you made
For multi-millionaires like Shatner the economy is good because that's all they see in their sphere of influence. They only hobnob with other wealthy people. They hire and pay servants to do their shopping and prepare their meals, clean their homes and maintain their yards while they hop from vacation house to vacation house. It doesn't surprise me at all that Bill Shatner (one of my favorite actors as a child) can't understand Trump's victory. A wealthy person's opinion on the economy is as worthless as sock with holes.
I call that archetype the "Limousine Liberal". They exist in their own vacuum/echo chambers.