Trump’s victory is step one.

Fox looked at who still voted more for Kamala than Trump.

Folks making over $100000

College educated


Kinda sums it up, the elite lost. Joe Average is giving the USA another chance.

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The commies voted for Kamala. And when I say commies, that group is made up of people who mostly don't know they are (the professional class). They like the term "socialism" but don't really understand what that is. Believe me, I work with them in the corporatesphere. The reason they got defeated is because they don't do any homework and their beliefs are, as James says, built on fantasy, not reality. And that facade comes down quick when faced with how the world actually works.

I prefer James' term "Woke Jacobins" but they are also cultural Marxists and commies. James Lindsay covers all of this - the where, when, why and how - in his awesome publications.

But they lost. The American people aren't commie-friendly - even if the commies tried to sneak in their agenda under the guise of "equity and inclusion."

Thank God we are smarter than that!

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Since when did communists believe in wall Street?

In fact, they loathe it, but both parties here are pretty much fascists, aka public private mafia.

Communism it is not.

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I've studied communism/communists all my life and I'm 70 y,o. It was the oligarchs/Wall St. who brought in communism. They don't want it for themselves but they want it for the rest of us - they get to enjoy wealth but we don't. If you learn anything about communist Russia, you will learn it was basically run by a very small amount of very wealthy men who never shared that wealth with anyone else. You may want to read this book, by an author who studied this entire topic with extreme thoroughness:

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists


Here is just one question for you, it comes from a review of that book:

"Why did the 1917 American Red Cross Mission to Russia include more financiers than medical doctors? Rather than caring for the victims of war and revolution, its members seemed more intent on negotiating contracts with the Kerensky government and, subsequently, the Bolshevik regime."

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Yeah. When I was studying Russian in college during the mid-60's, I came across the word "dacha" meaning country estate and was stunned by the idea of country estates behind the Iron Curtain.

Fast forward 30 years. The Iron Curtain had fallen, the Evil Empire dissipated, and all was sweetness and light for a while. I happened to be working at a major university and came to know the professor in charge of the study abroad program that sent exchange students to Eastern Europe. The subjects of their theses and dissertations were astonishing. Business management in Ukraine! Technological innovation in Russia! Similar topics Czechoslovakia. That's when I realized the infrastructure for all this had to have been laid long, long ago. There were books on the subject but they were poorly publicized and few people were aware of them, much less read them.

Today it's all out in the open thanks to an alternative media - no longer alternative - which has become a battering ram for truth.

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I was in Soviet Union in 1977; was there a month and had to stay in hospital to have my appendix removed. I was able to talk to many Russians so I gathered lots of info about USSR. Here in America we can trace roots of Communism back to the Marxists who were kicked out of Germany and other European countries back in mid-1800s right after Karl Marx wrote Communist Manifesto. Abraham Lincoln let in these Marxists and used them to get re-elected.

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Yes -- I agree. In Communism, there is no Private Property. However, there is still a lot of Property. Who will "manage" all of this Property? The Party Leadership, of course. And so you get a Totalitarian - Administrative - Class. During Covid, many of these folks referred to themselves as "Experts."

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Absolutely correct. The NWO aka Mr. Global is their latest reiteration. Burns my ass that the U.S. military is used as their juggernaut to strip countries of their natural assets.

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Chilling, isn't it. Fascinating book I read about Armand Hammer by Jay Epstein illustrates your last point.

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"isms" of every kind are just tools, a mirage while they bleed you dry.

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Their Final Order will have elements of both Capitalism and Communism. Guess which will rule? The Few. For the rest? "You will own nothing and you will be happy.

The remedy is more Capitalism, right? No. That is the cause. The remedy always was Fascism or National Socialism. Keep the Capitalists in line, and running scared. Make them serve the nation for the good of all. Not persecution and confiscation or nationalization - except in extreme cases. Don't want to drive them away a la Atlas Shrugged. In his bluff way, Pinochet expressed the Truth: Of course you treat people who can make and do things very well.

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Not true. The commies just take over the institutions. They have done that quite well: See Marxist indoctrination in the universities, and DEI/ESG in the corporations.

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But yet, universities and corporations rely on milking the government.

What is it called when the private industries and the government walk hand in hand?


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Public Private Partnerships

Sounds benign

It isn’t

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I don't agree, communism takes over the means of production. I would suggest reading/watching some of James Lindsay's work on the topic. Newdiscourses.com.

