I voted GOP straight ticket here in Vermont -- hopeless anyway, but still... national mandate and all that -- it will be my first actual vote for Trump -- first time I was a Bernie Bro-- lol! can you imagine?!? Boy, was I stupid....then the 2nd time Covid demoralized me and I didn't vote at all -- why bother in Vermont? Hardly even any Republicans ON the ballot! But this time "I'm vote Red, no matter who"...and then for 2025 --

--- I'm moving to Texas, where they have actual laws and the police to enforce them, at least try. State prosecutors won't even put anyone in jail until they murder someone -- 300 "encounters" with police for violent assault results only in a "letter to please come back for sentencing" ... Our local prosecutor DROVE DRUNK to the scene of a murder (unsolved -- another one, like the poor woman in Castleton, murdered on the bike path, probably by drug dealers, her schizophrenic son (high on super Ganja,) or an errant hunter...

--Vermont has just gone crazy, the whole state .... nasty, drug addled homeless people have taken over my "cute" little old village (Town Manager "doesn't know what to do!") and they don't even have laws on the books to shift the homeless tent city down the road -- so they homeless bums refuse to go to the shelter and urinate and defecate on the back steps of the library, and exposed themselves to the librarians through the window...("We don't know what to dooo! We can't punish people for not having a hoouussee!") Town business leaders and real estate brokers are BEGGING the town to DO SOMETHING, but alas -- the answer, it seems, is Federal money.....but nevere enough of that...

... ah well, I could go on, about how Vermont has banned gas cars, and is trying to eliminate oil and gas heat, raising property taxes 15% a year, legalized marijuana (zombie skunks everywhere!), lowered the speed limits to 25-35 mph everywhere (because of the skunk zombies driving around stoned) and are trying to legalize PROSTITUTION! Omg, I've had enough. My only hope is for Trump to win and some hysterical frightened NYC lunatic with too much money to come here and overpay for my little old house....in the "Safe Space" of Vermont --

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OMG, I left VT after 30yrs for all the above reasons and it wasn't even as bad as you describe 3yrs ago. How sad w it's ridiculously overpriced cost of living there to boot. I can't help but wonder which town you're in? How are people supposed to heat their mostly poorly insulated homes there if they ban all kinds of fuel? I'm surprised they haven't banned firewood yet. So sad what they've done to the beautiful state.

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"I'm surprised they haven't banned firewood yet." ~ Letsrock

If they did, the glaring hypocrisy would be blinding, with the show of cords of firewood surrounding Bernie's North Hero lake house.

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Don't say wood. Say biomass. Burning wood is immoral. Cutting down forests for "biomass" is pure environmentalism. One only helps individuals. The other makes money for "good" people.

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How about giving your assessment on the Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P) chart that Sedgwick C. Hartung linked?


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They've banned the sale/resale of wood stoves w/o catalytic convertors, they haven't banned wood yet but they're working on it.

Most of us don't pay any attention to those stupid laws anyway. It's way more important to be able to afford reliable heat than to freeze. If you run the stove right and keep the system clean it will be just as clean and efficient as any modern version.

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Let me guess. You're a stone mason.

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I have fond memories of Vermont as a child in the 60s: ski mountains, pristine villages, cozy family restaurants, dairy farms, nature, peacefulness. It was so exciting to drive up from Connecticut to ski on REALLY good snow.

Fast forward 50 years, we live in AZ and my wife and I went “back home” to visit mom in CT. A road trip north through VT enroute to Quebec revealed a place I couldn’t recognize. The former charm was overshadowed by impoverished villages with decrepit town centers, unemployment and creepy-looking stoners with Che’ tee-shirts and man-buns looking suspicious of something. The typical front yard adornments were rusty old refrigerators, toilets and tires. Depressing. It truly looked 3rd world. My wife, attuned to the beautiful Vermont tourist bureau ads, was shocked. “Where ARE we, anyway?”

“We’re in BERNIE’S socialist paradise,” I told her.

“Just keep driving north. How many more hours to Montreal?”

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Montreal is as bad as any blue US hellhole. We used to go to the Mpntreal Jazz festival sine the late 70's. That and the International Fireworks competition at La Monde.