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So communism means they run the military industrial complex? 😂

Last I checked in history, when it comes to universities in the USSR , people were able to get practically free education because educated workers benefit the state.

Here in Amerika, education is the most expensive and only benefits the wealthy who can buy their way in. What is the definition of a nation that is run by the wealthy?


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and "What" do the Universities teach??? Demoncrazy ProgreSSive Communism

Tyranny is Tyranny, the "Isms" just are for debating facades.

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It's Fascism when Government leads the dance. What we have is the opposite with the private sphere leading (at the highest level) - Plutocracy in other words.

You want to separate the two spheres, right? Can't be done in the modern industrial state. Actually, it was never really done since human life is an organic whole. In any case, one will lead. But which? You want the one that is faceless, devoted to profit alone, and beholden only to owners and shareholders to lead, right? Not the one voted in and that take an oath to serve.

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Here is a book you might be interested in reading, it confirms your statement about "the professional class" and communism:

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists


IMO this is an excellent book. See my other comment reply to Rob for more info.

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Thank you. And this probably would pair nicely with what James Lindsay's work on cultural Marxism and the way the Democrats and the left have used that to try to create a new USSR out of the US.

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Good, Grogan. Capitalism/Communism is one system, heads and tails. Communism is the fighting arm of Capitalism that breaks systems and nations not tied into the Capitalist global order. Of course things can and do go wrong. After a long travail, Russia has thrown this crap off and become Fascist. China, National Socialist, proud against to be the Han, the Sons of Heaven.

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I respectfully submit that fascism/communism is a false split. They are the same thing in essence. It bears out historically. They are both statist, exclusionary power grabs. They share much more than they differ. We're arguing about the distinctions between two pieces of silverware. It doesn't matter. What matters is that they are both essentially anti people.

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I think the only difference is that fascism tends to be extreme rightwing, and communism extreme leftwing. And culturally, they are different.

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That's the classic take, but doesn't that make it a full circle? I don't see the cultural difference either. People are killed, that's pretty much the same. Each decides their enemy, kills them and takes over. Rinse and repeat.

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The cultural part of Marxism is the most fascinating. This has been planned since at least the 1940s. The people who warned of creeping communism were correct. They saw the signs beginning with the depravity of the postmodernist movement, etc. This has all been a road towards the utter breakdown of western mores and culture. They aim to tear down normalcy, religion, community, and introduce indoctrination, especially of children. Notice how the Democrats fight to keep absolute filth on the shelves in schools so that young kids of 6 can access it? They are fine with Drag Queens in woman-face parading around and flashing themselves at toddlers? Utter depravity - straight out of postmodernism. Those people (Foucault, etc) were all into pedophilia too.

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In other words, they're totally different. But yes they both use guns, war just being the extension of politics by other means.

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Yes, that is a big difference.

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Fascism is completely different than communism. Fascism is nationalism while communism is globalism.

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Yeah, that's why they fought so viciously, right? Capitalism/Communism, being globalist, united against nationalism, be it Fascism or National Socialism - or the earlier form, Monarchism as per Czarist Russia.

I've just given you the master key to understand all things.

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Omg We are surely doomed when so many conflate liberalism with communism. Communists hate liberals for your information. Communism is internationalist (ie workers reject nationalism as a capitalist ploy to send them to wars). Liberalism is globalist ( ie a cabal of billionaires plotting to own everything) . There is a difference: in one, the little guy gets a roof and 3 squares and lives a long happy life in community. In the other, he’s deep in debt, cut off from family due to job changes, and worried he still might end up sleeping in the gutter or bleeding out on some foreign battlefield.

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11/11/24: It's Communism (Stalin's) with a Capitalist tip jar.

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would you call castro a capitalist? He died with a net worth of at least 400 million USD. All of the communist dictators are wealthy or die wealthy. The oligarchs in the US absolutely are communists. But not for themselves of course. They want to impose communism on the peasants. The worse part is millions of those very same peasants believe in communism. They believe in something that is contrary to human nature and can never work. No matter how many enemies of the people you have to murder to bring in the communist utopia.

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I prefer Marxists to communists. It has better punch and is a bit more accurate.

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Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.

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And you are writing this...why? As some aid for those that don't know that? or ??