It was the summer high point. Not any more though. The last time we went got very tired of the drunks and addicts passed out or begging on the streets as well as the neighborhoods , like Little Italy, which could now be called Little Mena.

While we sometimes consider leaving we cannot for the life of us bear to part with the little bit of heaven we own here. 10 acres of natural quiet beauty, peace and solitude.

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It's La Ronde if recalled, the amusement park we went to maybe 3 times.

I grew up in Montreal and did the fireworks thing a few times some summers too. Made part of a decent second date.

I might have preferred growing up in Quebec City, but then, the grass is always greener on the other side, oui? Maybe I'll retire there...

Here's a song called 'Charlatan', from a Quebec City band:


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Yes, La Ronde! Great place, in the early days we used to walk up onto the bridge ot watch the fireworks go off right in your face. Later bought tickets for ground level to better hear the synchronous music.

There was some great jazz players at the Off Festival in Montreal. Here is Sylvain Provost on guitar: https://youtu.be/krgerSZCAbw

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Keep in mind that VT suffered a few devastating floods in recent years -- due to human caused Gorebull Warning of course -- and I imagine some areas never recovered.

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The flooding in Vermont not was NOT because of any human induced climate change. The geologic form of the mountains and valleys contributes to the flooding effect. This is easily seen in the geologic record and has occurred several times in the past, way before humans came on the scene... Very similar to what happened in western NC. It's more of a statistic event than anything else.

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What happened in WNC was most decidedly not natural. I've lived in both places. I was in Vermont for Irene and it was bad but not on same scale. I can tell you that Hurricane Sandy in NJ was not natural either, a land grab also, another area I lived in. And 'weather modification' is more accurate term than human induced climate change. 'Climate change' merely describes weather.

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I understand exactly how you feel. I was born and raised in San Francisco, 3rd generation.

This gentleman, Donald Jeffries, on Substack, describes what WE are experiencing…quite well…https://open.substack.com/pub/donaldjeffries/p/stranger-in-my-own-strange-land?r=l7pna&utm_medium=ios

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Ah yes, the “crushing poverty view” … I’ve only been here ten years and it’s gotten worse just in that time. It’s a beautiful place, the landscape and the old houses — achingly beautiful sometimes… but it’s getting so, so sad to see the decline —

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We would be glad to have you. It will be culture shock for you but, still, I think you'd adapt to it. Just remember: "Shit" and "Damn" have two syllables.

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I've lived in Texas for 40 years and never noticed that "Damn" has two syllables. Guess it all depends on what part - it's a big state.

By all means come here. But be careful where you settle. Avoid the large "blue" cities (which is most of them) and the border areas. Austin in particular has become a cesspool in recent years - the opposite of the laid-back college town it used to be.

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“Damn” = “day-um”

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Oh. Thanks. Not in Austin (except maybe at the Capitol during leg sessions). But then Austin isn't really Austin any more.

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Austin is about as “Texas” as San Fransicko now. I live in SE NM close to W TX so lots of day-um around here 😂

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Look into Magnolia, Tx in Montgomery county. It’s outside Houston’s Democratic Harris County.

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And "bless your heart" has 2 meanings. Mississippian here.

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Indeed, but most people don’t know the second meaning! 😉🙊

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I see what you did there ;-)

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Looks like we have a few Southerners in the house here! 😂

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That is the ABSOLUTE Truth!


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🤣 yep 2 syllables 🥳 proud Texan here

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Thank you -- I love Texas -- my mother's family are Texans way back, so I figure I'm just coming home, you know? Everything's better in Texas!

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I have a question for you, being in the most deep blue state in the union. Why? What has driven Montpelier into the cesspool of gimme politics? Why are homeless and gimme folks moving there? What drives a state legislature into insanity? I have the same questions for California?

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I've lived in VT for almost 50 years now and have seen the decline happen. What used to be a rural conservative state has turned into a frothing woke caricature of a bad pastoral joke. Started with Howard Dean (a flatlander by trade) in the 90's when he shoved thru ACT 60 to "normalize" local funding for education. As widely expected this led to higher taxes, larger government (again), death of the family farm and larger state government (again). Climate change came next and the influx of plague refugees from neighboring woke states put a nice lid on things as others have noted. It was basically a change from a reactive to a proactive woke legislature, the death knell of an open society.