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There's absolutely nothing communist about any of this. Just because communism had some features, such as totalitarianism, it doesn't make every other -ism that might share some of these traits communism too.

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Also: Spot the lefty! Lefties love to defend communism. Esp. China and Stalin. I asked one lefty why she thought the oppressive Chinese regime was a good thing and why she fought for it to come here - even though she thinks Chinese are oppressed (more cognitive dissonance to begin with). She said, "Oh I guess it works well for THEM."

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That was actually kind of brilliant, asking that question of a college commie.

What a splendid showcasing of their religious thought. Kudos!

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A self-described communist I met had a younger brother whose middle name was, "Countway, as in Countway Library at Harvard Medical School", he smugly said.

At that moment, I realized why so many well-fed Americans who never worked in Romanian salt mines as children self-describe as "communist", or "socialist".

It helps them to feel edgy, exotic, creative, intelligent, brilliant, fascinating, special -- everything they are not.

Edit: Being *both* a communist *and* a member of the Countway family "distinguished" the above undergrad from his peers and satisfied his conversational goals, which explains why he failed to notice his hypocrisy.

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You might enjoy this. Lindsay's Woke for Dummies. He breaks it all down:


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Remember on the old site, one poster said, Everyone should be able to go anywhere and do anything?

No borders. Extreme Individualism which is Capitalism which is Globalism which is Communism for the many.

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Do you have an issue with people traveling or something? Please clarify.

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They said, go anywhere and do anything once they got there. That's not just "traveling". It's just a fancy way of saying open borders. Milton Friedman said the same thing in a similar way.

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Except for the color revolution, the infiltration of DEI and ESG (textbook communism), the indoctrination by our educational institutions, the struggle sessions, the breaking up of the family unit, the attempt by the state to take our children through the trans craze among other things. Sure, Jan.

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I wrote a piece on why Kamala lost.

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Obama lost. Biden and Kamala were just useful tools.

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The intellectuals at a university seem to think that they are immune to propaganda since they are the smartest people in the world.

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As it turns out, they are more susceptible than just about anyone else.

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James put it perfectly: because they believe the credentialed other "experts".

T'is the credentialing that's the problem. If confers a counterfeit stamp of legitimacy, and thus, status: You're in, or you're out.

Status, not expertise, is the goal. Patronage is the reward of loyalists.

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It is pretty brilliant that they figured out that to get the "intellectual" professional class on board, all they had to do was make sure whoever spouted the lies sounded like a professor or touted impressive credentials.

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"He sounds like us. He speaks our language and wears our colors."

I call 'speaking Uni' a dialect. Talking to them outside of that dialect is like speaking French to a dog.

(I don't speak Uni, myself. Never learned the language. Thus, I have no authority, only the opinions of the uneducated, the grunting of hogs.)

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Exactly. In an interview with Hede Massing - a communist recruiter in the USA - she

declares how almost impossible it was to get working class people into/working for the party but the more easy to get 'the intellectuals and the middle class' because of lofty ideas.

See 46-48 minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZuHcPnni14&ab_channel=20thCenturyTimeMachine

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So "smart," they're stupid. They've educated themselves into a sneering idiocy.

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Disproportionate self importance is part of the problem

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It's not a matter of IQ (capacity), to say it's of ego (status) is closer to the mark.

Do they recognize or respect my status markers, or not? For instance, I wouldn't know whether a NASCAR mechanic is talking out his ass, so I don't know where he ranks on his tribe's totem pole. "Don't you know who I am?", they demand.

It's the sounds they make. Our hoots and calls determine if we're from the right tree.

Am I surrounded by friendly monkeys, or stranger monkeys? Because everybody knows those monkeys from that tree over there are crazy, stupid, and dangerous.

(The problem is, those monkeys believe the same thing about me. I don't make the right sounds.)

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Lie to a liar, steal from a thief, dupe a self-proclaimed "smart" person. . .

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"An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher.

The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy.

Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water."

~ John Gardner

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"An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher."


Incompetent Philosopher? How could you tell?

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Exactly. The world divides here. Some of us can see which ideas hold water and some of us can't.

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"Incompetent Philosopher? How could you tell?"

Good question. Might "incompetent philosopher" be redundant?

Dr. Thomas Sowell addressed this best when he said:

"It is so easy to be wrong-and to persist in being wrong-when the costs of being wrong are paid by others."