There will be much wailing and rending of garments when Trump wins. At least we all have guns and know how to use them.

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Y'all still haven't see anything: Few Blacks. But they are working on that and on getting Hispanics and Muslims in too. Freud postulated a death instinct: Thanatos. Thanatos has triumphed in America.

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It's not the Blacks, it's the outsiders who brought their lifestyle with them, it's the gangs and the drugs brought in by the Interstate or over the Canadian border, it's the liberal one party legislature. There used to be a bumper sticker which read "You've seen Vermont, now leave!"

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Consider that the infusion you are seeing is the spread of evil, some call Satan, finding weaknesses in humanity’s tendency to be sinful. Like Satan, the Democratic Party continuously strives to find weakness in the American population and drives into it. Divide and conquer is its modus operandi. Tax and spend is its theme.

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Yeah, it's never the Blacks, right? Because they don't have moral agency. Liberals think even less of them than we do with that attitude.

Anchorage, Alaska has Black gangs now. If you don't have them yet, consider yourself blessed. In any case, you soon will.

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So, again, tell me why there's a down-side to the largely libtardian kill jab uptake?

To the side-effect of "sudden death"?

To Dr. Geert vanden Bossche's predicted "tsunami of death"?


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Its commies infiltrating all facets of life including the mind. Its a slow and creepy-crawly process and reversal will take decades if at all possible?!

Re-attached breasts and penises will look funny no doubt :)

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And, you know I’m sure, that Yuri Bezmenov speaks of this MAJOR! It’s already happened to the former USA.

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Uber leftist liberals infiltrated the govt. I moved there in 1995 and remember speaking casually w a gentleman in a restaurant who described VT like Russia and at that time I had no idea what he was talking about.

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Colorado too!

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As a former Coloradoan, it is an embarrassment. In the 1970s, one of the bumper stickers was "Don't Californicate Colorado". It did not work.

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Seen same bumper stickers here in Alabama😩

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Liberals are like a virus, invading any popular weakness.

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Every young, talented, interesting and attractive person leaves. The state attracts middle-aged to old, unattractive, unhappy, unsuccessful liberal women ONLY. The culture is baby-boomer codified until the very end, and because it continues to displace any other demographic at a rapid rate soon it will be ONLY ancient boomers. Hope has completely left the room, the only future that exists will be post-boomer.

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I’m a Boomer, but I’m a young Boomer-lol! And I’m not a Liberal. Big difference 😉!

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no one cares

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Who splits the wood?

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Oh, they've got machines for that now.

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Whose state this was I thought I knew

when green seemed such a simple hue.

Those who've moved in recently

have turned the place from green to blue...

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I grew up in western NYS. Went to college in Montana. In the 70's, my older brother had a bumper sticker that said, "Split Wood, Not Atoms." Still seems appropriate.

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Good motto. Human’s are fooling around with stuff, atoms and DNA, that they have no business fooling with. One of these days, men like Fauci are going to release something that is going to take out humanity.

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..and Illinois

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"What's wrong with Vermont" is a question as old as the state. "Freedom and Unity" is the State Motto, which perfectly captures the schizophrenic nature of the place. It's a fascinating place historically, but basically, on the one hand, Vermont is NYC's backyard-- liberals and progressives have always come here to "experiment" -- the back to nature movement, hippies, communes, gay marriage. Prohibition started in Vermont in the 1850s, driving away pretty much all business -- tourists wanted to drink, as did workers in mills and mines, so "off to NY" they went. (Of course the locals had their own homemade liquor and smuggling routes from Quebec.)

"Outsiders and Flat-landers" make up the bulk of our Burlington controlled, Dem legislature...they get to pass all the crazy "pie in the sky" laws they want while the conservatives are powerless to stop them and many and are now just pulling stakes and running away. Our "RINO" governor vetoed so many laws in the last few years, only to have his veto overridden and the insane laws passed.