That’s a really good question. I think your question concerns LATENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY, and, ultimately, self-honesty, and the desire for contentment.

When a diesel truck mechanic fails to do a competent job, he (REAL diesel truck mechanics are ALL men) risks 80,000 pounds of fully-loaded tractor-trailer rig going 55 mph running out of control on a heavily-trafficked interstate. Should something go wrong, there are records of who last worked on the truck and who signed-off on their work. In other words, LOW LATENCY and HIGH ACCOUNTABILITY.

When concert pianists, diesel truck mechanics, jet fighter pilots, etc., make a mistake, feedback has low latency and high accountability. Either they improve quickly or they are forced to do something else, or they die, possibly taking others with them.

With philosophers, it takes years, decades, even generations for people to find flaws in their thinking.

--> Because of this, I suspect that "the life of the mind" might attract those who fear accountability, who actively yet subconsciously desire to rush past Truth with averted eyes straight to the wine and cheese, avoiding self-honesty and depriving themselves of the opportunity to achieve contentment.

Which might explain why many ancient philosophers (whose ideas have been VERIFIED by subsequent generations) tend to emphasize action.

Thanks for your question. It made me get off my ass, if only briefly.

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Removing Tenure would reduce Idiocy.

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Removing academia would do even more. Loving those "higher" ed. "vaccine" mandates :9

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And when you question their claim, they substantiate it with an opinion, and if they need to buttress that claim, they merely add additional opinions to their circular irrefutable equation.

At some point in their life, did they fall off the bus?

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I know this from experience within my own family. They believe their opinions are facts! They honestly do.

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Why would anyone send their kids to college now? We sent one to little-old Texas Tech and he came home a raving lunatic. Even west Texas is no haven of common sense.

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The Progressive Elites who believed it was their Divine Right to rule us lesser humans. We finally realized, as Glenn Beck said; "We surround them."

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It's becoming more common to refer to them as the Progressive Parasites.

After surrounding them, it will be important to starve them out -- that is to say, to remove their status. Mass firings from government bureaucracies is one positive step down that road.

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I wrote a piece on why Kamala lost.

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I was surprised by the fact that the 65+ crowd voted more for Harris than Trump (barely, but still...); they must have believed the claims of the Dems that Trump plans to end their Social Security.

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It’s the TV news bunch that watches 24/7 that still thinks the news is Walter Cronkite. The rest of us have a smart phone can use a computer and realize the TV is no more than a movie screen for made up stories that woke up. From what I understand The Amish were pivotal. Want to save the world, turn off your TV!!!

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Yes, Amish were pivotal! In Lancaster County PA alone, something like 180,000 voted for Trump and they historically don't vote. That was enough to put Trump over the top. There's a really good video on You Tube by Nick Johnson channel on the Amish voting in PA. Nick went there and interviewed the Amish and did a great job. Husband grew up in the county Nick went to, lots of Amish there and he says they NEVER voted - until now.

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The Democrats fucked with their farms and found out.

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The Russians made them sell raw milk and use non-GMO seeds!

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Scott Presler registered them, hired vans ( out of his own $) to take them into "town" to vote.

He was the only person who thought about the .gov over-reach that was hurting them.

We owe Scott alot. He brought it.

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The last intact Israelite [ ishi - reign - eloi ] Tribe.

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I agree, although I interpret it as Isis-Ra-El, three Aryan gods denoting the Aryan majority, the Ten Tribes of the twelve. The Christians don't realize they are reading esoteric political messaging from a chronicle of a race war.

(I think your interpretation is more subtle, a valuable teaching moment to explore, thank you. My maternal line are conversos who came over from Germany to PA three years after the Thirty Years War, in 1651. We still have the land with our patriarch Einstein planted in its cemetary, some of the original "Pennsylvania Dutch".)

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What do you know about archaix.com?

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I wrote a piece on why Kamala lost.

I hope you enjoy. If so please forward to your friends and readers.



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Sadly - I think a LOT of that crowd are just dyed-in-the-wool Dems and won't switch parties, as well as, they think that being Woke is "cool" and makes them seem younger and in touch.

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I have them in my family. They're set in their ways, but hey, at 73, so am I. By the time you're over 65, you know what you believe and you are commited to it. I know that I am.

Plus, these people aren't into alt-media; especially not internet sources. They think a credible news source is PBS and programs like Washington Week in Review. They are convinced that The New York Times is the final word. These are the people who still have subscriptions.

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Oh they think PBS and NPR are the source of all truth - YEP. Those hushed, snobby English accents. That generation are suckers for them.

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I am a proud member of the generation that gave the world the Beatles, Bob Dylan, and Pink Floyd. It was easy to see in 2015 that NPR and PBS had joined that Satanic forces promoting nothing but Democrat propaganda, lies, and hate.

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Hmmm. You should read David McGowan's Laurel Canyon series. Lots of those musical acts you loved came from the same satanic forces.

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Pretty sure the Beatles were a beta test of mass cultural manipulation. The late Quincy Jones said words to the effect that they weren't musicians, before retracting his statement.

The WHO were way WAY ***WAY*** better.

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Yes - I'm of that generation, too, and saw that myself long ago.

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I'm a member of that same generation and remember when NPR turned cutesy with the introduction of "All Things Considered" in the late '70's. I stopped listening after that but still believed in PBS. Then in 2003, quite by chance, I stumbled across alt-media. It was nearly all micro-radio and shortwave back then (World Wide Christian Radio, a vast shortwave operation based in Nashville TN, carried many of the programs). But it didn't take off until years later with the Internet, and now X, and many have yet to catch up.

I was already 60-ish and set in my ways but not too set to recognize the truth when it smacks me upside the head.

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Not all of us are. I'm 70 y.o. and know many my age who are conservatives and Trump supporters. Depends on where part of the country you live in. I live in the South where most folks are conservative. In 2020, my county voted 96% for Trump and we have many people my age here.

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Absolutely. I think we're talking more about the loudest mouths, and the ones that rose to the top of the money chain. They tend to be libs.

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+1 If they're PBS and *ew York Times fans, they're probably multiply jabbed and boosted =D

*wheeling in the sky*

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👎🤢🤮 I myself can't find who I was responding to here bc they play musical comments. 👎

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That’s definitely the case for my parents (77 and 78). They’ve been playing the cool kids all their lives. My mother refers to herself as Betty Dancer. When my step-dad’s middle child decided in his 40s to fly to Thailand and become a ‘woman’ my parents were beside themselves with joy. They’re social cache with their crowd went thru the roof. It was like that Harry Potter scene “we have a witch in the family!”

That reference puts me in an unfavorable light. I’m ok with that. If Kevin wants to live as a person called Vivian that’s fine. He’s not a woman but whatever. Vivian just ran for a CO state senate position and lost. But the campaign picture showed a happy smile.

My sister married a man who at the time was considering transitioning. He put that aside for a while and tried. Didn’t work. He eventually decided he really needed to live as a woman. I hear my former BIL married a biological woman and is also happy, though with a very different personality.

My sister rabidly defends both his choice and her support of it. She’s quite preachy about the issue. And she’s been alone and desperately lonely with her liberal orthodoxy ever since. She seems righteously outraged a lot. And so rigid she disallows any discussion that might lead to a politics or religion. She changes the subject or begins spouting whatever’s allowed in the permission structure of her thought bubble on the given day. She’s my sis and she’s lonely so I just smile.

None of them understand why I’d worship Jesus or vote Trump. They wonder how I managed to wander so far off the reservation. But they all seem to appreciate my ability to love them with compassion. I have a deep sense of peace grounded in living a life of simple faith here in reality. I wish them (and everyone) that simple peace and fulfillment.

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Bless you for sticking to your guns and being who you are. I find most liberals to be miserable, because they are stuck in an impossibly grotesque mindset. No trans-widow is "happy" for them. They are told they have to be or they are a terrible person. I will guarantee that the vast majority of trans widows are heavily codependent. Trans widows who recovered or escaped, etc. have spoken on shows I watch, and it's pretty heartbreaking what they go through. First of all, TIMs (trans identified males who play at being women) are most often autogynophiles and/or narcissists, so while they are transing they torture their female partners emotionally and mentally like nobody's business. Then they leave them and the woman is supposed to understand.

I would give that asshole the heave-ho and never talk to him again. I mean, really? Why would any woman entertain this idiotic delusion? But they do. Whatever. I am hoping this presidency spells the end to some of the damage the LGBTQ++++++++ "community" were able to do.