As to the "locals" -- old English Yankees and French-Canadians, with a few Dutch farmers thrown in -- they were just trying to farm and work the land -- a very difficult thing to do here with our brutal, unpredictable climate and soil full of glacial rocks -- they were/are religious and conservative and the type to mind their own business. They were more likely to "work around" a hated law than repeal it -- using a network of family and friends, and they still do. Not so interested in politics and many don't even vote. It's the same in all the states -- the liberal cancer starts in the cities and rots away the whole place ---

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C’mon down to Midwest Ozarks. Home of Harry Truman and Josh Hawley…

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Alabama would welcome you! We need people like you to balance the Blues coming here with their politics which caused them angst enough to leave their former state.

Sweet Home Alabama!!!

Help us stay RED & not purple.

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+1 Google's and Microsoft's AI data centers ALONE consume more electricity than entire nations.

Yet, SOMEHOW, the massive "carbon footprint" of AI is above criticism. And Big Surveillance Tech is investing in NUCLEAR REACTORS (in red states?) to power the matrix multiplication underlying Large Language Models.

Corbett Report

Interview 1905 – FAANG Goes Nuclear (NWNW 569)


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Feds aren’t interested in putting money into solving your town’s problems. Fact is they invested in creating them and have yet to reap the rewards. They also support and abet Soros & the UN. Funding for invasion & occupation too.

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Liked your comment. But, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - if you move to TX DO NOT vote for the same type of people you used to vote for that led to the demise of Vermont. I know you've acknowledged being stupid for not voting or voting for Sanders, but it's too easy, once you get to a safe Red state and are able to exhale to forget that your voting patterns or lack thereof is why you had to flee your once beautiful state. I moved to ID to get away from the west coast. I always voted for pragmatists which meant mostly conservatives, but when WA state went all mail-in balloting, we started to see the fraud and the crazy move into our public sector and then our towns. And, because mail in balloting makes it child's play to steal elections, there was no stopping it through voting. Then, a relative of ours moved to ID from IL to get away from IL taxes, crime, crumbling infrastructure, crazy policies, etc. Lo and behold, she starts agitating for progressive change here. I asked her politely to either think twice about why she left IL to begin with, to not bring her lefist politics here or - and something I've never said to anyone previously - please just don't vote at all if you are going to vote for crazy here because we spent too much time, $ and mental energy to move here to get away from voting patterns like hers. She practically had a breakdown right in front of me, crying, calling me crazy. Sigh. But she soon moved, although unfortunately to another red state.

Be intentional. Vote, but never vote for crazy leftists again.

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Fellow Vermonter here. Agree 100% with your statement.

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Congratulations on waking the f up

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Wow! Sounds exactly like washington state.

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So so so sad. Vermont was truly magnificent years ago.....

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Welcome to "The FUTURE IS FEMALE". Librarians and politicians NEVER know what to do about ANYTHING but sweat the small stuff.

Former war correspondent, Michael Yon (his Rumble channel is here:

https://rumble.com/c/c-6595237 ),

has said words to the effect that, in the time it would have taken for an American to posture, "Don't mess with Texas!", hajji would have decapitated said American, kicked the head down the street "like a soccer ball", killed the dog, set the dog's body on fire, and be chasing the wife down to rape her.

You haven't "had enough". It's gonna get a LOT worse.

Payback time.

Americas Chickens Have Come Home To Roost


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That is outrageous, we as Americans can not stand for this insanity and fall into, well this is the new normal! NO!

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It sounds like Europe coping with Moslem 'migrants'.. Just get 5 or 6 guys with a van or pickup & silenced Glocks or whatever. End them & stack them in the flatbed. Then out to a burial place. Something line that WILL be done

inevitably, eventually.

But of course doing it now would just lead to Feds showing up & much more controlled chaos. I guess there's no solution until the country implodes. Theater of the absurd.

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Why can't I get over the suspicion that all this talk about the Dems crashing and burning is somehow part of a plan to be the biggest mind-fuck yet, in the hope that the "shock and awe" of the Dems pulling it out against all expectations will be enough to trigger the "insurrection" that will justify the imposition of martial law, state of emergency, etc.?

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Our host always likes to say "anything goes and nothing matters". There will be no decision the eve of Nov 5th. It will be delayed for days, if not weeks. What ensues does not give me a very good feeling. I think you're right ... they want an excuse to put their boot on the neck of America ... question is, will the people allow it? Yeah, most likely. No backbone.

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"There will be no decision the eve of Nov 5th. It will be delayed for days,"

My wife of forty years has never been registered to vote. Her rational was if she registered she would get put on jury duty. Last time she renewed hr Drivers license she was automatically registered some how. We both received mail-in ballots even though they were never requested. Instructions state they must be POSTMARKED by Nov. 5 and received by Nov. 8. How does that even make sense. That means my state can't possibly begin counting until Nov 9 with official results sometime after that date. Insanity.

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That delay in counting allows the democrats to insert ballots into the system, just enough to win the state. Not sure how they do it, but my guess is that they go through the voter roll and pull non-voters and backfill with paper ballots previously returned to sender or manufactured for this purpose.

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This is the reason for the SwampTheVote movement which we hope fill be enough to overwhelm their cheating.

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If conservatives want to stop the Leftist drive, they need to vote!!!!! All the ego trips saying, “I am not going to vote”, are the cause of the leftist success. Vote, damn it.

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If voting made a difference, they wouldn't allow us to do it. I stand behind this comment even after Trump won last night. No matter who you vote for, Wall Street always gets bailed out. They all work for the same money/power people.

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Dr. Corsi on Dave Hodges' show- "We found algorithms in every state so far that can produce false but valid ballots".

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"Not sure how they do it" is the only thing in your post that is accurate.

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Right. That's why the democrat controlled swing states always need 5-10 days after the election to "count the votes". Start seeing.

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Quite easy with computers, algorithms, and people with no morals

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"Election officials say don’t give up your right to vote just to avoid jury duty. You could still get summoned if you have a driver's license or if you pay taxes." https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/elections-verify/claims-that-voting-makes-you-more-likely-to-be-picked-for-jury-duty-are-misleading/536-46d9be25-0362-4be9-b5af-d02958487286

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November 5 & 8, 2025! 🤣

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Did she vote?

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No, I voted twice! State results are now in question.

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I have been thinking that over the last 2 weeks. I am praying I am wrong. Who else but the commies said, ""Burn it down, man". Or "To make an omelet you have to break eggs"? I cannot fathom an admitted Trump victory and inauguration. I will believe it when I see it. Not sure if this is Stalin: "It doesn't matter who votes. It who COUNTS the votes that matter". Pray for our beloved country.

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Yes, it was Stalin.

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11/01/24: Speaking of Stalin, here's the 2024 American version of Russia in 1917:

James Kunstler (11/01/24): "A rather desperate gambit to oust Mr. Trump with a military coup, first advanced by former Pentagon official Rosa Brooks [nee Ehrenreich] in a February, 2017, op-ed in the high-toned journal Foreign Policy... has been resurrected now that Mr. Trump is firmly branded as Hitler ...meaning he can be eliminated by any means necessary..."

"Rosa Brooks is an American law professor, journalist, author and commentator on foreign policy, U.S. politics and criminal justice" (Wikipedia 11/01/24).

"In 1970 Rosa Brooks was born to prominent socialist activists Barbara Ehrenreich and John Ehrenreich... She was named after Rosa Parks and Rosa Luxemburg, the German revolutionary... Until her appointment to the Obama administration, [she] served on the Georgetown Law full-time faculty. Brooks, who wrote a weekly opinion column for the Los Angeles Times, holds degrees from Harvard, Oxford, and Yale Law School" (source: https://keywiki.org/Rosa_Brooks [11/01/24]).

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“holds degrees from Harvard, Oxford, and Yale Law School" (source: https://keywiki.org/Rosa_Brooks [11/01/24]).” Nuff said.

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Could be, MAGA and its 50% will be severely threatened by another steal.

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Ugh, those thoughts cross my mind daily. Pray people Pray.

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+1 @JustPlainBill, YOU ARE RIGHT.

I have come to suspect that all of the "red wave" / Trump victory predictions and assumptions jinx the process.

The sane outnumber the insane. The sane can cope with anything, but the insane cannot.

THE INSANE *MUST* FAKE A WIN. Their greatest fear is "coming down", alone, from positions of control. Have you ever seen a captured mongoose in a cage? A feral cat? Nowhere NEAR as vicious as the insane when cornered.

We cannot let them do as Maduro has done in Venezuela, as Lula has done in Brazil. This is our Hill to Die On.