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My mil was one of them and my father’s side of the family. All of them. Of course they are highly educated professionals. I’m the black sheep as my father was. He was a republican in a sea of liberal commie democrats. I’m not being facetious and they all live in California, Massachusetts or New Mexico.

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"I’m the black sheep"

You gotta be an outsider to see what's really up.

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My mamma (1914-2005) didn’t dull the lead on one pencil all the years she voted. She was a Yellow Dog Democrat and proud of it. “I only keep living to cancel your vote,” she told me. Progressive meant something else for her, but had she lived, even she would have been disgusted by their bullshit.

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Bingo Gringo!

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Deceptive demographic stat. The 65+ age group has the highest concentration of AWFLs. You can't simply assume "It's the boomers again."

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American Women's Football League???

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Affluent, White, Female, Liberal AKA Karen

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I think some of this goes to the Mass Formation cult-like behavior that occurred during Covid.

I am a 74 y/o white, college educated female and a former Democrat. I even ran for Congress in 1992 against the corporatist Jane Harman (came in 3rd out of 7).

I was a proud Democrat associated with the Paul Wellstone crowd. Then Bill Clinton opened my eyes to the Deep State and by the time 9/11 happened I felt politically homeless.

Then in 2007 I worked for Ron Paul for president while living in Conn. Obama suckered me in because I believed he would give us Medicare for All. When I realized what a snake he was and saw the Neocon shenanigans of Hillary and Co. I swung to Trump and stayed.

But back to the cultish behavior. Even here in deep blue Los Angeles (also being a retired RN helped) I saw right through the Covid BS from the beginning. I wouldn’t be “going along to get along” with any of it even though my UCLA doctor begged me to get jabbed.

So, for me, this election seemed to fall into two general categories: the “woke” cult believing everything the MSM was saying, and those of us who were questioning authority and were not drinking their bullshit Koolaid.

The non-woke won and at my age I am extremely thankful for this.

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I'm a 74-yr-old white college-educated male, who wasn't registered either way until Trump, as I knew Hillary would be same-old, same-old. Trump's presidency woke me up, thankfully. Research since then has revealed the longtime war against the American people, and humanity in general, on all levels of our existence. The real red pill is disturbingly awesome. But the tide is turning.

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Abby, congrats on your break out!

Have you considered starting an AWFLs Anonymous support group?

Could be fun!

I'm surprised that so many with a medical background went along with the Covid jab BS. Maybe they didn't realize what an EUA drug label means?

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We Boomers learned what our Greatest/Silent parents taught us.

We were kids in school during the Civil Rights Cultural Revolution.

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I watched this in my own little subset—my aunts—and believe this is the crowd who still watches the News Hour…from Cronkite days.

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That reminds me - no more public funding or airwave subsidies to PBS and other propaganda outlets. Now’s the time to put an end to that monkey business.

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Said the same to my brother two days ago. We were riffing about what needs defending. It is a long list!

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This 100%!!!

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They don’t realize how the democrat party has changed

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That or...perhaps a lot of the 65+ crowd were eliminated with Covid and the jabs over the last 4 years.

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It is ironic that Trump never said anything about ending Social Security; yet the Kamala crowd ate this lie up like it was candy.

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What Trump did say is that he will CONTINUE Social Security; yet somehow these people never heard that. Makes me wonder where they get their news from?

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And that would be truly amazing because they are old enough to have heard that talking point during every election cycle and nothing ever came of it

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Exactly! But they also are still of the "normie" mindset of believing "experts," so when the Harris ads during the news have "retired nurses" saying Trump will take away their Social Security" they believe it apparently. (I don't know where they found these people or how much they paid them, but it was quite disgusting to see their "testimonies" against Trump.

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This isn't true for people I know including myself.

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@Aelred A. You're shittin' me; how disappointing.

Apparently, there IS such a thing as living too long, rotting like a fallen mango enveloped in fruit flies, gutted by maggots on one's underside.

Happily, perhaps it's jab-related neurodegeneration =D

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Quite the graphic picture, Sedge! LOL. Perhaps, and there are also nurses who have courageously stood up for what they saw as right. They (the PAC that ran the ads) also got this mohawked boomer biker type to say the same thing: that he was voting for Harris because Trump was just out for himself. (Anyone w/ half their brain cells left might recall that DJT was ALREADY in office once and did not do any of that, but, hey, can't expect rational thinking in these things.) Anyway, moot point now.

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