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I’m sick of people using Hitler as a pejorative! We don’t know what happened in history since the allies obviously lied about a ton of stuff! They did not have to bomb Hiroshima or Nagasaki, they knew Pearl Harbor was going to be bombed, They could’ve prevented it. There were so much that they lied about.

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Not to mention, we have a couple generations of young people now that don't even know who any of these dictators were! lol. It's insane

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Common Core basically eliminated history.

It’s not on the tests so…..

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11/01/24: 25% of them have no idea who Biden is.

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For instance, I’m reading a series about the world fairs. They had a lot of sophisticated equipment back in the 1800s and it’s very weird that we supposedly lost a lot of beautiful techniques in construction and architecture. It’s on Substack and I would look it up. It’s very eye-opening.

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Yes. And please check out the destruction of the Morris Canal as a case in point.

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I will! Thank you very much, Jim!

Even though it hurts, I rather just know the truth!

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An entrepreneur was making ice cre -still a novelty - at the 1898 World’s Fair using: a simple solar reflector to produce the energy to run the freezer!

But, over a century later, WAAAA! We CAN’T rely on solar for our power because it just isn’t reliable or efficient! We NEED coal, and oil, and nuclear!

And the climate and energy normies refuse to even consider asking questions. Sooooo sad, and will help be the death of much of the life on our precious planet.

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Any idea what the name of the Substack is?

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The same people screeching "Hitler!" at everything flatly ignore that 30 million died under Stalin. But, Stalin good, Mao good, etc. Because they were atheist commies and that's what they want here.

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It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Now the lefties are starting to hate Solzhenitsyn because he was anti-Stalin... head-smacking.

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Henry Kissinger instructed President Gerald Ford NOT to receive Nobel Laureate Solzhenitsyn at the White House.

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Exactly! I’m so glad that there are intelligent people who can see right through the tricks!

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I have many Democratic and progressive friends. I can’t think of a single one who thinks that Stalin and Mao were “good.”

So maybe, with Halloween over now, it’s time to trot your beat-up straw man back into your storage closet.

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1) I said lefties - not Democrats or progressives; 2) I have plenty that HAVE said this; 3) you don't know what a straw man argument is, apparently.

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Pretty sure "Don" is a bot.

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May as well be.

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Bottom line - governments kill more people than anything / anybody else. People have a hard time accepting that.

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War is legalized murder and mayhem. War means the end of one people and the ascent of another. War is fought at all costs. People of the USA have forgotten this, they believe that war is civilized. War creates deep seated hatred. My dad was involved in the concentration camp cleanups and he told me once that he would hate Germans his entire life. MY counselor in high school was a Pacific Marine with the same feelings about Japan. The people involved in WW2 hated the enemy with a deep passion. No one cared about the Nukes, it got us out of the war quickly saving a million American and Japanese lives. You point out Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but Tokyo was fire bombed by B29s to almost total destruction with more lost lives than the nukes caused. It was one of many Japanese cities that were decimated.

Did Pearl Harbor know the Japanese were going to attack? IMHO, no. Did Washington DC? Yup. I remember from various movies and sources that peace talks were going on in DC as the Japanese were ready to attack. Yamamoto was in a government group in Japan that were trying to figure out how to beat the oil blockade from SE Asia that was happening. The die was cast to crush the American fleet in Hawaii to prevent the USA from attacking Japanese assets in Asia as they grabbed China and SE Asia. Thank goodness that the carriers were at sea on Dec. 7 which actually made the decision in the Pentagon that battleships were obsolete. Those carriers eventually made Midway a resounding win for the US. Back to the statement, I would guess that betting odds in DC would have favored an attack on Pearl Harbor but it was ignored as the warbirds were gliding into control. Remember the emo that was sent for Pearl Harbor to go to war status that was deflected and arrived way too late? Suspicious, but I think the commands in Hawaii were caught at a low readiness condition in ignorance.

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JohnAZ: My grandfather was stationed at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked on December 7, 1941. A week later he wrote a letter to my grandmother about the attack. In it he claimed that it was wrong for them to claim that"we were not prepared", but that they were told to prepare for a different threat, saboteurs in the harbor. He said he hoped that some day Americans would learn the truth about Pearl Harbor.

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